There are many myths and legends of ancient gods and goddesses that once lingered over (and on) Earth. From numerous different cultures, there has been supposedly 320,000,000 gods since the beginning of time, from pantheons of famous mythology to gods worshipped across all types of followings.

In one of the largest running TV series’ in the industry (with season thirteen currently being aired), CW presents a thrilling story of two brothers raised as supernatural hunters. Sam and Dean Winchester are true heroes, dedicating their life to saving innocents from the supernatural world. The brothers are no strangers when it comes to powerful deities. Over the years they have crossed paths with many famous mythological and fictional figures. From vampires, to werewolves, ghosts, monsters, demons, and angels — you name it, they’ve slain it. Although, when they come across some of these mighty beings, they did run into some difficulty. We’d think that two humans would be no match for some of these powerful deities, however, they’ve proven us very wrong (years of being trained by the one and only John Winchester has certainly paid off).

We have put together a list of 30 gods and goddesses from Supernatural, listed from weakest to strongest. Join us as we unleash some of the most famous celestial beings in history, and how the Winchester’s managed to weave there way through their treacherous battles.

29 Oliver


This little guy isn't as little as he seems. Appearing in the eighth season, Oliver is the son of the god of fire, Titan, and supreme trickster - Prometheus. The young boy was afflicted with the same curse as his father, who was imprisoned by Zeus with a powerful spell that would cause him to say his good-byes and resurrect every day. Shortly after Prometheus escaped, he met a woman called Hayley, and then came Oliver, who was born a Demi-god, unfortunately with the same curse. The seven year old is alive and well after the breaking of the curse, however he hasn't spoken a word since. Can you blame him?

28 Edward Carrigan


From season two, we have Edward Carrigan, a pagan deity of the winter solstice who has survived over two millennia amongst humans on earth carrying out human sacrifices to stay strong. The Teutonic god is immortal and has several abilities including: mild weather manipulation, super strength, stamina, and agility.

He looks like your average friendly neighbor - you never know who anyone really is...

Despite these powers, Edward can be simply eliminated using a stake from an evergreen tree - nothing Sam and Dean couldn't handle.

27 Madge Carrigan


The long-term partner of Edward Carrigan, Madge appears in the 'A Very Supernatural Christmas' episode in season two (also as a god of the winter solstice), where Sam and Dean Winchester investigate a series of attacks where victims had been pulled through chimneys. They soon came to realize they were dealing with 'Anti-Santa's' of paganism. Madge was also attacked by the evergreen stake - the Carrigan couple aren't the strongest of gods, but they certainly creep us out!

26 Zao Shen


The kitchen of Folk (protector of hearth and family), Zao Chen appears in the Hammer of Gods' (season five), to discuss the apocalypse amongst many other deities. He was thought to have been immortal as he did not age, however, he was eliminated by Dean with a stake of unknown wood. Other than super strength and the standard powers most deities possess, Sao Chen wasn't the most powerful god out there. He's more of a family man!

25 Beau


Beau was the former assistant of the Greek God of wealth, Plutus. A pagan god (meaning he was immortal), however, he was still defeated by the unstoppable Sam Winchester using Thor's mythical war hammer - the Mjölnir.

Where did Thor's hammer even come from? 

He had the power to teleport from place to place within the blink of an eye, along with telekinesis and apporting (throwing an enemy across the room with a simple gesture) - all pretty cool powers we wish we had.

24 Sleipnir


A Norse god, and son of the famous trickster, Loki. Although he was a god with fairly weak abilities, Sleipnir was gifted with immortality living for thousands and thousands of years, before being ended by one of the four archangels, Gabriel (who strangely enough looked a lot like his father...)

"Sleipnir is a lot of things, but mainly he is a coward." - Gabriel

In Norse mythology, Sleipnir is the eight-legged horse of Odin (who is the father of Thor, one of the most favorited characters in the Marvel universe!)

23 Vanir


Probably the most terrifying gods in terms of looks, the Vanir is an embodiment of the Norse pagan god of wisdom and future. Taking the form of a scarecrow, the Vanir grants wealth, security, and protection from anything bad to those who help with its sacrifices. In ancient ages, villagers built an effigy (usually in their cornfields) for the god to inhabit (and claim its victims for the annual cycle). The sacrifice requires a man and a woman - any innocent who crosses its path will be in for a terrifying ordeal.

22 Moloch


Moloch was the god of sacrifice. He was captured by a heartless family of humans, The Bishops, who starved the Moloch of blood for over a hundred years. Moloch had to eventually agree to help them in exchange of sacrifice of blood every year, else he would starve. Being overpowered by humans doesn't make this guy that strong, though he was able to warp reality (changing the properties and appearances of certain things), which makes him kinda cool.

21 Leshi


The deity of forests in Slavic mythology, Leshi had the power to take the form of anything (including Paris Hilton), feeding off of humans in order to live. Leshi once ruled the woods where people would willingly sacrifice themselves to him, however, once this was cut down, Leshi ventured out into the world starving, having to find innocents to eat along his way.

Other powers include: super strength, speed, telekinesis, teleportation, thermogenesis and immortality. Although, the Leshi can be ended by being beheaded with an iron axe.

20 Calliope


Goddess of music, song, and dance (epic poetry). Calliope was one of the Nine Muses (Greek goddesses and daughters of Zeus who ruled over arts and sciences).She has been around for thousands of years, perhaps as far as the Greek civilization. With the power of conjuration, Calliope had the power to create creatures based on characters and props in theatre, being able to bring things to life.

Not sure we'd want her as a drama teacher... 

Her abilities were unique to her, although she also possessed powers of other common deities (immortality, telekinesis, and teleportation).

19 Artemis


Another daughter of Zeus, Artemis was the goddess of hunt, a deity of the Greek pantheon. She possessed the usual abilities, but had skills in archery and hunting unlike no other. The huntress is also a goddess of wild animals, the moon, hills, hunt, and wilderness - she rules the land!

Did you know... Artemis and Apollo were twin brother and sister?

We'd love to see her one-on-one with the Arrow himself - we heard rumours of a Supernatural/Arrow crossover...

18 Prometheus


Known as the 'god before gods', Prometheus was a Titan and pagan deity, who got into a bit of a pickle with the mighty Zeus. He stole the fire from Olympus and gave it to humans on earth to provide them with light and warmth and protect them from monsters. Zeus was furious, so he imprisoned him with a curse that would cause Prometheus to say good-bye and come back to life for eternity. A harsh punishment - at least we know NEVER get on Zeus' bad side...

17 Vesta


A Roman goddess of hearth who used to sacrifice six people a year in order to maintain a good harvest in Rome during the Pantheon. Apparently, she had people begging to be offered up to her (for some reason), but in order to be sacrificed they'd of had to have been pure. Vesta beholds standard abilities, with a few of her own including supernatural perception and pyrokinesis. She got a taste of her own medicine when she was defeated by Sam with a stake — pretty grim!

16 Vili


Mr.Vili  - a Norse god with your average super strength, immortality and invulnerability. He appears to be a kind, dear old man, but his actions speak differently. Vili didn't last long, as the Winchester's kicked butt and overpowered him during Plutus' auction. Alongside Beau, Vili was also eliminated with Thor's hammer by the Winchester's (we wonder if Thor noticed his hammer has been missing all this time?) We bet they wish they never bumped into Sam and Dean on this day!

15 Baldur


In Norse mythology, Baldur was one of the sons of Odin. He is thought to have been reasonably powerful, but not powerful enough seen as he was defeated by Lucifer. The deity appeared to have intimate relations with Kali, a Hindu goddess.

Baldur must be brave to date The Destroyer! 

He is portrayed as a proper gentleman, and seemed to disagree with the fact that Lucifer caused the apocalypse. Guess that makes him one of the good ones?

14 Baron Samedi


Although it wasn't displayed in the TV shows, it is believed that Samedi had power over ghosts and other 'not living things'. Probably the power we'd want the least if we were a deity!

Again, the pagan god was ended by Lucifer in the 'Hammer of Gods', his arrogance led to him to his end (along with nearly every other god in that episode). They probably regret attending the gathering seen as there were very few survivors...

13 Odin


Taking the form of a regular old dude on Earth, Odin (father of the mischievous trickster Loki), was the chief pagan deity of the Norse Pantheon. Possessing many powers similar to his kind, Odin is associated with healing, royalty, knowledge, and poetry.

Unfortunately, Odin didn't quite make it either during the episode where all the gods come together. He thought it was all silly and " just a couple of angels having a slap-fight", which he probably regrets considering his outcome...

12 Ganesh


The 'remover of obstacles', Ganesh was a Hindu god who disguised himself as a human from his true form.

The deity is really an....elephant? 

Ganesh was one of the most worshipped gods in Hinduism, possessing standard abilities, but great intelligence as worshippers believe that those who followed him, would be relieved from all obstacles and difficulties in life. He appears once in Supernatural, Dean even accidentally got a sneak peek of him in his true form - oops!

11 Plutus


The Greek God of Greed – Plutus was a powerful spellcaster, who apparently was also able to remove the souls of others. As a deity, he was immortal, however still able to be destroyed with a wooden stake to the heart! (committed by his not so loyal assistant – Beau).

“That's Plutus? What is he, God of the candy aisle?”

Greed means wealth, therefore this deity was not one to worry about the luxuries of life, being able to have everything and anything he ever wanted. We’re jealous…

10 Mercury


Mercury was a careless being, with no emotion or remorse for humans – he hated them! Although, to other supernatural beings, he was polite and well-mannered.  A pretty powerful deity, who had extreme super speed unlike other gods, making his movement faster than what is visible to the human eye. We guess this makes him pretty much The Flash, unless Barry Allen is really descended from a powerful god – who knows?

Mercury is the Roman god of messengers, and could only be harmed by other powerful beings.