In the Mass Effect universe, humanity is united under the Systems Alliance, and in the mid-22nd century, the Alliance is quickly colonizing the galaxy... and learning that it can be a rather rough neighborhood at times. The galaxy is vast and beautiful, but also dangerous, and no region is more hazardous than the infamous Terminus Systems. No one goes there too casually.

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The galaxy is split into regions, with Council Space being the safest, and the Attican Traverse being rather iffy. The Terminus Systems region is no doubt the scariest one to visit, but all the same, Commander Shepard goes there more than once, especially in 2185 in a bid to defeat the Collectors on behalf of the Cerberus organization. What else should space travelers know about the Terminus Systems?

10 The Latin Name

elcor mass effect

This region of space has a distinctly Latin name, and "Terminus" can be thought of as "the end of the road" or "boundary stone." To be sure, the Terminus Systems can be thought of as the galaxy's overgrown, weed-choked backyard, with fences on one end and the "house" (Council space) being on the other end.

Space often has "roads" in works of science fiction, pre-mapped routes that ships may use to avoid dangerous planets, black holes, asteroid fields, and other hazards. Any safe road in Council space may eventually branch off the beaten path and end up in the wild frontier of the Terminus Systems.

9 It's A Good Hiding Place

jack mass effect

Many outlaws, rogues, criminals, smugglers, and more in the Mass Effect universe need somewhere they can hide, either from the authorities, their enemies, or even their creditors. In Council space, there are eyes and C-Sec agents everywhere, not to mention Turian patrols.

By contrast, the Terminus Systems region is decentralized, and there is no formal police force there. So, a person who wants to vanish can easily choose a remote planet, moon, or space station and blend right in, and disappear from the grid. That's not so easy to do on the Citadel, especially with C-Sec around.

8 It Has A Standoff With The Council

normandy SR2 mass effect

Someone might wonder why the Council doesn't simply send an occupational fleet into the Terminus Systems, or why the Terminus denizens don't raid Council space more often. Put simply, these two sides are wary of one another, and either one wants war if they can help it.

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The Council has advantages in terms of technology, finances, resources, and the fleet of the Turian people, but the Terminus Systems region is huge, and the raiders, pirates, and mercenaries there will fight hard if the Council attacks them. So, the two sides have learned to maintain an uneasy peace.

7 The Turians Have Mapped It

turian councilor mass effect

Some time before the Systems Alliance began colonizing space, the Turian Hierarchy mapped out the Terminus Systems region, just to be prepared. A good general will have all the information they need, just in case the enemy decides to attack all of a sudden. There is a lot at stake.

Now, the Council can handle a war with the Terminus Systems a little better, since all the space lanes, asteroid fields, nebulas, black holes and more have been mapped out. It won't guarantee victory, but having this intel would certainly help if all-out war broke out. Otherwise, the Terminus defenders would have an easy time hiding in the terrain, so to speak.

6 Lots Of Scary Weapons Are Used There

zaeed mass effect

Regular firearms can be found and legally purchased in Citadel space, but many of the most powerful firearms are freely used in the Terminus Systems, since most people and planets there make their own rules. The question is whether a given person or group want to buy certain guns, not whether they can.

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Out there, it's kill or be killed in many cases, and the people of the Terminus Systems often carry heavy firepower around, whether or not they are mercenaries. On Omega, a seedy space station, practically everyone is toting a pistol, and mercenaries have no trouble buying grenade launchers and rocket launchers for battle.

5 Power Changes Hands Quickly

aria t'loak mass effect

Since the Terminus Systems is so decentralized and unstable, it's up to each individual or group to claim power their own way; democracy and bureaucracy are rare in this region. Often, pirates and bandits will form their own gangs and fiefdoms, and fight hard each day to protect their hard-won territory. No one can afford to get cozy for long.

For this reason, petty kingdoms and crime families rise and fall quite often, such as if someone betrays the organization or if a stronger rival decides to destroy its enemies to claim their resources. And there are certainly no police or formal armies to call upon for help, though mercenaries can be hired to help with defense.

4 Mercenaries Love It There

blue suns mass effect

Unsurprisingly, the Terminus Systems is a haven for hardened mercenaries of all races and creeds. Many of them are Krogan warriors who are chasing glory and cash, while others are part of a larger organization, such as the Blue Suns, the Eclipse or the brutal Blood Pack.

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Mercenaries always have work in the Terminus Systems, since raids, feuds, and turf wars are a fact of life in that region. On Omega, in particular, the "big three" mercenary gangs find a lot of work, and they have divvied up the station between the three of them, as much as Aria T'Loak will allow.

3 The Geth Are Found There

geth mass effect

This region is also the home of the powerful Geth, the creations of the Quarian people. After all, Rannoch is where the Geth were first built, and the Tikkun system is near the edge of the Terminus Systems, far from the Citadel. The Geth see little reason to leave this neck of the galaxy.

The Geth have been largely defensive since they overthrew the Quarians, instead building up their forces and evolving as machines while defending their territory. The Geth spent much of their history hidden behind the Perseus Veil, a natural landmark of the Terminus Systems. No one dares to visit the other side.

2 Slavery Is Common In The Terminus Systems

shepard mass effect

As one might expect, the Council strictly forbids slavery, among other immoral practices such as human trafficking. Such societal ills are quickly uncovered and dealt with in Council space, but out in the Terminus Systems, slavery is alive and well. Few, if any, parties will crusade against it and free all the slaves out there.

Slaves may be of any race, advanced or primitive, and they may be captured from remote colonies or from captured spaceships. These slaves will then be put to work doing just about anything, from running a refinery or a factory to mining or other manual labor. Ans there is little the Council can do to stop it.

1 The Terminus Systems Is Not Seen As A Lost Cause

eden prime mass effect

Some planets are so rich in natural resources, or have such ideal living conditions, that they are worth colonizing even if they are in an iffy region of space. Eden Prime was located close to the Attican Traverse, and many colonies belonging to Council races can be found even in the Terminus Systems, of all places.

These colonies are remote and exposed to peril, but then again, they belong to races that can afford to send defensive fleets and soldiers to guard them, such as from Turian fleets or even Alliance Navy detachments. Even now, the Asari, Turians, humans, and more have colonies out there, and besides, there is only so much room in Council space for colonization. Eventually, the Terminus Systems will be the only remaining frontier, dangerous or not.

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