Multiple days following the leak of the next few Steam sales, the Steam Halloween Sale is underway and puts sizeable discounts on a number of popular horror titles sure to appeal to many Steam users.

Among the titles discounted in the Halloween Sale is January's Resident Evil 2 remake. Normally $59.99, the game is now 50% off at $29.99 with the deluxe edition priced at $38.49 (as opposed to its usual $69.99).

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Friday the 13th: The Game is also on sale. While the title usually sells on Steam for $19.99, it is now 50% off at $9.99. Although the game was panned at launch, it has been improved through a number of patches and new content -some of which is on sale through the Halloween Sale as well-.


The well-received Prey is another one of the titles included in the sale. The Bethesda-published first-person shooter is now 50% off at $19.99. You can also purchase a bundle that includes both Prey and Dishonored 2 at $44.53, discounted from $69.98.

An older but well-received title at the time, Alan Wake has received a 73% discount, which brings the game to $4.04. A horror title with a praised atmosphere and solid horror elements, Steam frequenters may do well to download Alan Wake at its current price of admission.

Other titles on sale include the following:

As can be seen above, there are quite a few high-profile titles on sale. If you have not played Left 4 Dead 2, it would be considered more than a steal at its sale price of $1.99.

Apparently, all of the games discounted are horror-themed in some way and there are some very acclaimed titles among them. Resident Evil 2, Limbo, and Inside were particularly well-received at the time of their respective releases. All in all, PC gamers looking for a prime horror experience might do well to consider any of these titles in the Halloween Sale for purchase.

The Steam Halloween Sale ends November 1st. If anything catches your eye, make sure to take advantage of the sale should ASAP. After all, there are plenty of great choices for gamers to prepare for, or marathon on, Halloween.

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