Prey is not an easy game, even on its lowest difficulty. It can be so hard for a new player to come in and feel empowered playing the game, without the slightest knowledge of how it should actually be played. However, once you get past the initial shock of being completely outclassed by most of your enemies on a dangerous, dysfunctional space station, Prey gets fun and even rewarding.

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Experienced players will have learned through the hard way all the small quirks and tricks that will boost Morgan Yu's survivability during their time on Talos I. The game pushes players to experiment rather than hold their hand, which is why many of its core features can go completely undiscovered by players. Here's what veterans do to give the Typhons a run for their money.

Updated August 9, 2022 by Ritwik Mitra: The reboot of Prey might not be similar to its parent title at all, but most people won't mind. After all, with a general dearth of great modern immersive sims around, it's great to see games like Prey being lauded by fans... even though the actual sales figures might not be the very best. Given the challenging nature of this title, players will need to start becoming more adept at the game and tackle its many challenges. Here are some tips that pro players employ to make their playthrough more enjoyable and exciting.

15 Explore Areas Thoroughly To Stock Up On Valuable Supplies

A screenshot from Prey: Mooncrash, showing a character applying a strange mechanical upgrade

Given the sheer amount of things that players can craft, purchase, and equip in this game, it's always good to keep an eye out for any useful items. Doing so ensures that players can be prepared for the threats that lie ahead.

Diligent players who explore each and every corner of the map will find some great goodies that make the early game more manageable. If this carefulness is present throughout a run, then most players will absolutely mow down most enemies who were giving them a rough time.

14 Avoid The Nightmare By Staying At Higher Levels

Another Nightmare encounter in Prey

The Nightmare is a massive Typhon that is extremely sturdy and can absolutely decimate a player's health bar in mere moments. So, whenever this tough enemy appears, players are better off hiding instead of trying to face it head-on.

This conserves ammunition, which is one of the most key resources in the game. A great way to hide from this Typhon is to stay at a higher level since the AI is a bit wonky when it comes to changing levels and will just meander around on the floor where they spawned.

13 Run Away From Tough Enemies If You Don't Have Good Weapons Or Abilities

A screenshot from Prey: Mooncrash, showing the Moon Shark rising from the ground and attacking the player

Early on in Prey, most players will find the Mimic to be the most common enemy around. They're pretty easy to deal with, and things truly get serious when the first Phantom shows up.

If players are a bit too intimidated to take on this enemy, then it's a better idea to retreat and become more powerful instead. Doing so ensures that players will be more confident while also spending fewer resources to take down this tough enemy.

12 Grenades Are Your Best Friend

Prey Recycler Charge

Grenades hit like a truck in any action game, and Prey is no exception to this golden rule. Treasure each and every grenade you find, since it may come in handy during a tough boss fight.

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Recycler Charges clear out pathways and can even take down enemies in a few shots. EMP grenades are effective against machines, Typhon Lures serve as a great distraction, and Nullwave Transmitters can be used to mute any psionic powers.

11 Ammo Management Is Key To Survival

A screenshot from Prey: Mooncrash, showing one of the characters applying a Neuromod upgrade

Prey is a survival-horror game first, and treating it like an action title is pretty much signing off on a delayed death sentence. Players will notice this from the very moment they notice the dearth of ammunition in the game.

Blasting enemies with bullets over and over again will lead to an ammo shortage sooner rather than later. So, it's better for players to pick and choose their fights, unloading bullets only when required.

10 Set Your Mentality Right

Prey a voltaic phantom inside psychotronics

First things first: Prey is not a game in which you can run around tanking huge amounts of damage and slaying every enemy on your path easily (the game you're thinking is DOOM). Prey is much more strategic in nature, and as such, lunging head first into battle can wear even the most talented players out.

Prey focuses on survival. As such, every fight, puzzle and area should be approached with caution. Open your eyes, and observe your surroundings. What you see is there for a reason, and can tell you more about what's to come than any audio log or written note. There's no shame in taking things slow and being cautious. In fact, that's how the game was designed to be played.

9 Never Ignore Duplicate Weapons

Prey the silenced pistol official artwork

Within your first hours of Prey, you'll realize that Morgan will come across various weapons and tools during their time on Talos I. The first time you pick up a unique weapon, a small explanation will pop up. After that, however, the same weapon can be found multiple times across the station in different locations.

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This is a good thing. Don't ignore the duplicates, since they can be looted for ammo, and the weapon itself can be recycled for precious materials. Recycling and crafting is a very essential part of the game, so any resources you find are absolutely vital to your survival. Don't toss away that extra pistol or Q-Beam gun, turn it into parts.

8 Drink From Taps To Heal Yourself

Prey Morgan drinking from a water fountain

Health is important in this game. Enemies can chip away at Morgan's HP at impressive speed if Morgan doesn't stay on top of it. The primary way of healing is to use a medical kit, but these kits are rare to come by and costly to make. Due to this, using food and drinks to replenish your health is vital.

If there's no food items around, look for taps. There should be water fountains or sinks in most areas of the map which allow Morgan to drink a bit of water. Every interaction replenishes one point of health, but it's still better than nothing.

7 Turrets Are Your Best Friends Early On

Prey Turrets inside the cargo bay

Turrets are one of the best advantage Morgan has early on, since they can detect Typhon materials even when the creatures are invisible or disguised. In particular, turrets will come in handy against a handful of Mimics, and later on, they can be incredibly useful when fighting off the infamous Poltergeists.

Turrets can also be fixed and carried around pretty easily, so if you need an extra helping hand, make sure to grab a turret along with you. It can even alert you of approaching enemies if you plop it down at the entrance of an area you're exploring. However, keep in mind that if you unlock too many Psionic aptitudes, turrets will attack you too.

6 Don't Forget About Map Verticality

Prey Morgan standing at the top of Arboretum

Prey might seem like a linear, straightforward game, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Maps aren't just linear hallways you need to run through, but have a lot of secret areas and spots you can get to if you simply look up above your head. Map verticality is one of the special features of this game.

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To help with verticality, you might want to upgrade your jump to reach higher places and even use your GLOO gun to build stairs and bridges. There's a whole quest at the end of the game which relies on Morgan building a stairway back up using their GLOO gun, so think creatively, and always look up.

5 Backtrack Whenever You Want

Prey Morgan on the second floor of the neuromod division

Prey could almost be considered an open-world game, in the sense that you're free to go anywhere you like as long as you have access. And since verticality and alternative routes are such an important part of the game, chances are you can go just about anywhere and return to previous locations at any time you like.

Backtracking allows you to unlock side quests, find secrets and gather more resources. In particular, you can go and hunt down lost crewmembers to grab some extra Neuromods, ammo and other items. However, this is only possible up until a certain point in the game. As you approach endgame, there will be a few events that will prevent you from moving freely within the station, so make sure to backtrack early on.

4 Figure Out Your Way Of Solving The Puzzle

Prey security booth key code panel

Every area of Prey should be approached with the mentality of trying to solve a puzzle. The good thing is, there isn't just one answer to each area. There are many ways Morgan can tackle the task at hand, and all it takes is you finding out what your approach to the situation is.

Hacking can get you through doors and unlock utilities on terminals. Leverage can help you lift heavy objects blocking your path. Stealth lets you downright avoid tough enemies and spare your resources for a better fight. Each approach has its pros and cons, and they're all still valid strategies.

3 Use The Environment

Prey gas canisters inside Morgan Yu's office

Talos I isn't the way it is just to look pretty. There's so much more to the station and its environment, and it can help you quite a bit in combat. From gas canisters lying around to gas pipes that can be shot at, using environmental hazards to combat your enemies is simply a must when it comes to survival.

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There are also puddles of oil, electrified water and metal, and various other surfaces that can be of use when facing off particularly tough enemies. Some Typhons won't be affected by the elements, while others might be inherently weak to them. The Psychoscope research is your best friend when it comes to figuring that out.

2 Memorize And Fix Fabricators And Recyclers

Prey recycler machine in Morgan's office

As mentioned earlier, recycling and crafting are essential parts of Prey. Since resources are the primary way of survival, you'll want to make sure you have as much available as possible and craft the right things at the right time.

Along your way, multiple fabricators and recyclers will appear as well. Some of them will be broken, so make sure to fix them and keep in mind where they are for future reference. Some areas have neither of these utilities, so you might find yourself backtracking just to get to one, which can be annoying.

1 Use Your Weapons To Their Maximum Potential

Prey GLOO gun bridge made on the wall by Morgan

No weapon in Prey is a bad weapon. Every weapon simply has a role to play, so never scoff at the Huntress Boltcaster or roll your eyes at the recycler charger. Meanwhile, efficient weapons like the shotgun and pistol should be used extremely sparingly, when you're absolutely certain you can deal devastating damage. Here are a few smart ways of using some of Prey's more niche weapons:

  • GLOO Gun: Create bridges across dangerous surfaces or climb up to unreachable spots. Glued enemies take more damage from firearms.
  • Huntress Boltcaster: Press buttons from afar (such as through broken glass windows), which can be used to explode Typhon Cystoids.
  • Recycler Charger: Can clear blockages without using Leverage, deals huge damage, and can insta-kill enemies.
  • Disruptor Stun Gun: Can stun-lock enemies and electrify certain surfaces as well.

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