If the rumors are to be believed, tomorrow we're going to see the announcement, finally, of a Mass Effect Trilogy remaster. We don't yet know what exactly this will entail, but we do know one thing about you, the person who's going to buy and play it:

You're going to make the exact same choices this time around, aren't you. Even though you promised yourself you wouldn't. Even though you thought to yourself, "hey, maybe this time I'll try something different."

Yes, you said to yourself that this time around it would be fun to try to go full Renegade, and maybe that will hold true for a few minutes before muscle memory takes over (except for the occasional fun quick-time event).

PREVIOUSLY: 15 Choices In Mass Effect That Didn't Even Matter

Sure, you thought it might be interesting to see how the story plays out without Wrex in it, but we all know what's going to happen there. Nobody wants to have to deal with Wreav in Mass Effect 2, anyway.

Yes, you said you'd maybe save Kaiden this time, instead of leaving him to die - but then instinct kicks in and before you know it Ashley is being picked up from Virmire while Kaiden gets vaporized.

And frankly, of course you're going to romance Liara T'Soni. Because "humans are boring," you say to yourself to justify why you aren't siding with your surviving homo sapiens. And there's no doubt that you'll eventually dump Liara for Tali later in the series anyway when you realize that that is a possibility.

Or maybe it's Garrus, for you. Or maybe it's Kaiden, actually, because you saved him, actually, and sure, he's a bit cute in his own way.

The point is that there is no point lying to yourself. You're the same you you were when you first played these amazing games back in the day, and no matter how hard you try, you're going to make those same decisions every time around.

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