With hundreds upon hundreds of episodes in the making, and no signs of slowing down, the Pokémon anime may not have the same reputation as the games it’s based off of, but it’s nonetheless a juggernaut, compelling fans of all ages to get together and watch Ash endure an endless quest to become a Pokémon Master. With years of content to wade through and an endless number of character constantly being introduced, it’s not unusual for fans to latch onto certain characters. Especially those close to the main character. Even though she’s not often relevant, Delia is easily one of the more popular characters in the anime.

It’s really not hard to see why, honestly. She has a great design, is home to some of the funniest lines in both the sub and dub, and she’s endlessly endearing, cheering her son on from all corners. Delia is the pinnacle of anime motherhood and this naturally attracts viewers to her. Given her infrequent appearances, though, it can be difficult to get a proper grasp of the character. Just who is Delia? What was her life like before Ash? What’s her relationship like with Ash’s father? Older than most of the cast, but young enough where her youth is still fresh, Delia makes up one of the more fascinating characters in the franchise.

25 Delia Makes All Of Ash’s Clothes

via Pocketmonsters.Net

Starting with Advanced Generation, Ash began getting new outfits for every region he’d visit. For a time, it was debated his Hoenn look would remain the new default indefinitely, but that was quickly debunked by his trip to Sinnoh. What’s most interesting about these regional outfits, though, is the fact that Delia personally makes them.

Everyone needs a seamstress in their life.

At the end of every season, Ash always returns home to Kanto to catch up with some familiar faces: most notably, his mother. Before he sets off on another adventure, he makes sure to touch base at home where Delia presents him with a new outfit she’s made for him. This has been the case for every post-Johto region and will likely continue until the series ends.

24 Delia Was Oak’s Top Student


Pokémon 3: The Movie, otherwise known as Spell of the Unknown, was perhaps the first film in the series to actually pull off telling a story with an emotional core. The first movie tends to get a bit of praise for its characterization of Mewtwo, but there’s a notable human center missing. The reason 3 succeeds so much is in large part due to Delia’s expanded role.

Rather than just using an all new cast of secondary characters for the film, Delia is promoted to a major player. Not only is it revealed that she trained under Oak, she was also one of his top students. This ties her directly into the main plot, allowing her role to be expanded while also connecting her to the movie’s antagonist. Though we’ll touch upon that later.

23 Delia Had Ash At 18 Or 19

via deviantart.com/hikariangelove

It seems strange for an anime targeted specifically at children to include this kind of detail, but even the English dub can’t get around the fact that Delia was quite young when she had Ash. Granted, 18 is an adult so it isn’t nearly as surprising as it could have been, but it certainly adds another layer to her character and relationship with Ash.

Delia has always had a rather “young” look and personality within the series, and the fact she had Ash so young explains that. She’s just as much of a friend to him as she is a mother. Their bond is one inherently friendly and the two often joke around with one another. As Ash matures over the course of the series, it’s also interesting to note just how childish Delia can be in comparison to him.

22 Delia’s Relationship With Spencer Hale

via Pokemon Fanon Wiki - Fandom

The focal point of the third film, Spencer Hale is the closest thing the movie has to an antagonist. He actively drives the plot, and his relationship with the world at large which dictates the progression of the film. Interestingly, it’s revealed in the movie that Delia and Spencer were students of Professor Oak. While it’s insinuated Spencer was the more impressive student as he went on to conduct active research, it’s actually implied that Delia and Spencer were genuine equals.

As far as Ash’s father theories go, Spencer’s not a bad bet. Sure, he’s married by the events of the movies- or at least was- but that doesn’t mean he and Delia didn’t spark a romance. Besides, Delia quit being a trainer while she was still studying with Hale. The main counter theory is that Delia tells Ash his father is still on a journey and she never with mentions any potential parentage to him when Hale comes into the picture, but you could theorize ways around that.

21 Delia’s Relationship With Ash’s Father Is Presumably Fine

via /www.wattpad.com (GioQueen1)

It’s quite strange, but Ash’s father is only mentioned once and only in passing. In the anime’s second episode, Delia mentions that Ash’s father is still on his Pokémon journey and we never hear from or about him again. Ash never laments on his father’s status and Delia never brings it up again. This is likely a holdover from the anime only being one season originally, but it’s what thinking on.

The biggest implication given how Delia mentions him is, despite his missing status, their relationship is actually fine. Delia could just be saving face to spare her son’s feelings, but she’s far too earnest and sincere of a character to do that to Ash. All signs point to Ash’s father being a likable figure in their household despite the fact he doesn’t actually interact with his family. Maybe Delia’s just a bigger person.

20 Delia Knows How To Use Ash’s Pokémon

14- Litten
Via: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

Even though trading makes up a large part of the Pokémon world, especially in the games when compared to the anime, it’s still seen as a big deal whenever a trainer manages to properly use another’s Pokémon. In the anime particularly, the bonds between trainers and their Pokémon are accentuated even more so. For Delia to be able to use Ash’s Pokémon, and competently at that, is a massive deal.

The anime sees Delia using Ash’s Litten at one point and she’s able to use him as if Litten were her own. It could be said that the inherent bond between Delia and Ash allows for Litten to trust Delia, but keep in mind that the in-universe explanation for Pokémon respecting trainers who didn’t catch them is whether or not they have badges. Delia has no badges and Litten still listen to her anyways. She’s just that good.

19 Delia Could Have Been A Better Trainer Than Ash

via youtube (Momentos'Epicos Oficial)

Brock mentions rather early on that Delia would make a legitimately great trainer thanks to her all-around persistence. At the time, given Delia’s early characterization, you’re meant to just take it as a joke. Delia’s persistent, sure, but good enough to be a trainer? When learning she was actually one of Oak’s pupils, and a top one at that, Brock’s claim starts to make quite a bit of sense.

This idea is driven even further by the few moments we see Delia take control and battle. Chronicles consistently portrayed her far more competently than the main series ever did, and the few moments she takes controls of Ash’s Pokémon in the anime show that she knows exactly what she’s doing. If Delia didn’t have Ash at such a young age and neglected her Pokémon training, she could have easily surpassed her son.

18 Delia Is Amazingly Skilled In Chronicles

via www.deviantart.com/powerxnetwork

In an attempt to expand the world and lore of the anime, Pokémon briefly spun off into a side series called Chronicles. Rather than focusing on Ash's adventures to become a Pokémon Master, Chronicles was an anthology series that followed other trainers, often jumping between perspectives to demonstrate that Ash was not, in fact, the center of the Pokémon universe.

One such episode featured Delia facing off against Team Rocket mainstays, Butch and Cassidy. Perhaps surprisingly, although not really if you’ve been paying attention to her character, Delia puts up an incredible fight in fending off the Rocket grunts. It’s important to remember that Butch and Cassidy are basically hyper competent versions of Jesse and James. For Delia to so much as put up a fight is a feat in itself.

17 They Changed Delia's Character

via Pokemon Wiki - Fandom

Although later seasons begin to show a more competent depiction of Delia, especially after the third movie, the early episodes of the anime featured quite a different Delia. Instead of being an experience Pokémon trainer who trained under Professor Oak for many years, Delia was totally oblivious to the inner workings of the Pokémon world.

Ditzy and dumb just don't make a compelling character.

Basic concepts befuddled her and she often found herself unable to keep up with the logistics of her son’s adventure. It’s even implied that she doesn’t fully comprehend her husband’s own Pokémon journey, seemingly content with him traveling a world without end. It runs in direct contrast to later characterization with no real way to reconcile the two depictions of the character.

16 Delia Loves Pikachu More Than Ash

via: ippo-lita.deviantart.com

For as much as Delia loves Ash, and she genuinely does love her son, she loves Pikachu all the more. Whether it be because she was once Professor Oak’s star pupil thus giving her a natural affinity to Pokémon or simply because Pikachu is irresistibly lovable, she consistently gives Pikachu more attention whenever she’s reunited with her son.

Of course, it makes sense to some degree. Despite spanning decades of seasons, not much time actually passes in the anime’s universe. If one were to consider each region a year, Ash wouldn’t even be 18 by this point meaning that Pikachu is still relatively young, especially since it’s implied Pokémon live a rather long time. Why wouldn’t you give more attention to the baby of the family?

15 Delia And Giovanni: A Love Lost

via: spidersaiyan.deviantart.com

In the early days of the Pokémon fandom, the subject of Ash’s father came up rather frequently. Only mentioned, and rather briefly at that, in the anime’s second episode, fans began to theorize who good ol’ papa Ash could be. Fan speculation has quieted down since then in large part due to the relative unpopularity of the anime in the West, but looking back on the series in its heyday reveals a potential answer.

She was also part of Team Rocket! 

In the short lived stage adaptation Pokémon Live! it was revealed that Delia actually had a relationship with Giovanni before meeting Ash’s father. Fans being fans, however, and the show’s relative vagueness on the subject matter, led to theorizing that Giovanni could indeed be Ash’s real father. Of course, it’s worth remembering that Game Freak had nothing to do with Pokémon Live, but it’s still an interesting take on the father dilemma.

14 Delia, 4Kids, And Ash’s Underwear

via puclpodcast.com

4Kids is notorious for being one of the worst dubbing companies in the West, but you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who dislikes their take on Pokémon. For as radically different as it is, more of a localization than a dub, it maintains the heart of the series where it counts, even if it downplays some of the more interesting elements. This isn’t to say 4Kids is without fault, however.

It should be stressed that these jokes do not exist in the original script. 

One of the strangest additions to the 4Kids anime dub was the inclusion of a recurring joke where Delia constantly mentions Ash’s underwear in front of his friends. Whether it be to remind him to wash his underwear or just wear it, it’s a bizarre joke that feels hilariously out of place in the series even if you like the dub.

13 Delia’s “Husband”

via reddit.com

Ash has a father. This is indisputable. What is disputable, however, is whether or not Delia has a husband. She does mention a father-in-law at one point, but this was incredibly early on in the anime. It’s important to remember just how much was changed or retconned from the first few episodes. Just the mention of a “father-in-law” in the second episode should be up for debate.

Given how non-present Ash’s father is, and the fact the pseudo-remake anniversary film does not mention a father-in-law, we can assume that while Ash does indeed have a father, Delia does not have a husband. In a way, this works better and makes a bit more sense. Why would Delia wait for a husband still on his journey? She wouldn’t. He’s just Ash’s father.

12 Like Mother, Like Son

via: polygon.com

One of the most recurring threads in Pokémon, especially in regards to Ash’s characterization, is the notion that he and Delia have an incredible amount of traits in common. Were it not for Ash having such a specific character design, one that contrasts his mother, he’d basically just be a smaller Delia with no inherited traits from his father.

It runs in the family.

Both Ash and Delia are mentioned to be incredibly compassionate, taking their time with others and seeing the best in everyone around them. They’re sometimes impatient and oblivious, but they have large hearts that draw others to them. It can be hard to miss given how they have such a specific dynamic when together, but looking at them separate from one another reveals just how similar they are.

11 Ash And Delia Share A Voice Actress

via www.deviantart.com/didimoons

Whether it be coincidental or not, Pokémon’s English dub has consistently had Ash’s voice actress also voice Delia. It’s worth noting that this isn’t the case with the Japanese dub so it’s entirely an English dub invention. That said, it actually does work quite well when examined closely. Why shouldn’t Ash and Delia sound similarly? After all, they’re mother and son.

It’s also just a nice way of showing how Delia as a person influences Ash. By having the two of them speak with the same voice actress, audiences can see what Ash inherits from his father while also allowing Delia to keep an active presence in the story without needing to frequently appear. Not that she doesn’t have the odd seasons where she plays a major role, that is.

10 Delia Plays An Active Role In Sun & Moon

via Bulbapedia - Bulbagarden

While it’d be difficult to call Delia a “main character” in the Sun and Moon anime given just how detached she is to the main plot, SuMo gives her a more active role than she’s ever had in the series. She occasionally appeared in the original series to call Ash via the PC system, and that’s the case here, but her appearances are now more frequent.

In a way, the SuMo anime calls back quite heavily to the first series by having Delia play a bigger role. Likewise, it’s refreshing to see Ash actually interact with his mother consistently. SuMo features such a different premise from the other seasons that it’s only natural he talk to his mother often now that he has a reliable platform to do so.

9 Delia Loves Ash’s Friends

Via: Polygon

Perhaps expected of an anime mother, but you wouldn’t be surprised if you mistook Brock and Misty for Delia’s children as well. Easily one of the most compassionate characters in the series, Delia is constantly treating Ash’s friends with the utmost love and care. When Brock ends up leaving the group briefly before the Orange Islands arc, he finds his way back to Delia and she takes care of him offscreen for the entire season. If that isn’t dedication to your son’s friends, nothing is.

8 Delia Nicknames Some Of Ash’s Pokémon

via IscaRedspider - DeviantArt

Even if Ash’s doesn’t do it all too often, nicknaming your Pokémon is one of the easiest things a trainer can do to form an instant bond. A nicknamed Pokémon is given a unique identity, one that ties them to their trainer. This distinction is even used to contrast Ash from Ritchie at the end of the first season. Come the Sun and Moon anime, where Ash still doesn’t nickname his Pokémon, Delia step in to lend a hand.

You wouldn't call your dog "Dog," would you? 

In meeting Ash’s new Pokémon, Delia decides to name three of them for the Rotom Pokédex. Rowlet becomes Rowlie; Rockruff becomes Rocky; and Litten becomes Littie. She even nicknames the Rotom Pokédex “Dexie Wexie.” Ash may not personally nickname his own Pokémon, but it’s quite nice that his mother is willing to do so for him.

7 Ash And Delia Find Pikachu Together In The Manga

via Bulbapedia - Bulbagarden

In The Electric Tale of Pikachu, a loose manga adaptation of the anime’s first arc, rather than Ash getting Pikachu because he showed up late to Professor Oak’s lab, he and Delia end up finding him together in their house. Although a minor change in the grand scheme of things, it’s one necessary given Delia’s diminished role in The Electric Tale of Pikachu.

She may not appear all that often, but she's tied to the heart of the series. 

While Delia is by no means a major character in the anime, she nonetheless interacts with her son regularly. Audiences get to see Ash catch up with his mother fairly often, giving her a presence in the anime’s world. Since Delia doesn’t appear nearly as often in the manga, but is still important in regards to Ash’s character, she’s tied with Ash finding Pikachu, allowing readers to associate Delia with the Pokémon whenever they see him.

6 Mr. Mime Is Delia’s Only On Hand Pokémon


Logic dictates, in the Pokémon world at least, that you always have a full team of six Pokémon on hand at all times. Given how dangerous a universe filled with literal Pocket Monsters can be, it’s basically common sense to be as prepared as possible. Besides, it’s not even particularly difficult to catch a full party. That doesn’t stop Delia from having one on hand Pokémon though.

For whatever reason, Mr. Mime has consistently been Delia’s one and only Pokémon over the course of the series. She’s used others before, but none that she could actually call her own. To add to the oddness of such a situation, Mr. Mime is a Pikachu situation where he’s almost never in his Pokeball. Delia just doesn’t like playing by the rules.