Link is the main protagonist within the Legend of Zelda franchise which is why gamers everywhere have formed a passion for this character. The games each contain a different reincarnation of this character that varies with each new release in this series. Some fans have gone on to create epic pieces of fan art that show his likeness throughout the series.

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The artwork that has been created will take fans' breath away as they are astounded by the talent of these artists. They each incorporate a variety of artistic tools and techniques, as well as their own personal styles, into the final design of this character. Keep reading to see some amazing Link fan art that gamers will adore!

10 A Gorgeous Stare

Fans are obsessed with Link's stare in this portrait due to its intensity as it adds a realistic aspect to this character's form. The artistry itself is impressive as their use of lines adds a roughness to his demeanor. BayneezOne is the artist behind this piece whose mastery of their craft gave fans a Link that they adore.

9 A Wooded Wonderland

The background of this piece helps Link pop off the canvas as his blue eyes and golden hair are highlighted. Some notice the lack of movement of the piece, but others adore the proficient coloring and shading that the artist applied in this artwork. Maruuki is the artist behind this piece who gave fans an epic version of this character that they won't ever be able to forget.

8 A Black And White Sketch

This artist decided to pay tribute to the alternate form of this character known as Dark Link which appears in the game Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. He looks unbelievable in this piece as the artist took their time to nail the individual details through shading. It is unlike any other piece on this list and fans can thank TsaoShin for this creating this masterpiece.

7 Majestic In Blue

This version of Link is from the most recent game called The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and he looks amazing in blue. They made him a bit more realistic than he appears in the games by enhancing his facial features.

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Fans adore the slight design changes made to his outfit, as well as the movement the artist added through his flowing hair. Leirix is the artist who created this piece that has fans itching to play this game once again.

6 A Stained Glass Window

Stained glass windows are often beautiful works of art and this artist decided to combine this style with Link. It is gorgeous the way the artist utilized various colors and blocks of patterns to take this portrait to a whole new level. Ranefea is the artist who created this piece that fans wish they could have hanging in their own homes for the world to see.

5 A Gorgeous Headshot

This artist utilized a stencil design and various paints to bring this version of Link to life on canvas. Fans love the smooth lines and blocks of color that indicate shading within this piece. The way it was put in a black frame emphasizes his form and fans can thank Wooddyr for this rendition.

4 There Is Beauty In The Fine Details

The time and effort that was put into this piece are evident as viewers spend more time looking it over due to the immense amount of detail. The various points of light that highlight his face as it comes through the trees is a subtle detail that enhances this piece.

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The scratches on his shield were also a nice touch that few would remember to add. LethalDroid is the artist who created this piece that takes fans' breath away the moment they lay their eyes on it.

3 Colored Pencils Are Amazing

Colored pencils were utilized in the design of this version of Link and the mixture of colors is what makes it pop off the page. Fans also love the determined look on Link's face that is given by small adjustments to the turn of his mouth and eyes. TeeSee_Art created this artwork that leaves fans in awe of their artistic talent.

2 A Different Type Of Cartoon

Link is already created in a cartoon-like form, but this artist decided to create their own version. Fans love the geometric shapes found throughout his form as his eyes overhang his face and stark lines are used to add definition. In_A_Green_Hoodie created this piece that has fans dreaming of a cartoon for this character based on this design alone.

1 Messy Lines Can Be Art

This piece is unique as the artist utilized a variety of messy lines to give this piece texture. The way the lines extend out from his form adds movement to the piece while creating a different sort of rendition of this character. Cody James is the artist behind this piece who understood the value of this simple pattern and took it to a whole new level that fans can appreciate.

NEXT: 10 Easter Eggs You Didn't Know Were In Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild