Remedy, the developer behind such games as Alan Wake, Quantum Break, and Control, seems like it has a lot on its plate as per the company's latest financial report.

In the report, three new games and DLC for Control are discussed. Tero Virtala, CEO of Remedy, commented on the success of Control. Virtala said that the game continues to do well after the game's release and called it a "major achievement' for the developer. Virtala said that two pieces of paid DLC are being developed for it and will release in 2020.

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CrossFireX was the first of three new games being worked on by Remedy. As the sequel to Smilegate's CrossFire from 2009, Remedy will be working on the single-player portion of it, which seems to be the developer's wheelhouse.

via SlashGear

The next project mentioned by Virtala was described as "unannounced," though it was said that the game's development is progressing sufficiently.

Finally, Virtala mentioned the fourth project on the docket, Vanguard, which is a "long-term service-based" multiplayer title. Yet, Vanguard will also have the peculiar Remedy flavor seen throughout the majority of its games. Virtala stated that Vanguard and its unannounced project are both in their pre-production phases.

Virtala ended his discussion on the four projects by stating that Remedy is working on continually honing and expanding its production methods.

Little is known about the three new games mentioned by Virtala. CrossFireX will be the first in its series on a console platform, as stated by Virtala. Additionally, Vanguard sounds comparable to the likes of titles such as Destiny, Anthem, or Apex Legends but with the eclectic elements that define Remedy's catalog.

As for the unrevealed project, one could speculate that it's related to Alan Wake or another of Remedy's game series given that the game is "based on the company's own game brands." This means it could be a remaster, remake, or sequel.

Control's DLC, however, can't come soon enough. The game has accumulated plenty of accolades for its memorable story with precisely-blended horror and sci-fi elements. Thus far, Control's Expeditions DLC has been released, though we have yet to see if Alan Wake and Control will cross paths in future DLC.

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Source: Eurogamer