Street Fighter: Duel may still be a relatively new game, meaning the absolute best team compositions are still in some level of flux, especially with updates, but some people have found the best of the best. What makes a solid team will vary, but when it comes to making a great fire team, your choices are admittedly limited.

Related: Street Fighter: Duel - Character Tier List

There does seem to be a bit of a clear rift between the top level of fire characters and the bottom level, leaving many of the best teams made up of similar characters. However, it is worth acknowledging that even a single character change can make a massive difference.

7 Dudley, Fei Long, C. Viper, Dhalsim

Dudley, Fei Long, Viper, Dhalsim Street Fighter: Duel

While Bruce Lee look-alike Fei Long is far from one of the most loved fire-based characters in the game, his applications can have a serious impact in fights. He is most useful as the first part of a combo following your chosen character’s super so that he can inflict an immediate vulnerability to fire on the nearest enemy. This means that for the remainder of the fire combo, and potentially a second if you’re quick enough, fighters will take extra damage.

If you place Dhalsim as your combo-ender, the enemy team isn’t just going to take massive damage all around; it’s also highly likely that you will KO at least that front fighter who has now become vulnerable. This is especially useful if there is a solid tank in the front that has been giving you some grief.

6 Hugo, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Mayor Cody

Hugo, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Mayor Cody Team Street Fighter: Duel

Thanks to the Final Fight native's hilarious Potato passive skill, he’s pretty much the best fire tank you could have. If you find yourself dealing with a team that is slicing through your character’s health bars, the only real option for you is to hope that a tank can mitigate the damage for long enough for a response. Hugo will help you do exactly that while the excellent C. Viper, Dhalsim, and Mayor Cody dish out damage.

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The rest of the fighters aren’t as fragile as some others, but with Hugo there to provide defense, it probably won’t matter how vulnerable they are. You’ll probably already know what a pain it is to get past Hugo, so if you are willing to sacrifice some offensive power, the big brute will happily balance out your team.

5 Ken, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Mayor Cody

Ken, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Mayor Cody team Street Fighter: Duel

Ken isn’t exactly a bad character; he just feels kind of small compared to the rest. This team is more so for someone who just absolutely loves Ken and refuses to remove him from their team, is in the early phases of the game, or just wants to try something different. You won’t be tanking much damage, so it’s vital to keep the pressure on the enemy team and continue damaging them.

Ken’s Flaming Shoryuken super is a great way to kick off a combo, and thanks to the damage output potential of the rest of the team, they’ll be able to make up for Ken’s pitfalls. He won’t be likely to last long on the field, but that’s going to be the price you pay if you’re a major Ken fan in a game in which he is supremely limited as of right now.

4 Mayor Cody, Adon, C. Viper, Dhalsim

Mayor Cody, Adon, C Viper, Dhalsim Team Street Fighter: Duel

While Adon doesn’t exactly synergize all that well with some teams, the character is still solid on his own, making him a worthy addition to any team. If you let Adon take charge with the beginning of a super combo, you’ll be able to wipe characters of the field one by one. The reason for this is the way that Adon’s Bleed effect can synergize with Mayor Cody’s Duel effect and Dhalsim’s immense Yoga Flame.

This team provides massive damage to the character in the front position while also draining the further back characters for later on. Losing a character will screw up this team’s game plan a bit, but it’s never an issue to be able to fall back on the strength of C. Viper.

3 Deejay, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Hugo

Deejay, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Hugo Team Street Fighter: Duel

If you want to play a heavier defensive game while also stacking damage up, you may want to give this team composition a try. Utilizing two tanks, this team can act as a backup if just one isn’t working out. Filling out the two remaining slots on the team with C. Viper and Dhalsim allows you to flood enemies with highly damaging attacks, while your two tanks work to keep them covered as well as they can.

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You have a lot of combo options here, but they all end up with some form of throwing off the enemy team. Hugo can briefly take enemy characters out of the equation with some of his moves, and Deejay is capable of keeping your team safe from those nasty critical hits. If each of these characters is strong, there really isn’t a bad combo chain for them to pull off.

2 Decapre, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Fei Long

Decapre, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Fei Long Team Street Fighter: Duel

This team is a bit of an oddball pick, but it’s one that you might be interested in trying out. It’s not rare to have a solidly built character that you rarely use, and for a lot of people, Decapre is that character. The main use for Decapre here is to provide a solid rushdown response to teams strong against flame thanks to her soul-based attacks. She acts as that little wrench that you can throw up against any team that thinks they have a fire-build figured out.

Her assassin status means she’ll be chewing through health bars in a different way. Rounding out the team with Fei Long’s vulnerability-causing attack, C Viper’s AoE attack, and Dhalsim’s brutal combo finish, this team is capable of outputting some shocking damage. It may take some time to get used to this build, but figuring it out is half the fun.

1 Mayor Cody, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Dudley

Mayor Cody, C. Viper, Dhalsim, Dudley Team Street Fighter: Duel

To some people, this might be one of the absolute best fire teams you could be using right now. While it does lack a solid tank, you won’t find yourself running into too many problems since the way you determine your combos will probably cover that shortcoming. This team is based around powerful AoE attacks that will decimate entire teams in seconds, making it one that you should give a try at some point if you already utilize flame fighters.

If you feel like you need some extra buffs in a tough fight, you can slot Dhalsim in your combo to handle that, though you probably will be more likely to take advantage of his highly damaging fire attacks. This team leaves the field littered with constant damage for the enemy, and thanks to C. Viper’s super, you also have the opportunity to concentrate attacks on the furthest back fighter.

Next: Street Fighter: Duel - Beginner Tips