Metal Gear is a game series where one moment you are discussing the effects of the military industrial complex and the next you are fighting a man who can control bees. It’s a rollercoaster ride of ridiculous characters and epic fights.

However, we can still manage to see ourselves in these characters. Like us, they have inner struggles and preferences. Even though they are caught up in such a crazy storyline, their behavior is still similar to ours. After all, how would we get attached to them otherwise?

The characters chosen for this list are sprinkled from various parts of the series. We tried to stick with as main-character as possible, even though the minor characters are just as fascinating. (Sorry, we do not know Fat Man or The Fear’s Myers-Briggs® type).

So here is a look at the Myers-Briggs® types of these characters.

9 9. Solid Snake - ISTP


Constantly adapting and depending on logic to get him through hard times, Solid Snake would definitely have the same personality type as Indiana Jones and James Bond. ISTPs are also known as “The Virtuoso” personality. They always keep their cool due to their rationality and they love to learn from their environment. They also do not mind pulling things apart to put them back together. All these traits scream Solid Snake. This type is also known for fairness, to treat someone with the same respect they treat you. How rational!

8 8. Otacon – INFP


Otacon is smart, but that definitely does not mean he is a T-type personality. He is incredibly sensitive and follows his heart. It is one of the aspects of him that makes him an interesting person to work with Solid Snake, since Solid Snake leans on cool rationality rather than feelings to get through his adventures.

INFPs are known as “The Mediator” and they are the sort of people who want to see the good in everyone. They can easily lose themselves on their quest for goodness and forget to take care of themselves.

7 7. Raiden – ISFP


Raiden has the personality type known for being unpredictable and spontaneous. They are not afraid to take risks just for the purpose of self-discovery. People with this type also are big into living in the moment to the point where they seldom plan far into the future.

Being a cyborg that throws himself into fights and constantly disappointing his girlfriend by never settling down, Raiden is a strong ISFP.

6 6. Naked Snake – INTJ


Also known as Big Boss, Naked Snake is a complicated character to pin down when it comes to his personality type. He has a paradoxical nature where he is an idealist but also a cynic. However, that is a staple of an INTJ personality.

INTJ’s are a rare personality within the 16 possibilities there are of Myers-Briggs® types. They are known as also known as “The Architect” personality because they often have a drive to shape society differently.

5 5. Liquid Snake – ENTJ


Liquid Snake’s personality type is nicknamed, “The Commander” personality. It’s the personality of a natural leader, someone who believes they can achieve anything they put their mind to. Willpower is one of their strongest assets. While they are not known as the most popular villain personality type like the INTJs, they certainly make for interesting villains because the drive they have to meet their goals is somewhat admirable despite the circumstances. ENTJs love a challenge and to partake in a battle of wits, much like what Liquid does with Solid Snake throughout the games by going head to head with him.

4 4. The Boss – INFJ


The Boss is INFJ from head to toe. These personality types take pride in being a mentor and see often see helping others and their purpose in life. Like the INTJ personality, INFJ personalities are known to be rare. The Boss is an idealist, but she does not believe in wasting her time. She wants to help people but not do it in a way knowing that the people will need help again. She likes to dig into the roots of an issue. Unsurprisingly, she has the personality type of those who are known to succeed in revolutions.

3 3. Ocelot - INTP


INTP is a personality that is enthusiastic about finding patterns and showing off their creativity. There would be nothing more offensive to an INTP than to be called “normal” or “common.” Ocelot certainly has this trait going on for him, since he keeps aiming to look cool and impress others. INTPs are known to share ideas that are not yet fully developed just to see how the people around them will react to help them develop the idea further. Ocelot is a lot like that, at least in Snake Eater where he seems to just mess around a lot.

2 2. EVA – ENFP


EVA is the party girl of the Metal Gear series. She is a free spirit who cannot be held down by others or convention. ENFPs fit that lifestyle and behavior.

They always look for deeper meaning and are people pleasers. However, they do not like to be tied down. Independence means a lot to them. They also tend to lean a lot of their intuition when making decisions. So while EVA likes to make others happy, she would not likely let that compromise what she wants.

1 1. Solidus Snake – ESTJ


It feels a little ironic that Solidus Snake gets the personality that is typical of a “model citizen” since he is a villain. However, his motive fits the bill for ESTJ. He wants to break out of the Patriot’s system and rebuild based off of the norms established at the beginning of the founding of the United States. Solidus also shares the same weakness of many ESTJs, which is that it’s hard for him to settle on the fact that not everyone agrees with the same moral system.