While waiting for the release of a brand new hero, Echo, or even Overwatch 2, the original Overwatch experience might start to feel a bit stale. The arcade is a great place to go to during those boring times, but the best way to make a game feel brand new and challenging again is to just learn a new hero.

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Choosing one's main is a tricky process. Naturally, everyone gravitates towards a hero that speaks to them on a deeper level. Whether it's their character design or something about their playstyle that makes them fun, there's a hero for every kind of player. Similarly, a surprising amount can be told just from a person's zodiac sign, including which Overwatch character they might best excel at.

12 Aries: Tracer

Tracer is the fun, cheerful poster girl of the Overwatch franchise. She's a mobile DPS hero whose primary job is to annoy the enemy backline and dive high priority targets like enemy healers or even snipers.

For Aries, Tracer is a great choice. Aries are known for being dynamic and quick. Their highly competitive nature fits perfectly the high risk, high reward playstyle of a dive DPS hero like Tracer.

11 Taurus: Reinhardt

Reinhardt is the bread and butter of tanks. A German crusader, he might be old but he's seen a lot during his lifetime. He's one of the best shield tanks currently in the game, and his ultimate Earthshatter can turn the tide of a battle easily.

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The strong Taurus is just the kind of player who would enjoy a powerful tank like Reinhardt. Their dependable and creative, which makes them excellent at protecting their team and also engaging in mind games with the enemy frontline.

10 Gemini: Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball, or Hammond, is an adorable hamster from Horizon Lunar Colony. However, underneath all the furry cuteness is a truly annoying dive tank, who can roll in and roll out while stunning and disrupting the enemy.

Gemini will easily adapt to Wrecking Ball's playstyle since they're generally highly versatile people and can adapt at a moment's notice. Just like Hammond himself, Geminis also tend to be kind-hearted and curious.

9 Cancer: Mercy

Although she's not the most powerful healer at the moment, Mercy was once the Reinhardt of healers. She was a must-pick for a team. Now, she's more of a secondary healer, with high mobility and a powerful resurrection ability, which can bring teammates back to life.

Cancer players might find themselves naturally gravitating towards Mercy. This is because they're very caring and protective, and they tend to put others before themselves. Their compassion makes them unparalleled healers.

8 Leo: Genji

Formerly a playboy, now a cyber ninja with a clear sense of duty, Genji is a playful yet powerful DPS hero who excels in backline harassment, just like Tracer. While he's given up his party animal days, Genji still remains a confident and generally cheerful character with a sense of duty.

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Leos will absolutely adore Genji. Many of his voice lines are totally in line with that trademark confidence that many Leos have. Temperamental and extroverted, Leos like to be in charge and set the course of the fight, making them ideal Genji players.

7 Virgo: Ana

Formerly one of the best snipers in the world, Ana Amari is now one of the best healers in the current patch. Her sleep dart and healing grenade provide tons of utility for her team, making her not only a great healer but also an excellent support.

Virgo tends to be a practical and cerebral sign, which is exactly what's needed to play Ana well. Aside from being smart with cooldowns and timing, Virgos will also excel at her thanks to their generally caring and gentle personality.

6 Libra: Winston

Winston is another experiment from Lunar Colony. While he might look like a big gorilla, he's actually an extremely intelligent scientist. On top of that, Winston is a strong dive tank, who can not only protect his backline but also make a lot of space for his team.

Any Libras will no doubt adore Winston due to his polite behavior. Despite his ultimate turning him into an angry gorilla, he's often apologetic about misbehaving. Just like Libras, Winston is diplomatic and fair.

5 Scorpio: Ashe

There's no story quite like Ashe's. After growing tired of the rich and easy life of a socialite, Ashe decided to create the Deadlock Gang along with McCree. A sniper who is able to dish out a lot of secondary AoE damage thanks to her dynamite, Ashe is very powerful if given space.

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Just like Ashe, Scorpios tend to be extremely stubborn and passionate about whatever they do. They might often be misunderstood as rude or domineering, but, in reality, they're highly resourceful and very brave.

4 Sagittarius: Lucio

The Brazilian artist and one of the most consistent supports in the game, Lucio provides a lot for his team with his AoE heals and speed boosts. His Sound Barrier is among the strongest defensive ultimates in the game, making him extraordinarily good as a support option who can also go aggressive.

The personality of most Sagittariuses is very much in line with Lucio's. They're typical extroverts who are known for being funny and generally very optimistic. Just like Lucio, Sagittariuses give an energy boost to most teams.

3 Capricorn: Hanzo

The quiet and deep brother of Genji, Hanzo is the leader of the family's mafia business. A sniper and an assassin, he relies on his bow to deliver spam damage as well as careful headshots on his enemies. This makes him a versatile DPS to have on any team, especially with his added wall climb and jump mobility.

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Capricorns are similar to Hanzo in a few regards. They're extremely independent and tend to go their own way. Many often see them as serious and disciplined individuals, who pursue their goals with utmost determination.

2 Aquarius: Zenyatta

Zenyatta is an Omnic monk, a machine that seems truly thinking and feeling. While he might not be in the strongest place in the current patch due to being vulnerable and slow-moving compared to Lucio, Zenyatta's Discord orbs are devastating in high damage teams, and his Transcendence ultimate can turn a fight around.

Zen's unorthodox way of thinking and deep, imaginative personality falls in line with the thinking of an Aquarius. Often philosophical, unique, and perhaps coming across as a bit strange in the eyes of others, Aquariuses tend to be the ideological rebels of any given team.

1 Pisces: Mei

There's no scientist quite like Mei, known best for her research in weather and cryo-freeze technology. She's likely to grow weaker in the coming patches, but for now, she's among the strongest DPS heroes due to her powerful freeze ability and AoE ultimate Blizzard.

Much like Pisces, Mei's personality is very sensitive and affectionate. Wise, creative, and empathetic towards those around her, Pisces are likely to adore Mei's character and her general playstyle.

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