Spider-Man has had several different iterations done of his character over the past several years. But before he was brought to the big screen, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was simply a beloved comic book character who also happened to be one hell of a superhero.

Peter Parker is his real name, of course, and before he was bitten by the radioactive spider, he was just your average teenager going through the trials and tribulations of growing up. Alas, he was indeed bitten by that spider which caused him to gain superhuman powers and spider-like abilities.

Since then, we have learned quite a bit about Spider-Man, a.k.a. Peter Parker, and the different powers and abilities he has had over the many years we have known him. While some powers have come and gone, others have stayed and stood the test of time. Certain abilities of his are like a well-kept secret amongst comic book fans, so we have compiled a list for those who maybe are not "in the know" in regards to Spider-Man and his body's capabilities.

That is not to say that even the most dedicated of comic book fans won't learn a thing or two about Spidey, though. There is much to learn about Spider-Man, his body, and its powers, and that is precisely why we have created this handy list.

Plus, each actor who has played Spider-Man has brought something different to the table, thus creating more superpowers in his repertoire than we previously knew of. So whether you're a casual Spider-Man fan or a die-hard fan, be sure to read the 25 Weird Facts Only Super Fans Knew About Spider-Man's Body.

25 He Once Had Extra Limbs

via Spider Man Crawlspace

In one classic comic done by Stan Lee, Spider-Man decides to create a serum that would cause him to lose his superhero powers and finally become a completely normal man.

It ultimately backfires and he grows four extra arms instead, much to his dismay. And while it may seem like a benefit for his crime-fighting activities, it only served to make him more determined to be “normal.”

At least he eventually got an antidote from none other than Doctor Curt Connors.

24 Spider-Man’s Organic Webbing Abilities

via Inverse

Everyone knows that in the comic book version of Spider-Man, he had homemade web shooters that he used when swinging across New York from the webs. (Yes, he made them all by himself.) But when we saw Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man films, he seemed to gain the power of shooting webs organically, rather than from a mechanism.

This was a decision by the director Sam Raimi. Eventually, the comics followed suit and created a storyline where Spider-Man has organic webbing abilities, but it didn’t last long.

23 Super Speed

via thepinsta.com

Most superheroes seem to have gained the power of super speed in some way or another when they first become a superhero, and the same goes for our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. He may not be as fast as the likes of The Flash or Quicksilver, but he is still able to out-run cars on foot and is apparently even faster when zipping through the air with his webs.

He is inhumanly fast.

Seems like a pretty handy ability to have, if you ask me.

22 He Has A High Resistance To Toxins

via Screen Rant

This is yet another ability that must come in handy from all of the times he is up against a nefarious villain. It seems that due to his superhuman abilities, he is resistant to toxins. This does not mean he is immune, however, but rather is able to withstand toxins unless they are in extremely high doses.

Even then, he is able to recover quite quickly. That is a seriously awesome power to have when going up against a foe. Lucky him.

21 Heightened Senses

via gafollowers.com

Ever since Peter Parker got bitten by that radioactive spider and turned into the crime-fighting superhero, Spider-Man, he has had a lot of benefits to becoming an enhanced version of his former self.

This includes his extremely heightened senses.

Yes, that means that everything from his sense of sight to his sense of smell to even sense of touch is heightened more than your average human, and it ultimately helps him when he is fighting crime.

I would have to imagine it is helpful in a multitude of ways.

20 Spidey-Sense

via writeups.org

Spider-Man’s most well-known ability has to be his spidey-sense. Most often, this occurs when danger or a potential threat of some sort is coming his way or even when it is going to harm others. This power alerts him to the danger and he, in turn, is able to go save the day.

It is supposed to have started when he was bitten by the radioactive spider, but it is never really explained how that power comes from a spider. Best to not question it, I suppose.

19 Enhanced Equilibrium

via Collider

When you think of all of the many superhuman things Spider-Man does when swinging through the city and fighting crime, it’s hard to imagine doing any of that yourself without feeling light-headed at some point.

But Spider-Man is able to do all of that without even batting an eye or breaking a sweat. This is because he has a superior ability to balance on things that seem impossible to balance on, such as clinging on a wall or balancing on a spider web.

No wonder he is such a highly regarded hero.

18 He Became Superior Spider-Man

via imgur.com

It’s the age-old story of a villain swapping bodies with the superhero. It has happened time and time again in comic book storylines, so it was bound to happen to Spider-Man. The only thing is, it lasted far longer than anyone expected.

This was when Doctor Octopus put his mind inside Spider-Man.

But a part of Peter’s soul remained inside, which challenged him to become a better man and hero. This meant that he became “superior” Spider-Man until he eventually gave Peter power over his own body back to him.

17 Super-Healing Ability

via Don’t Feed The Gamers

It stands to reason that if you are going to be considered a superhero, you better have some sort of super healing ability. Luckily, Spider-Man does have that.

And while Spider-Man’s healing ability is nowhere near some other superheroes who are able to take multiple gunshot wounds and heal instantly (*ahem* Deadpool), he is still able to heal much faster than the average human.

He could break his ribs and bounce back and be fully healed within no more than a day or two. That definitely makes us mere humans a little envious.

16 Super Metabolism

via tadtoonew.com

Peter Parker is one of the lucky heroes to have a super high metabolism. This is mostly beneficial because it has helped him in many situations, especially when it comes to fighting off those toxins we previously mentioned.

But it also means he has to eat a lot more than most to keep his body healthy and strong. Plus, it takes a lot to get him remotely inebriated when drinking, which can be a bummer for any young man.

In the end, though, it is far more helpful than hurtful.

15 He Can Use Any Part Of His Body To Stick To Surfaces

via CBR

Everyone associates Spider-Man’s ability to stick to walls with his hands and feet and his ability to climb up walls due to this.

But this ability of his is not limited to just his limbs.

He has used this power to use his back to stick to surfaces and has even kept his mask stuck to his face when needed.

Of course, it seems to me that this could land him in more than one sticky situation, but I'm positive the pros weigh out the cons.

14 Superior Aiming

via GamesRadar

There are plenty of powers Spider-Man has that he uses to his advantage consistently when fighting his latest foe. But he also has plenty of secondary superpowers that are just as useful as super healing or super speed.

For instance, his superior aiming skill. If he was not as accurate, he would not be able to swing from building to building at 100 mph safely, and he definitely would not accurately deliver blows to his enemies.

So really, if he did not have this superpower, he wouldn't be very good at his job.

13 Psychic Connection To Spiders

via CBR

This psychic connection he developed to insects and spiders only occurred after he was kissed by Spider-Queen Adriana. The power itself was mostly limited to things like identification and detection.

In other words, he did not have the same abilities to control the insects like Henry Pym had.

Still, I am sure this ability not only set him apart from the rest of the superheroes he was associated with but also gave him an advantage when going up against his latest villain.

12 Vampire Resistance

via Daily News About Comic Books, Fan Theories and Movies

Spider-Man has many different ways of being resistant to different forms of attacks. Whether they be from toxins or other dangers, he is able to thwart them off with either his high metabolism or other superhuman abilities.

He is even resistant to vampires.

Sure, he was previously turned into a vampire when bitten. But he shrugged off the effects and returned to his “normal” self pretty quickly.

That seems like it would be quite the feat for most, but for Spider-Man, it was no big deal, evidently.

11 Camouflage

via writeups.org

Miles Morales also uses the identity of Spider-Man in the comics, and while both he and Peter Parker have similar origin stories as well as superpowers, they also have some differences.

One of the main ones is that Miles is able to camouflage himself to where he is able to blend himself and his clothing into his surroundings. This doesn’t mean he’s invisible but rather becomes a chameleon of sorts.

If Peter Parker had that same ability, he would've saved himself a lot of trouble when going up against certain enemies of his.

10 Ability To Destroy Foes With A Touch

via Den Of Geek

Spider-Man has one truly dark ability that he keeps hidden from most of the world - including casual comic book readers.

But the more dedicated fans know that he is able to maim his enemies with just a simple touch. If he is able to stick to walls, then what if he stuck himself to the skin of a villain he was fighting?

The result would be devastating, especially for a good guy like Peter Parker. Which is probably why he holds back a lot when in a physical fight.

9 He Will Never Age

via CBR

This is yet another power of Miles Morales' that Peter did not get the benefit of having himself. See, when Miles Morales was bitten by a similar radioactive spider from OsCorp, he received many of the same abilities as Peter Parker. But there was a major difference that may have happened when he was bitten.

Apparently, this formula would grant him immortality. Of course, we have yet to see if this is true, but it sounds like it just might be.

8 Super Strength

via Hollywood Reporter

Spider-Man may not be looked at as one of the strongest superheroes, but he is still considerably stronger than your average humans.

He is considered “Class 10’ strong - meaning he can lift up to ten tons.

That would explain why he has been seen lifting things like cars and other extremely heavy things. He even has probably lifted more than ten tons when the situation called for it, possibly due to adrenaline.

But because of this power, he also has to watch himself when he is fighting a villain, or he could easily end their lives with a single punch.

7 Night Vision

via Screen Rant

This ability actually comes from what many considered a controversial storyline from the comic books that was rarely referenced after its initial mention.

But when Spider-Man seemed to be destroyed by Morlun he ended up emerging from a cocoon as a new being. This meant he gained some new abilities, including night vision. Obviously, this ability wasn’t used for long since it wasn’t mentioned much at all after that, but it’s definitely a cool power to have.

I suppose it just wasn't meant to be for him to have the power long-term.

6 Spider-Tracers

via Dark Horizons

We saw a very high-tech version of this spider-tracer in Spider-Man: Homecoming, though it was an invention of Tony Stark’s rather than Peter’s. It seemed to be a huge upgrade, in fact.

But in the comics, Peter is the one who actually invented it. And he is not only able to launch it from his web-shooters, but he is able to use his spider-sense to track it and aim it. It comes in handy quite often for him.

Hopefully, we will see more of it in the coming films.