MMORPGs have long been a staple in gaming -- especially for PC-only games. These worlds are massive, go through regular updates, and foster huge communities of players that love to play the game. Many players will spend hours each day in these worlds, and the game will become like a second home.

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There have been several MMORPG series that have come and gone over the years. Some Pay-to-play games have switched to a free model, and some free games have put in paid content to help support the game. Even with the constantly changing world of gaming, though, this genre is here to stay, but some gamers on Reddit don't feel like the genre is all that great.

10 The MMORPG Community Ruins Games

Black Dessert Online

Gaming communities can be hit or miss, but some players believe that MMORPGs just aren't good community games. These players believe that the communities for these games typically drive away new players, but there are a lot of stories out there about goodwill in MMOs.

Final Fantasy XIV even added in a chat channel specifically to help support new players when they join the game.

9 Free MMORPGs Are a Scam

Maplestory Enemy

There has long been a debate between playing free or paid games and which ones have the best quality. Many MMORPGs like Maplestory rely on a cash shop instead of a monthly fee to keep running. Some players feel like free games are a scam purely made to get players to keep spending money.

While the idea of making players want to spend money is true, many companies have a strict cosmetic rule for their shops.

8 MMORPGs Are Just Tedious

Barbarian Assault Runescape Penance Queen and Fighter Torso

It's true that playing MMORPGs can get tedious, especially when players hit an awkward level without any good monsters to farm. Some gamers believe that MMORPGs, in general, are nothing more than a list of boring tasks meant to gulp up the player's time.

These gamers don't find the grinding aspect of the game's fun and are put off by leveling systems in the genre.

7 New Games Are Dumbed Down

Rift Characters

MMORPGs have been around for quite some time now, and some veteran players feel that the genre is way too easy now. It's true that many games have now been streamlined, and some are even built to appeal to more casual gamers who don't want to sink hours in each week.

Related: 10 MMORPGs With Beautiful Art But Terrible Gameplay

These gamers feel that the original set of MMOs offered much more challenge than even some of the more complicated titles today.

6 MMORPGs Need to be More Streamlined

Tera Lancer in Combat

On the flip side, there are a handful of Reddit users who feel like it's time these games were completely streamlined. This means toning down the way spells are switched between and allowing the player to teleport to just about any location they want in the game.

This would mean losing some depth, but these players feel like the easier controls would make up for it.

5 Cash Shops Shouldn't Exit in Paid Games

Final Fantasy XIV gameplay screenshot

Cash Shops in paid games are another topic of debate, but most players agree that as long as the shop is cosmetic, then it's fine. Some players feel like paying a fee to the game should mean that even additional costumes should be made available to players or at least given out in events.

While several paid games do give out festive outfits for free, they do often offer premium outfits in a separate shop.

4 World of Warcraft Ruined Paid to Play Games

Art of Edwin VanCleef from World Of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is a titan in the MMORPG world and completely took over when it was released. Due to its popularity and fun mechanics, other paid games did lose players, and some even had to shut down. This has led some gamers to believe that WoW is responsible for ruining paid MMOs.

Related: MMORPG: 5 Reasons To Play Guild Wars 2 (& 5 Reasons To Play FFXIV)

It's true that most games are free-to-play, but many companies do report that they have made more money with a cash shop model.

3 MMORPGs Are Too Mainstream

A promotional image for the game

Games, in general, have come a long way over the years, and gaming is now a common hobby. Some players feel like this has made MMORPGs cater to newer audiences and try to lure in as many players as possible, forgetting what made them great along the way.

While newer games do have a wider appeal, it's completely up to the player which games are best.

2 MMORPGs Shouldn't Cater to Time-Restricted Players

Armiger in ESO

A lot of MMORPGs are being made to be a bit more rewarding to players. This is due to many gamers now becoming adults and having less time to play due to family and job requirements. Some fans feel that catering to players who can't put in the time is a bit unfair.

They feel that rewards should take more to earn than just a couple of hours of event play.

1 End Game Shouldn't Exist

A character standing in front of a garden.
Everquest Old MMO

End Game is something that seems to happen with just about every title, and it can be heartbreaking when you truly love a game. Some players feel like MMORPGs should have a constantly scaling world that will let them keep leveling forever if they wish to keep playing it.

While this isn't a bad idea, it would cause many MMOs to become unbalanced with their current models.

Next: Ranking The 15 Best MMORPGs Of All Time