It's been roughly one week since Natsume announced the official name for Pocky & Rocky Reshrined, a reboot/sequel heading to the PS4 and Switch this fall. Originally going under the unimaginative name of "Pocky & Rocky 2021," we now have a better look at how this long-gestating title will play. Right off the bat, it looks almost identical to the SNES original.

I'm 100% okay with that, too. The visuals on display, which are rendered in a 16-bit style, look beautiful. I understand that emulation can't do much with original aspect ratios and such, but I'd love to see more classic games get a widescreen treatment like this. It looks spectacular in motion alongside that classic music.

RELATED: Pocky & Rocky Reshrined Is Scheduled For A Fall 2021 Release

I'm not really sure why Natsume chose to revive this particular series, but I'm weirdly excited for this sequel. The first title is something of a hidden gem on the SNES that more people should play. Its follow-ups don't really capture the same magic, but Reshrined seems to be picking up right where the original left off. That means you can expect a tough-as-nails challenge and some excellent co-op action.

It will be interesting to see if Natsume eventually brings this to PC, much like Wild Guns Reloaded. I think I would die happy seeing this artwork in 4K, something which is bound to render the visuals even cleaner. I can live with it being on Switch, though, especially since the portable nature of that console will let me get my Pocky & Rocky on at any moment.

Source: YouTube

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