We love Han Solo as much as the next Star Wars fanatic, but we admit throughout all the films, Star Wars lore gets a little tricky. We have to admit when George Lucas first thought of a movie about guys fighting in space, we're sure he didn't expect it to go so far. Understandably, some things don't make sense. There are, however, confusing things that should make sense. In this list, we'll be talking about 25 things about Han Solo that just don't make sense, continuity errors or not. This is a hot issue since the Han origin story movie Solo: A Star Wars Story came out recently. Alden Ehrenreich (spelled that on the first try without looking), kudos for your effort. We don't think anyone on Earth could replicate young Harrison Ford, so thank you for trying.

The thing about Han Solo is that Harrison Ford really wasn't trying when he was cast. George Lucas didn't expect it, and so Harrison Ford's Han was effortlessly brilliant. Plus it's difficult to replicate his voice and looks. Some people are just difficult to imitate, we guess that's why acting exists. The closest we've found so far is the brilliant Anthony Ingruber. He does a very good Harrison Ford impression, and he auditioned. So we're reeling as to why he wasn't seriously considered. We know that casting is a whole process and it's more than just looks but still... anyway, let's get to it!

25 Doesn't He Hate Teams?


One of the first things we learn about Han Solo in Star Wars is that he's not a fan of being on a team. Solo jokes aside, Han is first introduced to us in A New Hope all the way back in 1977.

Han Solo is an extroverted loner.

Han isn't a team guy, which he states at the end of the film when Luke asks for his help against Darth Vader, and Han takes the money and runs (spoiler: he obviously comes back to save the day, guys). So why in the new Han Solo movie, does it say that Han joined the Imperial Service.

24 Amnesia About Lando?


This one can't be blamed on the years between the original movies and the prequels because this all happened in the one film. In The Empire Strikes Back the whole gang (except Luke, who's balancing on his head in a forest somewhere) meet Han's old friend Lando, who Han says not to trust.

He was right, and Lando betrays them. What's confusing is Han seems hurt by Lando's betrayal, yet he was the one who warned Leia not to trust Lando? Our minds can't keep up. Either way, he turned back to the good side.

23 How Did He Forget Jedi?


One thing that was hugely focused on in the prequels was the Jedi. Since they were all wiped out by the time Luke was a teenager, we didn't hear much about them in the originals. We only see Obi-Wan teach Luke some stuff, and then Han pokes fun at Jedi and doesn't believe they exist.

This doesn't make sense, because the Jedi were in full force 20 years earlier, and Han is in his early 30s, meaning that Jedi would have been in their prime when he was a child, so why can't he remember them?

22 He Likes Danger

via: filmdaily.co

In the Star Wars universe, there are like 30 more planets then what exist in our humble universe. Seriously, planet-hopping is so easy. Just use your ship like driving a car. Yet Han Solo chose to relax in an establishment on Tatooine, where Jabba the Hutt resided.

Jabba the Hutt who was specifically looking for Han...

Why go to The Cantina? Why not go hide somewhere else or just float around space? Admittedly it didn't seem like Jabba was looking too hard but still, way to live life on the edge, Han.

21 Did He Help Kylo?


One thing that has many fans speculating and creating devastating fan theories was Han's passing. In The Force Awakens, we see Kylo end Han by turning on his lightsaber. It was truly heartbreaking, but we'll focus more on that later.

What has fans' heads turning is the fact that Kylo asked Han for help while they were talking on the bridge, leading fans to wonder if Han turned the lightsaber on himself. Kylo does seem to look a little shocked in the scene.

20 His Magic Jacket


This is more of a continuity error for the cast and crew on set at the time. Do you remember the heartbreaking scene in The Empire Strikes Back when Han was frozen in carbonite? Of course you do. It created one of the most well-known ad-libbed movie lines of all time (thanks to Harrison).

What you might not have realized is Han's jacket goes off and on in between dialogue. It's a simple mistake that happens in a lot of movies, but as Star Wars has such a huge following, every single detail of the films have been catalogued into the Star Wars Wiki.

19 How Much Does He Shop?


Han Solo should have some serious cash flow. He's a criminal outlaw who smuggles things for large sums of cash, yet never seems to have any. When we first see Han, Jabba is after him because Han is late on a delivery after Jabba paid him a lot of money.

Han, seriously, sort out your finances.

Luke and Obi-Wan convince him to let them on the ship after they offer him more money. Yet he always seems to be in trouble with owing people money, right up until his passing. What does he spend it on?

18 Why Is He Grumpy?


In our opinion, Han Solo had a pretty good life. He starts off owning his own ship with his best friend and they ride around being paid large sums of money. Then he meets Leia, they save the world, he gains a family and marries the love of his life.

Han and Leia have a beautiful baby boy (admittedly, this turns out bad), but altogether, he seems to have it pretty good. So why is he always seemingly grumpy? We guess he's just naturally a negative person.

17 Opposites Must Attract


As we've discovered, Han Solo isn't a fan of authority or taking orders; basically, he doesn't like being bossed around. So why did he choose Princess Leia to marry? We love her, but we love her because she's bossy and pushy and tells everyone what to do all the time. She literally became General Organa.

We guess even in the Star Wars universe, love doesn't discriminate and opposites attract. It's kind of satisfying that Han came full circle and married the opposite of everything he stood for since we were first introduced to him. Either way, we still love them.

16 Is He Smart Or Stupid?


Han and Qi'ra want to get off Corellia, understandably. They don't want to work for Lady Proxima anymore and we want them to escape too. But between the two of them you'd think they could come up with a better plan to escape. They literally have years to think of a foolproof way to get off the planet, yet they choose the dumbest plan.

Did they think of the plan in one day?

Their plan of attack was to bribe the guard so he'd let them through; that was it. There are so many things that could go wrong with that plan, we don't understand why they'd go with it. Oh well, maybe they were just that desperate.

15 Who Shot First?


This has probably been the biggest debate in the Star Wars universe. It's such a minor detail to the story, yet it's so focused on, and we're honestly not sure why. It goes all the way back, yet again, to The Cantina.

Just after Han agrees to fly Luke and Obi-Wan around, we see Greedo (sent by Jabba) ask Han about his debt. Threats happen and shots are fired leaving Greedo gone. The big issue? Who shot first? If you've come here looking for closure, we're sorry. We still don't have answers.

14 Did He Forget A Whole Language?


A surprisingly cool thing that happened in the new Solo movie also turned out to be one of the biggest Star Wars universe plot holes. In Solo: A Star Wars Story we find out that Han can fluently speak Shyriiwook, or wookie. Han can fluently understand and speak back to Chewbacca.

But it begs the question, why did he forget how to speak back to him? In none of the original films did Han speak back to Chewie, so why make this huge plot hole? They could have just left him understanding Wookie...

13 Where Are The Jedi?


This one is more focusing on Solo: A Star Wars Story, rather than the originals. In the originals, we're aware that the Jedi are basically extinct. We get that George Lucas didn't expect there to be so many Star Wars movies, especially back stories for nearly every single character.

Han Solo was never expected to have a movie.

But where are the Jedi? (spoiler) Darth Maul turns up in this film, and he was around during the order 66 debacle, when Palpatine ended Jedi left and right. It would have been big news everywhere, but Han apparently had different things to worry about.

12 Orphan Or Not?


Han Solo's origins have been speculated about for years and years. Ever since we were first introduced to Han, it's just been him and Chewie. It was just assumed that Han was an orphan who grew up on Corellia, since that's pretty much all the info we get.

It turns out our question was answered in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and it was still really disappointing. Han does have parents in fact, his father built ships for a living. Then when asked about it, Han states he doesn't have any and is given the nickname Solo. What was so bad that he completely disregarded his parents.

11 Han Wouldn't Take Orders


As we've talked about before, Han Solo is not a man to listen and take orders from people. He's a loner (except for Chewie) with his own business and free will. So that's why it didn't make sense that he would want to join the Imperial Army and listen to commands and orders.

It's also why it was confusing that Han likes ladies who are clearly the bosses who like to order Han around. We've discussed his confusing relationship with Leia, but it's also Qi'ra. Arguably his first love who is a strong woman and clearly a boss. Han, you have a pattern.

10 Leaving His Friends Behind

via: bustle.com

Han Solo was definitely a loner, and no doubt selfish sometimes, but the one thing we learned from his first appearance in A New Hope, is he comes back for his friends. Han Solo is a loyal companion, as we know based on his longtime friendship with Chewie.

Since when do you just forget about lifelong buddies?

So why did he totally disregard Qi'ra and Lando in the original trilogy? We know Lando pops up but Han seems half-hearted at meeting him even then. Han and Qi'ra have been close all their lives, so it makes no sense that he just forgets about her and moves on completely, without even a mention.

9 Why Not Just Ask?


In The Empire Strikes Back we learn that Han won the Millenium Falcon off of Lando Calrissian in a game of cards. Sabacc, which is like space poker basically. In Solo: A Star Wars Story, they go more in depth about that moment and actually show the card game.

Han bets for Lando's ship if he wins, but loses horribly. Then Qi'ra simply asks Lando for his ship and his help to stop bad things from happening (you know, the usual action movie idea). Lando says yes, and it made us question why Han even bothered in the first place. He could've just asked.

8 His Passing Was Pointless

Han Solo and Jabba standing next to each other at Jabba's Palace.

We've already covered the theory that Han's passing wasn't caused by Kylo, but that Han committed suicide to... help his son turn fully evil? Thinking about that now just doesn't make sense. Han's passing was pointless, because Kylo was already on the warpath to evil.

If Kylo did end his father, how did that help him? Han's intention might've been to help his son but it was too late. If he'd just stayed away from the bridge he could've lived and maybe helped Kylo in the future. I guess we'll never know now.

7 Why Deal With Jabba?


Jabba was after Han for not delivering the full amount of product he ordered. That's kind of fair since he was promised the full amount, but it also doesn't make sense. Han had to dump it or he would've been arrested and then Jabba wouldn't have received anything.

Figure your life out, Jabba.

Also, his bounty on Han was worth more money than Han owed, so we have a feeling Jabba didn't care about the money, he was just super annoyed with Han. Since he's apparently one of the best pilots in the galaxy, that doesn't even make sense either...

6 The Dice Were A Let Down


Like the origin of Han and his last name, the dice in the Millenium Falcon were also a let down. You may be thinking 'what dice?' Well, it's another one of those really minor details that Star Wars fans focused on. Back in A New Hope a pair of gold dice were scene hanging in the Millenium Falcon.

Thinking there was some special meaning behind it given that Luke Skywalker notices them in The Last Jedi, fans waited for the origin in the new Solo movie. Turns out Han got them as a gift. That's it. Since when is Han sentimental?