Nobody Saves the World was a bit of an indie sleeper hit, seeing a great deal of success from its inclusion on Microsoft's Game Pass when it was released at the start of 2022. The game has a unique and bold look, featuring eye-popping colours and luscious cartoon visuals. A Zelda-esque title, there are plenty of NPCs, dungeon enemies, and bosses to meet.

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The core gameplay of this RPG is the ability to shift forms into different characters and animals, which allowed Drinkbox Studio designer Ian Campbell to let loose in their design. While you might favour particular characters for their play style or abilities, many stand out from a design perspective, which nails its late-90s to early-00s aesthetic.

10 Nobody

Nobody from Nobody Saves the World

This list wouldn't be complete without Nobody. As the titular character, Nobody is actually devoid of any interesting design, and for good reason. Really, they're just supposed to be an oddity; a shell of a person who will really only be seen occasionally. Nobody is the definition of a blank canvas.

But with those wide eye sockets, the gormless frown, and the aimless stance, Nobody actually feels like a real somebody. It's hard to build a character out of so few features and who is devoid of any colour, but this nails it. Every part of this character's design screams, "I'm totally lost and overwhelmed by my new life as a hero!"

9 Mermaid

Mermaid from Nobody Saves the World

Let's face it, historically mermaids weren't always the pretty princesses who sing about wanting to be like humans. More often than not, they were monstrous sirens who wanted to pull sailors into their clutches. So, the mermaid here seems fitting, really. With their disgustingly spiky teeth, off-colour skin, and lank hair which wouldn't be out of place in a Japanese cult horror film.

Shifting Nobody's eyes onto the mermaid only makes her look better, by which we of course mean more monstrous. She looks like she's in constant pain or has been caught mid-scream. The shell in her hair says that she's tried to make herself look prettier, but rather than alluring the sailors it's likely that they'll be sailing in the opposite direction in terror.

8 Alien Tourists

Aliens NPCs from Nobody Saves the World

All of Nobody's transformations are brilliant, but so are the NPCs. The Alien Tourists really lean into classic Area 51 stereotypes; large heads, big eyes, grey skin, and thin bodies. These aliens have been trying to fit in with the human population in order to see the sights. You find them throughout the world, often dressed incognito in an attempt to 'blend in'.

RELATED: Nobody Saves The World: Best Transformations

Their slightly offset fake mustaches and wigs make them look just perfect. When combined with the outfits and their in-game dialogue, these extraterrestrials provide even more comedic relief in a game already brimming over with humor.

7 Necromancer

Necromancer from Nobody Saves the World

Skulls always seem to have maniacal grins and the necromancer here is no exception. It's probably quite fun enchanting dead and decaying bodies in order to command them as an army. With their spiky shoulder pads and helmet, this reaper of death looks incredibly dangerous, which is fitting given the idea of a necromancer is pretty morbid and dark.

Their big billowing cape commands the attention of everyone, although a necromancer who is actually a skeleton themselves is pretty odd in its own right. Usually, it's a creepy old person with a spell book. At least this necromancer is probably raising their friends from the dead. Good for them.

6 Bodybuilder

Bodybuilder from Nobody Saves the World

The bodybuilder is such a perfectly cheesy-looking transformation — the wide grin, hair filled with product, overly bulging muscles, and popping veins. He's practically got muscles on his muscles. What perhaps makes this a top-tier design is the constant sheen on his body from all the baby oil. He's permanently glistening, the light bouncing off his skin.

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No matter which ability he's using, there's a constant pose to match. Flexing in every direction for anyone who would look his way. Bodybuilder is a ridiculous character, even down to his move set of throwing a barbell into enemies. It's amazing he doesn't leave a trail of grease behind him, but you have the slug for that ability.

5 Dead Dragon

Dragon Dragon dungeon from Nobody Saves the World

Okay, Dead Dragon isn't technically a character. It's not a transformation, an NPC, or even a boss. If anything, it's a dungeon. It requires inclusion here because it just looks amazing. Bizarrely enough that this felled reptile is hiding an entrance to a dungeon, it's decaying away in the middle of a forest clearing. The smell must be awful.

Its skin retracting to show the creature's ribs, the wings laying in tatters, tongue lolling out of its mouth — this design manages to show off the majesty of a dragon that was certainly once majestic, even if now it most certainly is not. The colour palette is wonderful too. No muddy browns here, just lush greens and blues.

4 Pinkelino

Pinkelino fairy from Nobody Saves the World

Usually, video game fairies are those cute pixies, pretty dresses sparkling with magical dust. Not here though. Pinkelino is anything but cute. He's a pretty shady character who pops up, opens his coat, and shows off merchandise, talking like a drug dealer, or the Resident Evil 4 merchant.

RELATED: Nobody Saves The World: How To Unlock Every Form

His delightful wings seem out of place sprouting from the torn and dirty trench coat. While his crooked teeth and jaundiced eyes peering over his dark glasses make him look like someone you'd never want to meet in a dark alley, let alone offering you random bottles of blue fluids.

3 Monk

Monk from Nobody Saves the World

Traditionally, monks are peaceful people. They shave their heads, wear basic robes and live very simple lives. Many of them would also practice martial arts on a path to enlightenment, but I don't think any of them are as buff and badass as this monk. Perhaps the finest detail here is the sparkle and shine of the bald head.

His muscles could rival the bodybuilder, and his bald head is a sight to behold. The monk looks like a cross between Street Fighter's Dhalsim, and Krillin from Dragon Ball Z, thanks to his beaded necklace and orange robes. You just know that when he meditates his breathing is aggressive and loud.

2 Mama Bird

Mama bird from Nobody Saves the World

Definitely a memorable NPC, and one that you (kind of) interact with, is the mama bird. She gives you access to one of Nobody's transformations — an egg. It's a pretty useless transformation, though it can hold its own in a fight. Spread across the map are bird nests which, when entered as the egg, will attract a large Dodo type of bird.

She settles down on the nest, covering the egg with her comically large butt cheeks, and after a few seconds of maternal warmth, the egg begins to crack. The bird looks like it has just stepped out of a Disney movie. She's bright and colorful, a bit frumpy and cuddly. It's a shame she's only an NPC and not a transformation, as she could do massive damage with that beak.

1 Randy The Rad

Randy the Rad from Nobody Saves the World

Randy is a bit of a brown nose, and he plays everything by the book. He's a little annoying, really. While his actual appearance is a bit basic, it does change drastically throughout the game. When first met, Randy is clean cut, decked out in his swish robe with his hair slicked up to a great height.

As the story progresses poor Randy gets into a lot of trouble, finding himself on the wrong end of a beating. Slowly he becomes more and more disheveled; his hair begins to droop, stubble grows in, bandages appear on his face and his general appearance is literally muddied. Randy is probably the biggest punchline of the game and every time he appears, a little more downtrodden than the last, it'll make you smirk.

NEXT: Nobody Saves The World: Best Active Abilities