A new Monster Hunter is here, and that means fans have to start from the beginning once more. Time to gather a bunch of herbs, berries, and ore to keep a good stock of potions and craft new armor. Thankfully, Monster Hunter Rise is all about streamlining things for new players and veterans alike.

My favorite quality of life change, by far, is the way gathering spots are now handled. In Monster Hunter World, you had to interact with a gathering spot three times to earn everything it had to offer. In Generations Ultimate, which models itself a lot off of the older games, you would start a whole new quest dedicated to farming resources. In Rise? Just approach a gathering spot, hit the button once, and you have all the resources.

Related: Monster Hunter Rise Fixes One Of My Biggest Problems With Monster Hunter World

It's such a simple change, but it creates a lasting gameplay improvement. Now you can get the ore you need for the armor you're working towards as you hunt. No need to set big chunks of time aside for gathering. This goes in tandem with the new dog companion, who you can ride to get around the map quicker. Combined, these two mechanics make gathering a quick pit stop. It's much appreciated. Thank you, Capcom and Monster Hunter dev team.

Palamute in Monster Hunter Rise

In some ways, this emphasis on making Monster Hunter more welcoming makes the game a little too easy. The starting monsters are toned down a lot, and it can take a while until returning players come across the tough fights the series is known for. I think it's worth it, though, as there is a difference between grind and tedium. Reducing the amount of time it takes to gather is a move away from tedium. Now Rise just needs to add tougher monsters with its free post-launch content, and it will be on its way to a wonderful balance of friendliness and challenge.

If you want to read more of our thoughts on Monster Hunter Rise, check out our review. If you're already on board but want more in-depth info on the new mechanics, pay a visit to our complete guide.

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