UPDATE: With Sony making no announcement about its presenters being rendered, we're forced to come to the conclusion that they were, in fact, real human beings.

The PlayStation 5 reveal event is happening right now, and as exciting as it is seeing all of the upcoming games for Sony’s next-gen console, arguably, the most impressive part of the presentation is… the presenters themselves.

Nearly all of the human presenters during the livestream look to actually be rendered versions of themselves.

It’s incredibly hard to notice, but you can tell that something is just a bit "off" about most of the presenters. A closer look reveals that some presenters actually appear to be a digital rendering, no doubt created and showcased using the PlayStation 5’s clearly powerful technical capabilities.

Not all of the presenters featured throughout the stream are digitized, but it's genuinely difficult to spot the differences from a quick glance.

Unfortunately, no official confirmation was revealed that this was, in fact, the case during the live event, which would have certainly added a level of prestige to the overall event. As such, it is still possible that they weren't rendered versions of the presenters at all. Which would be disappointing (and kind of weird) that so many people look like video game characters in real life.

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