Modders are at it again - this time, they're reworking your Mass Effect Legendary Edition experience by almost completely removing notorious cyber-ninja Kai Leng from Mass Effect 3.

Why not from the other two, you ask? Fortunately, BioWare stumbled only once - there is no trace of him earlier in the series. To put it simply, Kai Leng is not a very popular Mass Effect character - even though he's voiced by Troy Baker. The cybernetically improved former N7 marine is the right hand of Cerberus's Illusive Man, taking jobs as an assassin to secure human dominance in the galaxy. He's also a big part of several Mass Effect novels

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Fans of the series aren't very fond of Leng because of his weird appearance and pretentious speeches. If that's how you feel, you can now throw him overboard from your Legendary Edition journey. Thanks to the new mod, simply called 'Shut Up Leng' by Scottina123, Mass Effect 3 will get rid of all of his lines, while the character itself will receive aesthetic changes so that he merges with other Cerberus enemies you'll face.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Mod Changes Kai Leng's Appearance To Phantom
Mass Effect 3's Kai Leng Switched To Phantom By A New Mod

According to the features list, the project carefully erases Kai Leng from the game as much as possible. On top of never hearing him speak, you can also forget about his wavy hair and sullen face, as the villain now has a full-face helmet. Basically, he's now only one of many Phantoms that Cerberus will throw at Shepard.

The creator also removed Leng from all of the sections that you encounter him during the game, like the attack on the Citadel, the dialogue with the Illusive Man on Mars, and even the boss fight on Thessia. All mentions of Kai Leng that you can find on the terminals have also been removed. You can download the mod from its Nexus page - supposing you won't miss the cyber-assassin.

If you're never played Mass Effect before, now is probably the best time to fill this gap as the Legendary Edition bundle has been available on Xbox Game Pass since January. You can even get yourself a happy ending for the entire trilogy thanks to a very popular mod.

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