More Nintendo Switch consoles are coming to Europe and the US despite the pandemic, but due to high demand, Japan is going to have to wait.

The video game industry is one of the few that has seen a boost in numbers during this uncertain time. As millions of people around the world are stuck inside, more people are turning to gaming for something to do than ever before. However, that demand also has an adverse effect as companies struggle to keep up with it.

Take Nintendo, for instance. As the COVID-19 outbreak has continued and worsened, Switches have become harder to come by. Nikkei has good news and bad news on that front. Shipments of the Switch will continue to the United States and Europe. However, shipments to Japan have been suspended. This is due to Nintendo not being able to meet demand thanks to disruptions in its supply chain.

Switches are manufactured in China and Vietnam, hence the problems in getting them made the last few months. Nintendo has confirmed that factories there have recovered and are back on the mend, but are not yet back to full capacity. Until that time, Japanese gamers who want to get their hands on a Switch might have to wait a while.

Source: Nikkei

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