A genius going by the username "RioVEVO" has created an incredible edit, pitting streaming giants Ninja and xQc against each other by way of verbal yelling match. The result of the melded clips is nothing short of hilarious, as both hyperactive personalities seem to be convincingly yelling at each other.

(Warning: Loud NSFW Language)

The post was quickly upvoted to the top of xQc's subreddit, many users praising the comedic juxtaposition of the two viral clips. The clip from Ninja is perhaps his most famous outburst, losing his cool on a young opponent through PUBG's notorious proximity chat. The intense yelling bout is consistently referenced by those looking to get under the Mixer streamer's skin. When Ninja made a cat-throwing joke about Alinity back in September of last year, she was quick to throw his own quote back at him.

The clip of xQc was very recent, however, yelling at a young Fortnite player that he randomly matched with in the duo mode. Predictably, xQc showed no mercy towards the player when he came across as hostile, doubling down on the rudeness.

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The edit certainly entertained a large audience on Reddit, many claiming that the video is an accurate simulation of how an interaction between the two would unfold. It even garnered the attention of xQc himself, giving it a positive review by laughing and stating, "it was actually good!"

Another user broke-down why the clips work so well together, pointing out multiple similarities in the dialogue despite its short 14-second length.

Even though this fight wasn't real, people long for smack-talk between streaming personalities. A big reason as to why Dr Disrespect is so well-loved is due to his relentless assault on other streamers. Just the other day, The Doc mercilessly mocked his favorite target: TimTheTatman.

Regardless of whether of not streamer scuffles are real or staged, they always seem to entertain. A collaboration between Ninja and xQc would certainly draw some big numbers, both dominating on their respect platforms. Not only that, both streamers are known for their energetic personalities and high levels of skill in shooters – who knows what would happen if the two teamed up.

Source: Reddit, Twitter

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