The tactical nature of a game like Rainbow Six Siege relies heavily upon the decisions gamers make when playing the game. When no two rounds of this game are the same, it's no wonder every move a player makes affects the outcome of the round. Which operator a player picks has proven to have an impact on the way the round goes, but this is especially true on a map like Clubhouse, which features many soft walls, plenty of room for rotations, and yes, that big, ominous Garage that gives the defending team a huge advantage over the attacking team.

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Here are the best operators to use on Clubhouse when you're attacking and when you're defending.

10 Attacker: Thermite

With as many soft walls as there are on Clubhouse, it comes as no surprise that the defending team will do as much reinforcing as they can. This is why Thermite is such a good option for attacking Clubhouse. He makes getting past reinforced walls as easy as getting past soft walls and can create access points where previously there were none. Especially since most of the objective sites in Clubhouse are accessible by an external soft wall that is more than likely going to be reinforced.

9 Defender: Bandit

As mentioned before, there are plenty of soft walls on Clubhouse. This will mean the defending team's main priority should either be reinforcing these walls or breaching them before the attacking team has a chance to in order to catch them off-guard. If you decide to reinforce, however, you'll want Bandit on your team. Bandit's CED is one of the best ways to stop hard breachers in their tracks.

This works especially well at the end of the Tunnel into Arsenal Room in the basement. The only way to get into Tunnel is through the soft walls at the end of it, and since there are only two, it only takes one operator to reinforce it.

8 Attacker: Hibana

If you don't want to risk stepping up to a reinforced wall and putting Thermite's Exothermic Breaching Charge, you don't have to. Hibana's gadget does the same thing Thermite's does, just in a smaller capacity, and from a distance. Of course, if you want to make a hole big enough to wiggle through, you'll have to aim towards the bottom of the wall and crawl through or use all three charges in one place.

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Her gadget is great for creating murder holes and keeping a safe distance from the wall, but in terms of actually getting through the wall, Hibana is a step below Thermite.

7 Defender: Kaid

If Bandit has been banned from the game or you just want to electrify the reinforced ceiling hatch in Arsenal Room with, Kaid is your best bet. He only has two Rtila Electroclaws to Bandit's four CEDs, but his Electroclaw can electrify two reinforced walls at once — or a hatch overhead. His gadget is especially useful in Arsenal Room and Memorial Room, as these are two sites that feature ceiling hatches that attackers often use to gain access to the basement on Clubhouse.

Keeping attackers off your objective sites is never easier than when you have both a Bandit and a Kaid on your team, so if your teammate has already picked one or the other, don't be afraid to pick up the other one!

6 Attacker: Thatcher

If you're going to have a Thermite or Hibana on your team, Thatcher is an almost-must. It will ultimately come down to whether or not the defending team runs Bandit, Kaid, or Mute, because if they don't, it's okay if the attacking team doesn't pick up Thatcher.

But as long as the defending team is smart about reinforcing their reinforced walls and basically shutting down Thatcher or Hibana, Thatcher is a smart operator to have on the team. His EMP grenade easily destroys any gadgets that could hinder blasting a hole in a reinforced wall, and from a safe distance.

5 Defender: Mute

Mute is a great, versatile operator for the defending team. Not only is he the only operator that routinely keeps the attacking team from locating the objective, but he can stop both hard-breachers and soft breachers from breaking through soft walls and barricades. He comes with four Signal Disruptors for maximum protection from drones and breachers alike.

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However, the disruptors are vulnerable, much like other defending gadgets, to Thatcher's EMP grenades and Twitch's drone. So make sure you put your disruptors down in places the Twitch drone won't be able to see them under door barricades or from just far enough away the Twitch drone can destroy the disruptor without getting its own signal jammed.

4 Attacker: Glaz Or Kali

If Clubhouse is notorious for anything other than soft walls, it's the abundance of spawn-peeking locations. When you spawn in VIP Parking, it's pretty much guaranteed that at least one of your teammates will go down to a spawn-peeker hiding out in Pool Table, Gym, or Bedroom. Be the hero of your team and shut down these spawn-peeking defenders with a sniper rifle, which comes with both Kali and Glaz's loadouts.

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When you're not sniping spawn-peekers, there are also some good angles from the rooftops to shut down any defending team members who happen to walk past a window or try to rotate by running across the first floor roof.

3 Defender: Pulse

If you'd rather go a different route when dealing with Clubhouse's soft walls, Pulse is a good operator to pick. He's insanely useful for spotting attackers on their way to the objective site, but it works even better when the walls haven't been reinforced and he can just use a shotgun blast to wall bang enemy players as soon as they come across his Heartbeat Scanner.

Of course, even if your team does decide to reinforce all the walls, there are still plenty of semi-soft floors and ceilings to attack the enemy team through. Pulse is also equipped with a nitro cell, which makes it even easier to catch attackers by surprise.

2 Attacker: Your Main

As always, it may be best to just use the operator you're most familiar with in order to secure the W on Clubhouse. If your main is one of the operators above, great. If not, that's also great because sometimes it's more about the expertise and experience a player has with a particular operator's loadout, recoil pattern, and gadget. If you'd rather hide from the spawn-peekers behind your shield or rush in before they have a chance to shoot you, more power to you. As long as the job gets done, it works!

1 Defender: Your Main

Defending Clubhouse is a diverse job that plenty of operators can do without a problem. It's a large map with plenty of room for roamers to rotate and a robust map with plenty of places within objective sites for anchors to hide in. As long as your team communicates, has the basics of the game down, and knows which walls to reinforce and which walls to blow out, using the operator you're most familiar with is a very viable option. If you're a Caveira main, have all the fun in the world rotating to get behind the enemy team for an awesome flank. If you're an Echo main, Sonic Burst the enemy team's eardrums out to your heart's content. As long as you get the win.

NEXT: Rainbow Six Siege: The 5 Best Attack Operators To Play On Bank (& The 5 Best Defense)