Spider-Man Remastered didn't just come with a controversial change to Peter Parker's face - it also added a few new suits for players to don in their web-slinging shenanigans across New York City. Recently, concept art for one particular suit - a brand new armored variant of Insomniac's original costume - was revealed by revered comic book artist Jamie McKelvie.

A few key design choices can be seen in the concept art, from the mask seam lines following the original suit's web lines to the spider sitting atop the armor plates.

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McKelvie also threw in the concept art for the chest spider, which can be seen standalone from the suit. "I really enjoyed working on this," McKelvie said in a Twitter thread. "Armour isn't something I've done much so it was a nice challenge to come up with something armored that still says 'Spider-Man.'"

Rather heartwarmingly, when asked by a fan whether it gets old knowing that he designed something that millions of people will see, McKelvie responded, "My mum asked if it was a commercial game when I showed her the design and I said yes it's sold like 14 million copies."

This isn't the first time that McKelvie has worked with Marvel, as he's spent the better part of the past decade working on comics, whether it was Cable (2009) #11 and #12, Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #150, Secret Avengers #16, or even Young Avengers. It's not even his first rodeo with games, as he also worked on Positech's Kudos 2 way back in 2006.

McKelvie is even responsible for the relaunch design of Captain Marvel in 2013, as well as Kamala Khan's Ms. Marvel outfit. Naturally, Insomniac brought him into the fold to work on Marvel's Spider-Man, where he hit it off with fans and developers alike. Hopefully, he'll be brought back again for the sequel.

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