There is a movie based on the Monster Hunter series that is currently in production. Capcom has brought Paul W. S. Anderson back on board after the incredible success of his Resident Evil movie series, which means that he brought his wife, Milla Jovovich, along for the ride as one of the main characters.

Milla Jovovich has uploaded some behind-the-scenes pictures of the Monster Hunter production to her Instagram account and the fact that it looks like a generic army movie has rubbed some fans the wrong way.

The reason why soldiers are appearing in a Monster Hunter movie is due to the story involving a portal that connects our world to the Monster Hunter world and a UN task force has to take up the mantle of the hunters in order to prevent monsters arriving in our world.

This isn't the first glimpse we have seen of the Monster Hunter movie, as Diego Boneta had previously uploaded a picture to his own Instagram that showed him in his army gear, which had also drawn the ire of Monster Hunter fans.

The only picture that has shown anything Monster Hunter related is one image of Milla Jovovich wielding a slinger from Monster Hunter World. 

The fan reaction to this new direction for the Monster Hunter franchise has been mostly negative, as can be seen in the comments on Mrs. Jovovich's Instagram posts. There are many who feel that bringing in characters from the real world is too much of a departure from what the series is supposed to be about and the fact that those characters are soldiers is making it seem as if they are making a Call of Duty movie instead of a Monster Hunter one.

Previously - First Picture From Monster Hunter Movie Set Shows Man With Machine Gun

The reason why the filmmakers are going with a Captain N approach to the story likely has to do with budgetary reasons, as a Monster Hunter movie would quickly run out of money if it only involved hunting monsters.

The idea of introducing the main cast as members of a UN task force was likely created so that part of the film could be set in a contemporary location, which would be a lot cheaper to film in.

If Monster Hunter is a success, then it may be possible for any sequels to be set in the world of the games without needing to resort to involving characters from our world, especially if they are able to acquire a bigger budget for the later films.