As part of Pokémon GO's ongoing effort to encourage social distancing while maintaining an interest in the game, Niantic is currently offering players a one time purchase of 50 great balls for 1 coin. This allows you to continue collecting Pokémon while staying indoors.

Niantic had previously offered a 100 Pokéball, and 30 incense bundle, both for 1 coin as well. While players who are stuck indoors certainly appreciate the gifts, Pokémon GO is doing much more than that to help players adjust to the new norm of being cooped up inside.

The walking requirement for GO Battle League has been removed, meaning you can battle other players online for as long as your heart desires. The game has also given players the opportunity to catch formerly raid-exclusive legendary Pokémon by winning multiple games in the league as well.

On top of this, gifts from friends have contained more P0kéballs than we've seen in the past, and Niantic has also announced that it plans for players to soon be able to participate in raids with their friends from the safety of their homes.

It makes sense a game that encourages walking outside would need to make adjustments in a time like this, but it's worth commending Niantic for just how well the company has handled it. Obviously the goal is to keep people playing, but Pokémon GO is doing so in a way that is keeping players happy at the same time.

NEXT: Pokémon GO Battle League Rotates Back To Ultra Tier