Twitch star Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek had some conflicted reactions to the reveal of the upcoming battle royale mode for Fallout 76. Bethesda detailed the updates coming to Fallout 76 during their annual E3 press conference yesterday and there were some mixed reactions from viewers, none more so than Shroud, who said the new game mode “looks like a f***ing nightmare” as well as saying “this might be a Fortnite killer!”.

The list of features, game modes, and updates coming to Fallout 76 was no doubt a highlight of Bethesda’s show this year, nevertheless many players were still left unsure of whether the game could turn around after the tumultuous first year of release it has had. If you are unsure or on the fence about whether now is the right time to try Fallout 76, you may want to ask someone other than Shroud, his views on the game are somewhat...cloudy.

During the actual reveal of the new game mode Shroud, and everyone in attendance, was genuinely blown away. In the clip you can see him lean back in his chair and cheer when he realizes the popular last-man-standing game mode will be coming to Fallout 76. “Oh my God!” he exclaimed, “Yes! I’m down! This could be better than Firestorm! For real!” As Project Leader Jeff Gardiner and Co-Studio Director Tom Mustaine took the stage to explain the update in more detail Shroud commented “That’s dope. I’m excited honestly.”

At this point, you may be thinking Shroud has purchased his ticket for the hype train and joyfully taken his seat. It was his comments after the show ended, however, that indicated he wasn’t exactly sold.

While recapping the press conference with his viewers he had this to say about 76: “Fallout 76 has some sweet updates. BR is gonna be...honestly its probably going to be terrible but it’ll probably be fun.” Later, he echoed this sentiment saying “It looks like a f***ing nightmare but it looks like its going to be fun. I bet you it won’t be balanced, its not going to f***ing matter, but it’ll be a good time."

The new battle royale game mode wasn’t the only content announced for 76. A new update called Wastelanders will bring Fallout’s traditional NPCs and branching dialogue to the game, a new main quest, and new items to craft. Overall, Shroud was sincerely optimistic about the future of Fallout 76. He even jumped into a game for a few minutes to see how it felt (the battle royale mode had not yet been added to the game). He ran around, set off a nuke, got stream sniped, and got kicked out of the server by way of an exploit that has persisted in the game since launch. Good times, classic 76.

NEXT: How Bethesda Is Saving Fallout 76 (In The Most Obvious Way)