You are able to customize your heroes a lot in Overwatch 2. You can change their skins, you can equip different voice lines for them, and you are able to put down a wide selection of different sprays. Some of these sprays can be particularly coveted, either being uniquely rare, like old competitive sprays that are no longer available, or sprays that are seemingly impossible to get with how difficult they are to unlock.

Related: Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cure Spray

The pixel sprays can be some of the hardest sprays to unlock for a hero and act as a massive flex in game to anyone who has tried and failed to get them.

Pixel Sprays For Tanks

Overwatch 2 Tanks and Maps cover guide

All eleven pixel sprays for the tank class.



How To Unlock


Prevent 1250 damage with a single use of her Defense Matrix.

This spray will be unlocked with enough time on the hero, but if you are keen to get the spray as quickly as possible, wait until an enemy team uses a Baptise Amplification Matrix, or for an Ana to Nano Boost someone like an ulting Soldier 76 to give yourself a good chance of preventing a lot of damage.


Slam three enemies into a wall using his Empowered Rocket Punch

This is another case of waiting for the right opportunity which will come naturally by playing Doomfist. This will be easier to do when the match is in overtime when everyone is getting onto the point or payload giving you a good chance of lining up a punch that hits three enemies.

Junker Queen

Have seven of Junker Queen's wounds active on enemies at the same time

The best advice is to save your ultimate for a big team fight and hit as many enemies as you can with it. Then do your best to hit multiple enemies with both Carnage and the Jagged Blade, along with your normal quick melee.

Getting this spray will become much harder with an enemy Kiriko, who is able to stop all of your wound effects with a single throw of her Protection Suzu.


Get three kills with her Terra Surge

This is a matter of playing Orisa until the opportunity to get 3 kills with her ultimate presents itself as it is mostly luck over skill. You can make this easier by combining with Mei's ultimate, or by waiting for a moment in overtime where everyone is trying to stay on the point or payload.


Block 300 damage with a single use of Nemesis Form and survive.

This will be a matter of relying on your supports to heal you, as you have no abilities to heal yourself as Ramattra once in Nemesis Form. Do your best to be at the front lines of a fight but don't go too deep into the enemy team, otherwise, you will die. Keep blocking and taking damage for the team and, with some luck, you will get this pixel spray.


Block 7500 damage with his Barrier Field without dying

There are several ways that you can block a lot of damage with Reinhardt's shield, which will also have a massive impact on the game. For example, the Barrier Field can defend against D.VA's ultimate, which can instantly kill most heroes. For your best chance at unlocking this spray simply stay with your team and keep the action on you by staying at the front, falling back when your shield breaks and bringing it back out as soon as it has recharged.


Interrupt an enemy's ultimate ability with your Hook

There are several different heroes that you can do this on, but one of the easiest is Moira. Moira's ultimate lasts for a long time and she is easy to hit with the hook.


Gain 350 shield with a single use of his Kinetic Grasp

This can be done more effectively whilst the other team are using ultimates from heroes like Sojourn, Soldier 76, and Genji, who all deal a lot of damage and can be easily absorbed by your Kinetic Grasp.


Destroy ten turrets using Winston's Tesla Cannon without dying.

The most likely way you are going to unlock this spray is when the other team has a Symmetra. All you have to do is wait for the enemy Symmetra to put up their three turrets, destroy them, wait for them to put up another three, and destroy them again. Keep this process going and use your abilities to keep yourself alive and before you know it the spray will unlock.

Wrecking Ball

Absorb 1250 damage with his Adaptive Shield without dying

Similar to Ramattra and Sigma, this spray will be unlocked with patience. You will need to roll into the enemies, get their attention, absorb as much damage as possible and then roll back out to your healers. With enough practice, this will become easy to do and you will unlock the pixel spray with ease.


Keep her Particle Canon above 70 power for 60 seconds

This spray requires a lot of focus when playing. Getting above 70 power is easy enough, but the problem comes with keeping it high for a minute, as usually, fights between teams are finished in under that time. You will have to do your best to stay active in a team fight for as long as possible and hope that it goes on for a while so that you are able to keep your power above 70.

Pixel Spray For Damage

Sombra and Soldier 76 in Overwatch 2

How to get every single pixel spray for all seventeen damage heroes.



How To Unlock


Kill an enemy from at least 30 meters away by shooting her Dynamite

You will need a good bit of skill to get this spray, but once you get the hand of shooting her Dynamite you will find that this spray will unlock in no time.


Kill two enemies in each of his configurations

This means that you will need to get six kills in total. Two kills in his normal recon configuration, another two in his assault configuration, and then a final two with his ultimate.

The hardest configuration to get two kills with will be his ultimate, but this is something that will happen with enough time played as Bastion. Just keep your eye out for two enemies that are stuck in a tight spot to rain down your missiles on, and from there the other four kills will be easy enough to get as long as you stay with your team.


Get two killing blows with a single use of his Magnetic Grenade

This is a difficult spray to unlock. It can be made easier by combining with another ultimate that groups enemies together like Zarya's, but even then, getting the killing blow on two enemies will be a challenge.

Other ways to make this easier would be to focus on enemies that stick together, such as a Damage hero being constantly healed by a Mercy or other support. Make sure to shoot them first so that they are low on health and then throw your Magnetic Grenade and hope for the best.


Get two killing blows with a single use of her Focusing Beam

This is another case of a spray that will unlock after playing as the character for a while, as, for the most part, it comes down to a lucky situation. You can aim to get this spray by damaging weaker heroes and then do your best to line them up with your beam so that they both die, but it will be difficult to do this yourself as the enemies will retaliate and Echo doesn't have that much health.


Get two kills with a single use of his Deflection

This is a very difficult spray to get and will require a lot of skill and luck. Try to focus on abilities that you can deflect that deal high damage, like Soldier 76's Helix Rockets, Ashe's Dynamite, and most of Junkrat's Kit. Even deflecting these attacks can be incredibly difficult with how fast they move.

Big pushes with your team will give you the best chance at finding two enemies on low health that you can get close up to.


Get three kills with a single use of his Storm Arrows

The best way to get this is to wait until a big team fight and shoot your Storm Arrows into the group, especially once the fight has gone on for a while and everyone is on low health. You have some time to aim and position yourself, so do your best to focus on the weaker enemies that have less manoeuvrability.


Knock an enemy into one of your Steel Traps

This is an easy enough spray to get, as there are plenty of ways to get it. You could put your trap behind the enemy team and throw your Concussion Mine into the crowd and hope that one of the enemies gets pushed back into the trap. You could lure an enemy into a tight room where you have placed a Steel Trap and then throw the Concussion Mine at them to push them into it.


Block 1000 damage with a single use of her Ice Wall

This is one of the easiest sprays to unlock as there are a lot of ways to block this much damage with her wall. However, the easiest way is to simply put the wall up to defend yourself against a D.VA ultimate and you should block enough damage to get the spray.


Get an environmental kill by knocking someone off the map with her Concussive Blast

This can be done easily on maps like Ilios and Nepal, which have points next to an area where you can push someone off the map. Ilios well is one of the easy maps to do this on as there is a massive hole in the middle of the point, and as it is on the point enemies will have to get close to it, which should give you plenty of opportunities to push someone off the map.


Get three solo kills with a single clip of his shotguns.

This can definitely be a challenging spray to unlock normally in a game. As, more often than not, your kills will not be solo kills as you are required to do almost all the damage. The other problem is getting three kills with one clip when he only has eight bullets to shoot before he has to reload.

For your first Solo kill, shoot at the enemy as many times as you need and before you land the killing blow reload so that you only use one bullet to get your first count towards getting the spray.

The best way to get this done is by dealing damage with your shotguns to three enemies grouped together without any of your teammates around and then using Death Blossom to finish them off, as getting kills with your ultimate in this way will count towards unlocking the spray. However, after Death Blossom finishes, your guns will reload and the count will reset.


Kill an enemy with a charged Railgun headshot whilst sliding

This is another spray that is down to skill and practice. Simply look for the weaker heroes with little manoeuvrability, do a little damage to them to charge up your Railgun, start sliding and aim for the head.

Soldier 76

Get two kills with a single use of his Helix Rockets

You can use Zarya's ultimate ability to group enemies together but, unfortunately, this spray will just take luck to unlock.


Hack 15 enemies without dying

This will count by doing her ultimate, which can help speed this process up, but it shouldn't be too difficult to get this spray. Simply place your Translocator by a health pack, find an enemy, hack them, return to the health pack, and repeat. Luckily, Sombra has a lot of abilities to get her out of trouble quickly so you shouldn't be caught off guard and killed whilst trying to get this spray.


Hit an enemy with three beams simultaneously

If you play a single game as Symmetra, you will probably unlock this spray. All you have to do is put three of your turrets by a choke point or in a small room and as soon as an enemy walks past the turrets they will lock on and you will have the spray.


Absorb 500 damage with his Overload in a single life

As with some of our tanks, you will need to get in the way of damage, but as Torbjorn has much less health than the tanks, you will need to be more reserved when going out into the fight. Make sure that you have a way to escape, take as much damage as you can, and you should unlock the spray without too much trouble.


Recover 400 health using her Recall ability without dying

This can be done with enough patience. Go into a fight deal damage and take damage, then use your recall to pull yourself to somewhere safe. Keep on doing this and make sure your ability is off cooldown and you should be able to get this spray without too much trouble.


Kill four enemies with her Venom Mine in a single game

The most effective way to get this spray is by setting up a trap where someone walks into your Venom Mine and starts dealing damage revealing them to you, and then you shoot at their body enough to get them hurt and then let the Venom Mine do the rest of the work.

Pixel Spray For Support

Moira and Lucio in Overwatch 2

Lastly, we have all eight pixel sprays for our support heroes.



How To Unlock


Interrupt an enemy's ultimate with her Sleep Dart

There are a couple of good targets for the Sleep Dart; Soldier 76, Moira, Genji, Winston, and Roadhog. There are a lot of different heroes with ultimates that can be interrupted by her Sleep Dart, just find a large target like one of the tanks, and save your team from getting killed.


Prevent four deaths with a single use of the Immortality Field

The main difficulty with getting this spray is that the Immortality Field doesn't have that large a radius and so you will need 3 teammates to be close by so that when you throw out your Immortality Field you are saved along with your teammates.

This can be done pretty easily if your team is sucked together by Zarya's ultimate ability or even frozen by Mei's Ultimate.


Kill an enemy with her Shield Bash

There isn't much to this. The Shield Bash doesn't do much damage, but you are only looking for a single kill. Play a couple of games with her and simply look for an enemy on low health and close the distance with the Shield Bash to finish them off.


Cleanse five negative effects with a single use of her Protection Suzu

There are several opportunities where you can do this, as there are a lot of negative effects in Overwatch 2. Junker Queen's Ultimate and most of her abilities will deal Wound which you can cleanse, you can cleanse the burn you get from Ashe's Dynamite, the effects from Ana's grenade, and you can cleanse anyone that has been hacked.


Get three killing blows whilst wall riding and without dying

This is one of the harder sprays to get. However, there are a few ways to make this easier. Environmental kills will count towards this, so you can push someone off the map and then jump on a wall and as long as the kill is made whilst you are on the wall it will count. You also don't have to be wall riding all the time to get the kill, just the final blow, so choose your moments to strike and jump on a wall before you kill the enemy.


Restore 150 health to four teammates without dying

Getting this spray is all about focusing on all of your team. Make sure you don't spend all your time healing the tank or a single other hero and this spray should be easy to unlock.


Fully deplete both types of her Biotic Orb without dying

This is an easy enough spray to get, just make sure you are sticking with the team and fighting alongside healing. You should be able to get this spray after a few games of playing her


Get four kills or assists with his Orb of Discord in six seconds.

This is one of, if not the hardest hero challenge spray to unlock. It has been made even harder with Overwatch 2 moving from 6v6 games to 5v5.To get this spray you need an immense amount of skill and luck.

There are very few things that your teammates can do with abilities and ultimates to help you with this spray, as ultimates like Zarya's that were useful for other heroes, now become detrimental. The Orb of Discord can only go on one person at a time, so if everyone is grouped together, they will all die in quick succession and it will be impossible for you to move the orb in time.

The few characters that can help with this are Sigma and Mei, as both of their ultimate abilities leave the enemies vulnerable and spread out, and you can work to capitalize on it.

Next: Overwatch - Who Are Overwatch?