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In Stranded: Alien Dawn, your crew of survivors can't jump from chore to chore like a team of automatons. On the contrary, your survivors are complex human beings with vital physical, mental, emotional, and social needs.

Related: Stranded: Alien Dawn - Relationships And Marriage

So, instead of driving your crew through unbearable work conditions, treat them to a healthy work/life balance. Investing in fun and amusement via new relaxation routines will guarantee success for your crew in the long haul!

Stranded: Alien Dawn is an Early Access title still in development. Therefore, its current version does not represent the contents of the finished game. As a result, parts of this guide may become obsolete/inaccurate as the title grows and evolves. Additionally, bugs and glitches may inhibit gameplay.

What Is A Relaxation Routine?

The survivors of Sobrius celebrate one year of survival with a fireworks celebration in Stranded: Alien Dawn.

A relaxation routine is any activity that your survivors can do to relax. While they may seem trivial, they're crucial to your survivors' well-being. A lack of relaxing things to do, or a lack of activity diversity, will cause your survivors to burn out and melt down. However, if your survivors have the time and options to relax, their Happiness levels with regulate, and they'll maintain steady productivity.

How Do I Tell When My Crew Needs A New Relaxation Routine

Daniel, Emelin, Katina, Nova, and Rita gather and dance during a Music Night in Stranded: Alien Dawn.

Sometimes a disgruntled crewmate can catch you by surprise. For instance, suppose you schedule regular breaks throughout the day for a survivor, yet their mood remains low. In this case, you need to check that survivor's Happiness tab in their info panel. This stat overview lists the survivor's current Troubles and Pleasures affecting their mood.

When you start seeing troubles like "few fun things to do," "lack of variety of things to do," or "burnout," those are significant signs that you're neglecting that survivor's relaxation needs. Fortunately, you can address these needs promptly by constructing and crafting new items that will pique your survivor's interest.

Survivors also have a Relaxation meter at the top of their stat overview. This meter will show how effective their relaxation routines are and when they need a break.

What Are Some Relaxation Routines Available To My Survivors?

A shooting range and Gultch statue decorate a snowy field in Stranded: Alien Dawn.

All sorts of relaxation routines are available to your crew if you dedicate the time and resources needed. However, unlocking new activities requires research to learn how to craft appropriate items.

However, relaxation is not dependent on material joys. Sometimes interacting with their environment, whether taking a calm walk or making a snowman, can provide simple pleasures. Then there are pets, which provide lovely companionship.

Finally, survivors will occasionally approach you and request celebration nights, music jams, and other hangouts. Accepting their requests will pencil in a gathering into that day's schedule. In addition, these planned hangouts significantly boost crew morale, thus improving productivity.

Here is a list of some activities to get you started, along with their research, facility, and material requirements:


Required Research

Required Facility

Required Materials

Gather Around The Shroom Torch

  • Observe Glittercaps
  • None
  • 10 Glittercaps
  • 10 Stone

Play A Musical Instrument

  • Research Musical Instruments
  • Research Deck
  • Didgeridoo:
    • 5 Wood
    • 5 Metal Alloy
  • Handpan:
    • 10 Metal Alloy

Play A Round Of Darts

  • Observe Clothblossom, Skinbark, or Blade Grass for fabric.
  • Workbench
  • 10 Wood:
  • 10 Metal Alloys
  • 5 Fabrics/Leather

Punch The Punching Pole

  • Observe Skinbark or Butcher Animal Hide
  • Observe Blade Grass
  • Workbench
  • 10 Wood
  • 20 Hay
  • 20 Leathers

Target Practice

  • Research Weaponsmithing
  • Observe Blade Grass
  • Research Desk
  • Workbench
  • 30 Hay
  • 30 Wood
  • A weapon to shoot with

Chisel A Statue

  • Observe a wild animal
  • None
  • Small Statues:
    • 20 Stone
  • Large Statues:
    • 40 Stone

Share A Beer With Friends

  • Observe Graincob
  • Research Brewing
  • Research Desk
  • Fermentation Barrel
  • Wooden Fermentation Barrel:
    • 25 Wood
  • Metal Fermentation Barrel:
    • 25 Scrap Metal
  • Ale:
    • 100 Grain = 5 Ales

Pet An Animal

  • Observe a tameable animal.
  • Research Animal Taming.
  • Discover taming food.
  • Research Desk
  • Animal Shed
  • Animal Feeder
  • Animal Sleeping Spot
  • Scrap Metal Animal Shed:
    • 120 Scrap Metal
  • Stick Animal Shed:
    • 60 Hay
    • 60 Sticks
  • Wooden Animal Feeder:
    • 10 Wood
  • Stone Animal Feeder:
    • 10 Stone
  • Metal Animal Feeder:
    • 10 Metal Alloys
  • Animal Sleeping Spot:
    • No materials required

Take A Hit Of The Smokeleaf Pipe

  • Observe Smokeleaf
  • Drying Rack
  • Workbench
  • Small Drying Rack:
    • Stick Rack: 10 Sticks
    • Scrap Metal Rack: 10 Scrap Metals
  • Large Drying Rack:
    • Wood Rack: 25 Wood
    • Scrap Metal Rack: 25 Scrap Metal
  • 2 Smokeleaf Pipes:
    • ​​​​​​​10 Dried Smokeleaves
    • 4 Sticks

Related: Stranded: Alien Dawn - Train And Tame - How To Domesticate Wildlife

How To Schedule Relaxation Time

Connor, Maki, and Rakha make a new daily schedule in Stranded: Alien Dawn.

Sometimes the most challenging part of relaxing is setting aside the time to do so. If you feel your survivor gets distracted by the next giant task in their queue, you should visit the Schedule menu. The Schedule menu is located in the Manage tab on the bottom taskbar.

The Schedule tool is a chart that lists each survivor next to the hours of the day. To designate a survivor's hour to a specific focus, click on one of the four focuses listed above: Anything, Relax, Work, or Sleep. Then click on the hours you wish to dedicate that survivor to each focus.

In addition, you can reset the schedule to its default by pressing the reset button, copy a survivor's schedule with the copy button, and apply a copied schedule to another survivor with the paste button.

Each focus has a designated color, so you'll see a straightforward overview of each survivor's day. Anything is Beige, Relax is Yellow, Work is Pink, and Sleep is Blue. In short, if your survivor can never settle down for a breather, we recommend they get more yellow hours in their schedule.

Next: Stranded: Alien Dawn - What Research Projects Should You Take On First?