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Stray has a fair few collectables scattered throughout its runtime. These tend to be one-and-done things, like Music Sheets, or Flowers. However, there is one collectible that can be found in most levels and is part of a game-long side quest. Of course, we are talking about B-12’s missing Memories.

Related: Stray: Where To Find Every Music Sheet In The Slums

B-12 is your ever-reliable buddy, and they have a unique perspective on the world you are in. After all, the robots that currently inhabit the world of Stray are merely imitating their human creators, but don’t actually know how anything came to be. B-12 does, or at the very least, has the potential to.

Updated August 17, 2022: We've updated this article to include a video guide that shows you the location of all memories in the Sewers. Happy hunting!

Finding All The Memories

Stray riding a boat through the sewers

Memories are split between mandatory and optional. Mandatory Memories will be unlocked as you progress through the game, whereas optional memories are hidden in certain levels. You can tell when there is a Memory on your level by checking your "Memory" screen. Any box that is colour light grey is an obtainable Memory. You can even highlight that Memory to get a hint as to where it might be.

The Sewers has two available Memories, both are missable in a way that cannot be backtracked too (you only get one shot unless you want to restart), and they are both pretty well hidden. It is very easy to miss both of these, so take it slowly so you don’t find yourself accidentally bumping into a point of no return.

Where To Find The First Memory In The Sewers

Stray Sewers first Memory location

The start of The Sewers is very scripted. You are on a slow boat ride through, well, the sewers. You are accompanied by Momo, and so long as you are with Momo, you are not in danger of missing this Memory, so make your way through the level as required.

Once you split from Momo (permanently), you will come to a corridor filled with eggs. Follow this corridor until you get to an offshoot passage to the left that is also filled to the brim with eggs. Be careful here, as you can quickly die if you rush into it.

Destroy all the eggs (and the Zerks inside them) and enter this now cleared corridor. You will see a pipe that you can jump into that leads to an open area. Hop onto the railing and you can unlock this Memory.

Where To Find The Second Memory In The Sewers

Stray Sewers second memory location

The second Memory is a bit trickier to find because the game actively tries to lure you away from it. As long as you don’t progress too far, you can backtrack slightly and still grab it, however.

After you have met the eyes (you will know when you see them) and fought through the various rooms filled with eggs and Zerks, you will drop down onto a pipe. To your right is the beaten path - the way the game wants you to go. To your left, there is a dead end with a vertical pipe blocking your way.

Go left towards this pipe, and look to your left. You will see a small pipe on the wall that you can jump onto. Follow this pipe, jump across some barrels and enter a pipe similar to the first Memory. This will take you to an open area filled with those ominous eyes from before, and more importantly, your second and last Memory.

Next: Stray: Where To Find Every Barter Item In The Slums