Having trouble pegging those pesky Badgers in Red Dead Redemption 2 Online? The game hosts many daily events, and several pertain to scouting for the local fauna, such as Wildlife Photographer, Wild Animal Tagging, and Wild Animal Kills. That means you'll definitely be set to the task of badger tracking at some point if you haven't already.

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Though they are a common species, badgers are devilishly hard to spot skittering amongst the shrubs. You may also be looking in the wrong area. Even though their habitat is spread far and wide across the map, there are areas badgers won't venture. Conversely, there are also a few hotspots where you're almost guaranteed to rouse them from their undergrowth hideyholes just by riding through.

The Lemoyne Region

Lemoyne is probably going to be your best bet. All around Rhodes is a pretty bountiful badger hunting ground. However, their specific whereabouts can be kind of spotty, with sporadic mini environments broken up by stretches where you're not likely to see them at all. Still, there are a few hotspots within the Lemoyne region where the population is more condensed.

To start, there is a small area just outside the town of Rhodes to the Southwest that has a dense badger population. Then there is a peppered trail of conducive environments leading down to the other two hotbeds in this region.

Badgers also inhabit the southern and eastern peninsulas of Lemoyne south of Rhodes. You'll find a strong badger presence past Braithwaite Manor on the southern peninsula and another on the far side of Bolger Slade along the Lannahechee River.

Donner Falls

There is a large badger environment in the Amarino region as well. The habitat stretches along the east bank of Donner Falls, running past the Bacchus Station and down to the east of Fort Wallace.


While in this vicinity, you might try your luck on the other side of the Cumberland Forest. There is another minor badger population directly south of the Donner Falls habitat, just over the border into New Hanover.

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Tall Trees

Tall Trees is another popular region for badger hunting. The best areas to search run from the Aurora Basin to the East, partway towards Blackwater, and then North towards the Owanjila Dam along the Upper Montana River.

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There's another good site that's a little more spread out in the Northern West Elizabeth region, North of Blackwater. Try riding a large circle from Riggs Station along Hawks Eye Creek, then cutting back just South of Monto's Rest and Diablo ridge and back down towards the station.

These locations are going to yield the best chance of badger sightings. But remember, these small mammals are great at camouflaging themselves amongst the shrubbery they like to inhabit. Though you will likely stir them up by riding through their dwellings, you'll still want to use your eagle eye vision to make an easier time scoping them out.

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