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Journeying through the Paldea region in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet is difficult without obtaining several essential battle items to pair with your partner pokémon. You can buy some of these items at Delibird Presents stores in three distinct locations.

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Each Delibird Presents will contain four categories of items you can purchase: Battle Items, General Items, Poké Balls, and Rotom Phone Cases. Of those categories, the items available for sale in the Battle Items and Rotom Phone Cases categories will change based on which location you visit, so make sure to visit them all!

Delibird Presents General Merchandise

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ampharos Laughing Delibird Presents

Each Delibird Presents contains the same core items for General Items and Poké Balls. No matter which Delibird Presents you visit, these items will always be available to you:

Mesagoza Delibird Presents Location And Special Stock

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SE Mesagoza Delibird

There are three storefronts in Mesagoza, but each storefront contains the same merchandise. All three are available to you as soon as you enter Mesagoza.

  • The first Delibird Presents is in the southeast corner (pictured above) to the right of the grand staircase before climbing toward the central plaza.
  • Near the west exit of Mesagoza is the second Delibird Presents, located on the northern street corner (pictured below).
  • The third location is also on the west side and on the same street but on the southern street corner.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet W Mesagoza Delibird Presents

The unique items available at both storefronts include:

Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Location And Special Stock

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Azumarill Delibird Presents Pose Fail

There are two Delibird Presents locations in Cascarrafa. Just as before, both locations sell the same items.

The first store you'll likely be able to access is the waterfront store located on the far east side of town on the main level (no elevators required). Simply running into Cascarrafa from the Pokémon Center, straight through the central plaza, and turning left at the dead end will lead one directly to this easy-to-locate store.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Cascarrafa Delibird Presents

The second location is on the north side of town and down one level via the elevators. Generally, it is recommended to fly to Cascarrafa North's Pokémon Center, head south, and turn right to cross the bridge. Your destination should be to your left on the corner.

Levincia Delibird Presents Location And Special Stock

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Ampharos Delibird Presents

Levincia's Delibird Presents is a quick walk down the street from the northern Pokémon Center towards the east, on the right side of the street. It is also conveniently located next to the Artisan Café, making it convenient to return to regularly for a variety of needs.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Levincia Delibird Presents

Regardless of your preferred playstyle in Scarlet & Violet, Delibirds Presents is an invaluable asset in every playthrough. Keep in mind these locations while you're playing, and make sure to refer back to this guide or revisit each store on your own just to ensure you're keeping your team in shape.

NEXT: Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How To Get Wo-Chien