The scale of Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds is massive; it's a mobile game that was launched with dozens of hours of content and intricate crafting, questing, leveling, and grinding systems in place. But because of the number of things to do in the game and the in-game microtransactions that make the game easier or harder when purchased, there are plenty of things that everyone completely misses when playing through the game.

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As the original game was for mobile-centric players, the PC launch had many people starting fresh who weren't used to specific gameplay mechanics or tactics to which mobile players had grown accustomed. And, seeing as how the first two games were for console and PC players, it's safe to assume that the switch also confused many older fans of the series.

10 Early Game Crafting

Blacksmith - Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds

One of the biggest things every player misses early on in the game is the crafting of weapons and armor. But it’s not that players should craft as much as possible early on; it’s more often than not that you shouldn’t.

While the game gives you plenty of resources to craft these weapons and armor given to you, it’s better to save it for the late game. The reasoning is that you absolutely will have an abundance of gold and will be farming for resources when you hit a level wall. It’s better to save for then, when you need power the most.

9 Spending Territe

Territe - Ni No Kuni

Many experienced players will tell you that spending territe recklessly is something everyone misses in the beginning unless warned. Territe is the most crucial resource in the game, and the game encourages you to spend it as recklessly as possible early on.

However, ignoring the game's requests and insistent tutorials will give you a massive advantage over many of the current players playing right now. The reason it's so important is that it's for upgrading familiars, weapons, armor, and accessories from their max limited power to even greater heights.

8 Familiar Adventurer Tickets

Familiar Adventures - Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds

Undoubtedly one of the best ways to get territe in the game is through adventuring with familiars. The importance of adventuring is often overlooked and is made to seem like just a way to gather more gold, pods for familiars, and resources for your kingdom.

The one thing everyone misses, however, and the game neglects to mention, is that adventuring is not only the worst way to get gold and familiar pods, but it’s also harmful to spend all your tickets in one day. The adventuring area resets every five hours, so precious mines of territe can be farmed consistently as long as you don’t waste your tickets attacking familiars or mining gold.

7 Leveling Up Familiars

Leveling Four Star Familiars - Ni No Kuni

Familiars are a tricky thing to deal with in Cross Worlds due to the majority of familiars being underwhelmingly useless for battling in arenas and grinding in combat. One of the most important things everyone misses is leveling up these familiars because the game makes it seem like the right thing to do.

RELATED: Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds - Complete Familiar Guide

Overall, it would be best if you didn’t level up familiars unless they’re at minimum a four-star. This can be seen as a problem because getting a four-star familiar is only possible in gacha pulls. Luckily, the game gives you a large stream of tickets to do free gacha pulls and events where you can earn familiars by just playing the game.

6 Diamond Spending

Diamond Rebate - Ni No Kuni

Diamonds are the in-game currency bought with real money, and they are also given away for free occasionally when finishing specific tasks and leveling up throughout the game. But, the worst thing about diamonds is how tempting it can be to do the gacha pulls in the summoning shop or spend diamonds for tickets and other passes.

The one thing many players miss the most is the secret diamond rebate bundle hidden away in the back of the shop. You buy this bundle for around 1,600 diamonds and get it back with extra valuable rewards.

5 Forming A Party

Ni No Kuni - Party System

Forming parties is understandably not everyone’s thing when playing multiplayer games because of nervousness or just wanting to play solo. That being said, it is a mistake not to form parties with people in Cross Worlds.

Parties are essential when farming for resources, due to the bonus status effects applied when up to five people in the same area and channel farming monsters. With each person, a percentage of three is given to extra money and prizes dropped by monsters, making it highly likely to gain better items.

4 Energy Potions

Energy Potions - Ni No Kuni

A precious resource that many people will often misuse or miss the point of entirely is energy potions. These energy potions can give upwards to 700 percent more EXP as well as more item drops and gold. They can only be purchased in the shop or received as a reward for completing tasks.

What people miss entirely though, is that these items should only be used once you hit a wall when leveling. The first 40 levels of the game are easily obtainable by following the main story missions. When seeing this potion, players will often use it while low-leveled, essentially wasting them when they are difficult to get.

3 Guild Kingdom System

Kingdom Guild - Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds

The Kingdom system in Cross Worlds is introduced early in the game after establishing yourself as an adventurer and guardian to re-establish the nameless kingdom. While it may not seem important at first and even a bit intimidating to see a bunch of established kingdoms, it will help you out early on and in the long run.

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Most players miss this opportunity and only end up joining a kingdom when they’re between levels 30 and 40 when guilds start inviting players who have put time into the game. Joining a kingdom early on will give you a bountiful amount of resources, a kingdom shop where you can buy EXP and materials for upgrades, quests for more rewards, and the ability to cook food.

2 Vistas And Chest Locations

Vistas Locations - Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds

Vistas and chests are introduced at the beginning of the game as something you can find around the map and collect for CP and extra valuable resources. However, they only give you a few keys to open chests in the first area.

Most people will either forget about these sources of power or write them off as collectibles that mean nothing. It’s a huge missed opportunity to walk around the maps and explore while gaining free points for touching monuments and opening chests with keys that are essentially a standard monster drop.

1 Misleading Combat Power

Combat Power Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds

CP or combat power is an element of the game that tutorials and achievements will constantly push for you to get as high of a combat power as possible. The main drawback of this is that it is very misleading regarding actual attack power.

Everyone misses in the game that while having a high combat power is good for gaining rewards and can lead to familiars and weapons having a high attack power, it does not always mean you will be more powerful fighting. Making sure that your weapons, familiars, skills, and gear are all in unison in creating a build is more important for a successful character overall and will lead you to die less.

NEXT: Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds - Most Beautiful Areas In The Game