*Note that this article contains MAJOR spoilers for Persona 5 Royal.*

Persona 5 Royal's "Showtime" attacks are a brand new battle mechanic that each feature two members of The Phantom Thieves. There are eight total attacks, each with their own unique style and aesthetic. When it comes to edgiest Showtime, that honor has to go to Joker and Akechi's stormy night rooftop attack. But beyond the thunder and lightning (and Akechi's incessant swearing), there are a few key details hidden in the background of the attack that you might have missed during your first playthrough of the game.

Joker and Akechi's Showtime attack is unlocked on January 2 while the two are fighting the "Warped Abyss" shadow after Dr. Maruki summons it to attack them. Unlike the other Showtime attacks, which usually require the Phantom Thieves to use Jose's star and meet up at the group hideout to unlock the ability, the two come up with the attack on the spot after the Warped Abyss heals suddenly.

RELATED: Persona 5 Royal: I Hate Akechi Goro (But It's Not His Fault)

Their resulting attack is certainly the darkest attack of all the Showtimes, as Akechi and Joker are predominantly focused on killing their opponent rather than aesthetics and style. However, their attack isn't without some cool Easter Eggs, though because the two move so quickly it might be hard to spot them.

Therefore, here are all the details you might have missed while watching Joker and Akechi's Showtime attack.

RELATED: Persona 5 Royal: Akechi's "Pancakes" Drama Continues In The New Semester


First up is this sign in the background: "JUSTICE". This one is pretty self-explanatory - when Joker and Akechi first meet, they get into an argument over whether or not The Phantom Thieves' actions are "just" or not.

Throughout the course of the story, the debate regarding whether or not the two men's actions are "just" continues to get more complex: Joker swears the Phantom Thieves' actions are on the right side of justice, but the group eventually finds themselves swayed by the temptations of fame. Akechi presents himself as a "Detective of Justice," only to later reveal his whole career has been feigned. Those beliefs are questioned even further in the third semester, as the two determine whether or not to accept a reality where everyone is happy.


The second sign reads "Murder of Crows." This is obviously a reference to Akechi's Phantom Thief codename, "Crow" as well as his murder by his cognitive self in Shido's palace. Interestingly, the sign uses the plural version of "crow," perhaps foreshadowing Akechi's second "murder" during Royal's True Ending, when the Thieves reject Maruki's reality and Akechi is sent back to the real world where he is dead.

RELATED: Persona 5 Royal: Akechi Finally Gets His Pancakes (But Only If You Beat The Game)


The third sign reads "Prodigal Sons." The term "Prodigal Son" is a reference to a popular Biblical parable, in which an extravagant son spends all his riches at once, only to return home to his father and beg for his help. The son is later forgiven by his father and given a chance at redemption.

Neither Joker or Akechi is considerably wealthy; though both of the boys' reputations do plummet significantly throughout the course of the game due to their own actions. Additionally, the "second chance" that the abovementioned prodigal son receives at the end of his tale could be linked to both boys as well. After all, Joker is seemingly "murdered" by Akechi, only to escape death with the help of his friends. Similarly, Akechi is killed in Shido's palace but is brought back to life in Maruki's reality after Joker wishes to continue his friendship with him.


Finally, the last sign reads "Two Sides Same Coin." This is obviously referring to Akechi and Joker, as the two serve as a foil to each other. It is a motif that is constantly enforced throughout the entirety of Persona 5 and is even more pronounced throughout Royal. It refers to how Joker and Akechi both were dealt unjust hands from a corrupt society and received supernatural powers to change not only their own but other people's fate.

So there you go! Next time you play Persona 5 Royal, be sure to keep an eye out for these signs in the background!

Persona 5 Royal is available now, exclusively for the PlayStation 4.

NEXT: Persona 5 Royal: The Hidden Meaning Behind Joker and Akechi's "Small Potatoes" Dialogue