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Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis offers a wide range of classes, and the Techter class is one of the most unique and versatile among them. This is a hybrid class that combines the ability to use magic and technology to support allies and damage enemies.

RELATED: Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis - Ranger Class Guide

In this guide, we will explore the best ways to play as a Techter in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis. We will cover its skills, subclasses, weapons, and more, to help you become a valuable asset to any party. So if you're ready to harness the power of this class, let's dive into the world of the Techter in PSO2: NGS.

Weapon And Photon Arts

Techer Class in PSO2 NG


Wand is a special weapon that Techter can use. For those who prefer to focus on magic attacks, this is the best weapon choice for the class. It allows them to cast powerful techniques while also providing a decent melee attack option.

Wand has certain unusual mechanics in addition to allowing you to use all methods. Any elemental tech can be charged to give your Wand the element's power, granting you elemental downs and weakness multipliers. Wand's weapon action is a very forgiving parry that, on a successful parry, results in photonic theory.

Wand features two very interesting Photon Arts, which are the following:




Swift Smash

Get close to an adversary quickly to land a deadly blow. The potency is increased by charging.

Extremely similar to PSO2's Techter Wand PA Heavy Hammer, however, it just makes a brief lunge forward in front of an untargeted area.

Wave Cash

Smash your weapon into the ground and launch a strike that sends out a shock wave that covers a large region.

The shockwave originates from the Wand itself, despite the description implying that it strikes the earth when deployed in flight.


Talis provides a class with a long-range option to deal with enemies beyond your reach. Talis' weapon action while standing still is a turret that attacks multiple enemies. When you add a movement input, the turret changes into a single target turret instead.

Additionally, Techter can use Talis as a close-range weapon by throwing it like a boomerang, allowing for quick and effective melee attacks. This makes this weapon great for Techter who want to maintain distance while still dealing significant damage.

These are the two Photon Arts available within the Talis:




Convergence Shot

Launch photons in your direction and activate the Talis. When Talis is deployed, techniques will change.

Reworks strategies to make shots that are linear.

Spread Shot

After using photons to decimate the enemies around, deploy the Talis. Its deployment will change based on how the attack is going. Your techniques will also change when deployed.

If the attack is stopped, the Talis deployment will be changed so your techniques fire in a frontal cone. The attack can be fully completed if you use a small area attack option with this weapon.


Distribution Skill Points For Techter

The best skill point distribution for a Techter depends on your preferred playstyle, but generally, you should focus on increasing your character's elemental mastery, support abilities, and survivability.

The ones below are the best skill point distribution for a Techter:

  • 1 point into everything.
  • 0-point Barta Blot + Zonde Clad.
  • 0-point Reverse Bounty.
  • Add extra point into Weak Element Amplifier and Awake Aile.

Shifta/Deband is the most notable unique active skill for this class because it provides a significant boost to the party's attack and defense. Shifta increases the attack power of all nearby allies, while Deband increases their defense. This skill is especially useful in boss fights and other difficult battles where survivability and damage output are both important.

Additionally, the skill can be upgraded to provide even greater benefits, making it a valuable asset to any party. The ability to provide buffs to allies also makes Techter a popular class for multiplayer gameplay.

Best Subclass For Techter

Force is one of the best Subclass for Techter

The best subclass for this class can vary depending on your playstyle and preferences. However, there are a few popular choices that provide good synergy with the Techter class.




  • This subclass complements the Techter's elemental abilities and can boost their damage output through techniques and Photon Arts.
  • The combination of Techter and Force is commonly referred to as a "Techter/Fo" build.


  • This subclass provides mobility and evasion skills that can enhance the Techter's survivability in combat.
  • Bouncer can boost the Techter's damage output through its Jet Boots weapon and Photon Arts.


  • This subclass provides access to powerful ranged and melee weapons, as well as techniques that can enhance the Techter's damage output.
  • The combination of Techter and Braver is commonly referred to as a "Techter/Br" build.

How To Use A Techter

Gameplay Techter in PSO2 NG

As a Techter, your main role is to provide support to your allies by healing, buffing, and debuffing enemies. You can deal decent damage with your techniques and wand attacks, but your main focus should be on supporting your team.

Also, you can use Swift Smash to close the distance and Wave Crash for most of your DPS needs. Always make sure your charged element is your target weakness. Usually, during AOE mobbing, you have to set it to ice to deal with bellies. Also, the Wand's weapon action is a very generous parry that should be used to keep DPS uptime.

On Talis, Convergence Shot is your go-to for single-target damage while Spread Shot is your AOE. You can use a tricky capacitor on cooldown as it does come back really fast.

For Shinta and Deband usage, pop it as soon as possible and you can pretty much press it whenever you feel like it as it lasts a ridiculously long time. For Wand lovers, you can use it anytime you need super armor, but you must be aware it does have a very short cooldown. So use it as much as you want.

NEXT: Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis - Hunter Class Guide