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Minecraft is a gaming sensation that's been a part of society in a big way ever since its release. The game has gone on to be used as an educational tool and is setting records all the time in terms of total copies sold. Not a day goes by where a new group of kids don't start up a world for the first time and find a game they'll be hooked on for a long while.

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Crafting and mining are the biggest parts of the game, with them being equal parts of its title. Newcomers need to know what the best tips are for mining, so they can find iron, emeralds, and diamond as soon and as safely as possible.

Updated September 13, 2021, by Jerrad Wyche: Minecraft is one of the most successful video games of all time in terms of pop culture influence and sales, with its popularity continuing to grow year after year. The game recently saw the addition of the Caves & Cliffs update which added plenty of new items, biomes, and additional gameplay mechanics. Many of the classic mining tricks haven't changed, despite the game seeing over a dozen updates since their original inception.

12 Be Prepared For Combat

combat minecraft caves mining enemies

If you're the type of player who loves to make things as safe as possible when you decide to mine for ore and other resources in Minecraft, you may assume that you won't have to worry about fighting. The truth is, that real mining is an adventure all its own and digging tunnels can lead to the discovery of hidden rooms and caves.

In the darkness, these spaces are often occupied by enemies, and that means that you must be prepared to fight for your life with either a sword or other weapon.

11 Danger Is Worth The Risk

danger lava lake pool mining caves minecraft

Danger comes in many forms in the world of Minecraft. Most people attribute danger in Survival Mode to the enemies, such as zombies and skeletons, that you can face off against at night or in dark areas of the map.

The truth is that the world itself is also dangerous, and that's due to random lakes of lava that can be found when mining. This is in addition to the pitfall drops and other things that can pop up as you focus on collecting diamonds or other ores below the surface level. The risk is worth the reward, as long as you're careful.

10 Patience And Understanding

mining caverns paths minecraft

There's no getting around the fact that mining for resources is a tedious task that can get boring and best pairs with an entertaining podcast or music of some sort. Some people find solace in the monotony, while others would rather be doing anything else in Minecraft.

The game rewards patience and players who commit can be rewarded with better tools that are not only faster when it comes to mining but can double and/or triple the number of resources gathered per block that is mined.

9 Bring Plenty Of Torches

minecraft torches for caves

In Minecraft, you can rarely have too many torches. It may not be as much of an issue when mining in a controlled and personally crafted mine, but if the mining is conducted in a naturally occurring cave system, those torches can disappear quickly.

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Players who may not like carrying stacks of torches may want to consider carrying the raw materials used for crafting them instead. Either way, the light in Minecraft can make the difference between returning home with diamonds and shutting off the console due to the anger from dying to an enemy.

8 Know What You Need

minecraft tool crafting

As simple as it may sound, simply knowing what is needed and what can be avoided is a huge part of making mining in Minecraft a better experience. If a player has chests full of charcoal, then they know that when they go mining they can mark and leave it for later and spend their time searching for resources they're short on or need for a new project.

Sure, it's also good to gather more, but sometimes it's best to focus on the task at hand and put effort into the things that matter the most.

7 Natural Caves Are Treasure Troves

minecraft natural caves

Minecraft players can often be placed in one of two categories. Generally speaking, most players are either the exploring/adventuring type or they're the gathering/crafting/building type. Many players exhibit both, but everyone has their preferences at the end of the day.

Natural caves happen to be a place in which both types should explore. They have plenty of enemies for explorers, but the number of resources available that can be easily discovered will have the gatherers foaming at the mouth with excitement.

6 Dig Around Other Resources

minecraft ore blocks

A nifty little secret developers of Minecraft implemented into the game's code is that some resources tend to spawn near other resources. Redstone is known for being a point of interest since diamond blocks can often be found touching or in the vicinity of the glowing red rock.

Whenever a player comes across resource blocks it's in their best interest to dig a bit around where it's located, because more often than you would assume you could come upon a nice surprise in the form of a hidden reward.

5 Build A Safe Mine

minecraft personal crafted mineshaft

Though Minecraft isn't a real job, it's always best to practice safety. When building a personal mine there are a few things players can do to make their mine a safer and more secure facility for them and anyone else they're playing with.

By lighting up the area effectively and confirming that there are no pitfalls or sheer drops, it can allow players to develop a real sense of security and the brainpower can be used to figure out where and how they need to mine.

4 Don't Be Afraid To Use Minecarts

minecraft mine cart chest

Redstone is a resource in Minecraft that seems complicated and only something smarter players can and should use, but that's not the case. It's really easy to understand and pairing it with a minecart can make traversing a personal mine pretty quick and seamless.

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The motion of running down a flight of stairs, only to run back up gets tedious. Using minecarts can allow players to check their phone for a second, or simply take a drink or eat a snack while allowing the whole process to become an automated event.

3 Be Efficient With Your Digging

minecraft efficiency mining technique

Unless the goal is to dig out an entire underground compound, the focus of mining is to maximize efficiency with every ounce of effort. One of the more efficient mining techniques is to first start by digging a long straight tunnel that's two blocks high and one block wide.

Then on each side wall players will skip a block then dig as deep as they can one block up. By then skipping two spaces and doing this again it will maximize how many blocks can be seen while at the same time allowing the player to dig efficiently.

2 Avoid Lava Surprises

minecraft lava diamond blocks

It can be exciting to come across an emerald or diamond when mining for resources. If it's the first occurrence for a player they can be overcome with emotion and let their actions overtake their logic and reasoning.

The most common accident comes when players begin digging out these blocks and don't realize lava is hiding behind them. That's why it is never recommended to dig directly down, and to always have dirt or cobblestone in the Hotbar to quickly change to it and cover holes before the lava starts to pour out.

1 Diamond Levels

diamond ore blocks room

Knowing is half the battle, and when it comes to Minecraft it's important to know that certain resources only exist in certain levels of terrain. The most sought-after of these materials, diamonds, can generally be found on the height levels between 5-12, noted on any in-game map.

The prime levels of 5-12 are considered the most common areas to come across diamonds. Just be careful to not dig out a diamond block only to be met the surprising flow of lava, resulting in a nasty burn.

NEXT: Minecraft: Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)