Playing Dropshot is a great way to work your way up the ladder of seasonal tier rewards, without jeopardizing your regular mode's rank. You might want to hold on to your Diamond or Platinum standing, and minimize the times you play competitive SocCar in order to safeguard your hard earned achievements.

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Although Dropshot is part of the Extra modes playlist, winning a game of it still counts towards any challenges that involve playing competitively. That's especially helpful when it comes to tackling some of the objectives that come with the Rocket Pass. So while you are at it, why not try to win those strange, wonky, Dropshot games?

Practice Aerials

Aerial positioning in Rocket League

Jumping in some aerial training can help you become a vastly better player, not only in Dropshot. If you ever watched any online tournaments or champion series, you have probably seen top players hitting the ball while airborne almost all the time.

It makes sense, your car is literally powered by a rocket boost, so take to the skies like the pros. Dropshot is loosely based on the concepts of volleyball, so the ball will be in the air for the entirety of the game. If you don't know how to properly execute aerials, do not go into this game mode without some practice from the default training drills.

Pick The Right Car

Rocket League Hot Shot

Do not go for style over performance. Oftentimes, someone might be inclined to drive one body type over another, simply because of how it looks. That's all good and well if you just want to have fun. However, if your goal is to win, you should pick a car that can help you do just that.

Cars generally have the same performance capabilities. Your max speed or acceleration will not be affected by what you pick. However, your hitbox is indeed determined by the car, so choose one that works best for you. To make your life easy, most high ranking players either use the Fennec or Octane.

Form A Team

Rocket League gameplay

Having a reliable group of friends who play the game with you, is essential to winning practically in every game mode. Dropshot requires a high degree of coordination, otherwise it just becomes a mess of cars bumping into each other, hoping to hit a volley.

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Forming a team allows you to develop chemistry with your teammates, which will only improve over time. Furthermore, being on a team facilitates communication, which is also essential to succeed at the game. The quick chat does little to imitate talking, so it's best to use voice chat for optimal results.

Go For Fun, Not For Wins

The empty Dropshot arena

Dropshot has a much steeper learning curve than most other game types in Rocket League. It's concept is simple to understand but hard to master. Even a high degree of preparation and training cannot replace the real thing. Playing Dropshot is the only way to get consistently good at it.

Because it's a rather weird and sometimes chaotic mode, it might feel discouraging to rack some losses. Nonetheless, keep in mind that Dropshot was engineered for fun. You should go into it expecting to take a break from SocCar, which can be all too serious and competitive.

Beware Ball-Chasing

The Dropshot game mode, featuring damaged tiles and the ball

Knowing when to strike and when to wait is key in Rocket League, even more so when play Dropshot. Chasing the ball never ends well. You either hit it or you don't. Avoid wasting precious boost and time for a chance that you might do some damage to the floor.

Most newcomers to Dropshot try to bump into the ball as much as possible, without a method. This often leads to unwanted outcomes, since erratic moves are not a guaranteed way to score. Stop for a second and observe the scene to predict where the ball will end up, and make your way there beforehand.

Mind Your Boost

Rocket League Boost

There are no boost pickups in Dropshot, but this invaluable tool quickly recharges after being depleted to any amount. You should always have some of it on you for emergencies. Certain situation require quick thinking and fast reflexes, and having no boost almost always results in a guaranteed negative outcome.

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You should use your boost mostly for aerials rather than catching up with the ball. This simultaneously conserves it and puts the other team in a tough spot: they will find themselves constantly chasing the ball, while your boost recharges.

Bumping Works

An image showing some cars nearly bumping into each other

If you are not so great at aerials, you can still help your team both on offense and defense. Scoring in Dropshot requires you to hit the ball into the opposing team's floor, before they have a chance to touch it. In a way, the goal, or net, is the entirety of that floor.

Occasionally bumping into other cars is pretty common in Dropshot games, and even leads to scoring. Some players mistakenly stand still, waiting to hit the ball. If you spot someone inert, give them a good bump. This also works especially well if you desperately need to make some breathing room, while your teammates focus on damaging the tiles.

Call The Shots

The quick chat customization screen

Communication is key when executed properly. Whether or not you are in a pre-made team, you should always let your teammates know if you are about to hit the ball, or hanging back to defend. This allows them to focus on something else that can help increase your chances of winning.

There is no point in having everyone chase and hit the ball. That only results in haphazard plays that end in chaos. Let your team know what you plan to do, and they will likely start doing the same, thus creating a reliable loop of gameplay rotation.

Hit The Ball Down, Not Up

A car dunking the ball in Dropshot

The worst mistake you can make in Dropshot is hitting the ball towards the ceiling. Admittedly, it is sometimes hard to aim your shots in this mode, especially if you are defending. Nonetheless, plenty of slow volleys are liable to take place, sooner or later.

These moments account for some invaluable play-making opportunities. If you are proficient enough at aerials, hit the ball downward rather than upward. This makes the shot a great deal harder to save, maximizing the possibilities that you will deal damage to the floor.

Double Jump

A game of Dropshot, featuring damaged tiles and an airborne ball

It sounds simple but it will make your life incredibly easier. Double jumping is essential to aerials. If you find yourself struggling to hit the ball because you almost always miss it by a hair, you are most likely not double jumping. Coupling the double jump with boosting greatly reduces the amount of time it takes you to become airborne.

You can see where this is going. Dropshot requires you to essentially operate your car of choice as if it were a flying kite. Double jumping will make the entire process much easier, and you will find aerials a great deal more approachable.

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