Despite its recent delay, a new Redfall trailer has just dropped, giving us another look at the co-op vampire hunting gameplay. It's pretty soon to be seeing more, as we had the initial gameplay reveal just a few weeks ago, but we're not complaining.

Redfall is an open world story-driven co-op shooter that's been promised to be just as fun alone as it is with friends. This new trailer doesn't reveal anything new, but it's a much more frenetic affair than the initial reveal, which functioned more as a gameplay demo than a standard trailer.

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In this new video, we're reintroduced to the four playable characters. There's Jacob Boyer, a spectral sharpshooter, Remi de la Rosa, an engineer with a cute robot companion, Devinder Crousley, a self-defined cryptidzoologist, and Layla Ellison, a telekinetic threat saddled with student debt.

The trailer shows off the variety of powers and abilities each character has. Boyer can turn himself invisible to get the drop on unsuspecting bloodsuckers, Rosa can use gadgets to turn the tide of battle, Crousley can stun the undead with traps, and Ellison can summon helpful elevators that allow teammates to leap high into the air over enemies.

Despite the game's focus on cop-op play, it turns out story progression is tied to the host, meaning if you want to play the game with friends, you'll have to be prepared to play through it multiple times.

Fans were, unsurprisingly, not happy about this news. The devs explained it was to ensure no one got confused and had missions skipped automatically, but fans responded that there could just be an option to skip missions that had already been played, rather than forcing people to do them again.

Redfall was initially due to launch this summer, but even though it started development in 2017, we won't get our hands on it till next year at the earliest. Good things come to those who wait.

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