Pokémon GO's Colossal Discovery event took place this past weekend. Although the game has been boosted by its events from the get-go, this latest one was a little different. Players had to pay real-world money, not just Pokécoins, to get all the benefits of the event. The $7.99 price tag was met with criticism from some players, but it seems as if the people who paid it over the weekend were happy with what they got for their money.

The biggest draw of Pokémon GO's Colossal Discovery Event was actually available to all trainers, whether you bought a ticket for it or not: the appearances of the Legendary Titans in five-star raids.

Though they're not the most popular legendary Pokémon ever to be unleashed on the franchise, they're powerful beings nonetheless that any trainer would want to be a part of their arsenal. Or, for the completist collector, Pokémon that don't appear in-game all that often which need to be caught to fill that Pokédex.

Fire Is Your Friend

Just because the event is over does not mean the Titans will never return to Pokémon GO. Trainers may be reading this feeling defeated after a long weekend of trying to defeat and capture the Titans, but failing. Fear not, though, as after reading this, next time the legendary Pokémon return to raids, you will be equipped with the knowledge needed to take them down.

via Newsweek

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First of all, the toughest of the three Titans, Regice. Ice-type Legendary Pokémon are weak to fire, steel, rock, and fighting types. Your best bet is to focus on the fire and melt away Regice's frozen defense. If you have a powerful Charizard or Moltres in your possession with strong fire-type attacks such as Firespin and Overheat at their disposal, bring them to the dance. Not only will those attacks quickly chip away at Regice, but they'll also be hardy to whatever the Titan has to throw at them.

Gather Up All The Fighters You Have

Although Regice will likely be the toughest to bring down and make your own, it doesn't mean the other two Titans should be taken for granted. Regirock will be a pretty formidable foe, and if trainers want to stand a chance of taking it down, Machamp should be at the front of your fight queue. Not only are all three of the titans susceptible to fighting-type Pokémon, but attacks such as Dynamic Punch will have you leaving the raid with a W in no time.

via Pokemon Wiki

Last but not least, Registeel. Handily, the best thing to do to take down the final Titan will be to equip your raid team with a combo of fire and fighting type Pokémon. Your Charizard and Moltres will once again do you a world of good. However, in this final instance, try to switch things up mid-raid and change your fire types for dual fire-fighting types. Thank us for this tip later once you can call all three of the Legendary Titans your own and the Hoenn section of your Pokédex is three steps closer to being complete.

The last thing to keep in mind before battling these three behemoths in raids, or any Pokémon for that matter, is the weather. The real-life weather not only affects which Pokémon appear in the wild but also the power of the ones manifesting in raids. Since fire types will do you a world of good against Regice and Registeel, try to pick fights with them on sunny days when the effect of fire in Pokémon GO will be greatly increased.

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