Pokemon Scarlet & Violet seems to have gotten rid of a few quality of life improvements made in Legends: Arceus, including watching your experience points go up outside of battle.

Earlier this week, The Pokemon Company gave us our first proper look at gameplay of Scarlet & Violet, introducing the region of Paldea and a host of new Pokemon. Although reactions to most of what was shown has been positive (I mean, have you seen Fidough?), some Pokemon fans weren't happy to see that Scarlet & Violet hasn't brought over some of the quality of life features introduced in Legends: Arceus.

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Twitter account CentroLeaks shared an image of two examples where improvements made in Legends: Arceus are missing in Scarlet & Violet. The first example is that players will now have to sit through the experience points animation at the end of a match, rather than it taking place in real-time and not interrupting the player.

The second example is that players will also be interrupted and have to sit through Pokemon wanting to learn new moves at the end of a battle. Both of these were changed in Legends: Arceus to no longer interrupt the player, a change that was much-appreciated considering how often Pokemon evolve and gain experience.

Those aren't the only features that have been removed, however. As pointed out by ResetEra user Personablue, there are a number of smaller things that don't seem to be returning. One such example is that players can't select their Pokemon or try to catch a Pokemon before battle, and must run into a 'Mon to get the battle started. Finally, the battle speed seems to have been slowed back down to Sword & Shield, with a larger number of text walls during battle for status effects.

The removal of some of these features is a shame considering how positively received they were in Legends: Arceus, but it's likely to try and keep the two gameplay styles separate from one another. Not all of the quality of life improvements work in classic Pokemon either, such as being able to throw a Pokeball before fighting a Pokemon.

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