Riot Games' most popular title League Of Legends made headlines with its teaser posters and official announcement of its next season debut, Season 2020, also known as Season 10. After two months of pre-seasonal enjoyment and anticipation, League Of Legends Season 2020 makes its way to servers this January 10, 2020.

Riot Games drew the limelight with their teaser poster for League Of Legends Season 10, called 'Season 2020,' highlighting the new decade and beginning for the game. Along with the main teaser were several other posters depicting five champions for five different roles, Top Lane Urgot, Jungler Rengar, Mid Lane Azir, Attack Damage Carry (ADC) Kai'Sa, and Support Nami. Fans speculate that these posters will be apart of Season 2020's trailer debut in the coming days.

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Each champion poster depicts their role perfectly and has an appropriate tagline, Urgot has dominate, which describes ninety percent of what Top Laners do in League Of Legend games. Hunt is Rengar's tagline, which speaks for itself as the champion is a literal hunter, Azir's slogan is none other than control considering the champion is based around controlling sand soldiers. The void dashing Kai'Sa has eliminate as her tagline, because that's the only task an ADC's has to do. Lastly, Nami has protect because that's the simplest gamer definition for supporting.

Season 2020 will debut on January 10, which means player's ranks will reset, but the climb back to glory won't be too hard. Player's pre-season performance will play a part along with placement matches in rank calculation, in short, if you played well in the pre-season and the placement matches, you would receive a rank that's close to your previous rank in the pre-season or higher. But overall, placement matches will decide most of the majority for your season 2020 rank.

League Of Legends Season 2020 will receive changes, nerfs, buffs, but what keeps players at the edge of their seats is what comes after the season debut. Sett, The Boss is set to be released this January, which adds to the excitement of League Of Legends new decade start. With the new elemental map mechanic being finalized into League Of Legends and Draven's son Sett on the way, players will have to rethink about how they play the game, adding to the whole new beginning vibe that Riot Games is going for this year. Stay updated with Riot Games updates on the League Of Legends Twitter page.

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