Just before the pre-show ended, No More Heroes III made a strange appearance at The Game Awards. Starting with some look at a goofy superhero show, the trailer cut to a title card for God Damn Superheroes before series protagonist Travis Touchdown took to the screen. It was very tongue-in-cheek and self-aware.

After that, the real game began and we got what looked like a sped-up version of the E3 2019 trailer. Some arrows pointed to text that mentioned an extended trailer, which brings us here. One minute of Touchdown isn't enough, after all.

In the roughly six minutes below, there's a look at this crazy superhero being that turns people into pink blobs. After having left the planet 20 years ago, this creature is back to wreak havoc on Earth. It's possible that Travis is the kid in this trailer, which would make for an interesting character arc.

It also looks as if Travis will be embarking on the prototypical "Hero's Journey" to discover himself. While no actual gameplay is shown off, we do get a quick look at the beam katana. There's bound to be plenty of thugs that will get decapitated, much like its predecessors. It wouldn't be No More Heroes without that.

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What's unclear is if this newest installment will follow the assassin's league from past games. Travis Strikes Again was all about breaking free from conventions, so there's a chance that 3 will strike totally original ground. At the very least, the E3 trailer showed that general gameplay was in line with past titles That's likely to please series fans.

It's also a mystery where this game takes place in the series' chronology. Travis Strikes Again was well after No More Heroes 2, but is 3 after that? There's no reference to Bad Man or his daughter here, but it's probably asking too much to see that link in a Game Awards trailer.

Now we just need to learn when the game is coming. A nebulous 2020 is all we get, which could mean anything. Considering March is jam-packed with basically every major game for the year, Nintendo would be wise to avoid releasing around that time.

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