Sifu has made a push toward better accessibility today with its newest update, adding three difficulty options. You can either tone it down with Student or up the tempo with Master, while the base game is known as Disciple.

Difficulty tweaks health, ageing, and aggression, meaning that you can stay younger for longer, go older quicker, take less damage, or take more. The idea is to make Sifu harsher or fairer rather than making enemies spongier or flimsier. Aggression means that you'll also have more breathing room if you play on Student as enemies will be less inclined to fight you, while on Master difficulty, you'll find fights more unrelenting.

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But it goes beyond tweaking a few behavioural settings and modifying stats like health and age - Master adds whole new boss patterns, making for tougher fights that push you to new limits. While a controversial change for those who don't want an easy mode, the harder option should help ease the internet outrage as it breathes new challenge into Sifu. But for those who struggled or found it inaccessible, it might finally be more open and intuitive.

The Student Of Sifu Prepares To Fight

The update is available right now for free, so if you want to dive in and give Sifu another crack after being beaten down and turned into a husk of an old man, then you can - just be wary that you don't pick the harder difficulty. Then you'll definitely be a husk of an old man.

"Struggling with Sifu?" the video opened. "New difficulty - Student. Less aggressive AI, weaker enemies, more forgiving ageing mechanic. Already a skilled Pak Mei adept? New Master difficulty - more aggressive AI, new boss patterns."

In other Sifu news, modders are going above and beyond by bringing beloved movies and characters to the game, whether it's The Dark Knight, Daredevil, John Wick, Spider-Man or The Matrix. Well, The Matrix Reloaded - maybe not so beloved, eh? You can fight hundreds of Agent Smiths with a new mod, all while looking like Keanu Reeves, and now you can do it with a little more ease thanks to the latest update.

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