
F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch


FIST Forged In Shadow Things People Missed a HP Extract on the left, Raymond playing on an electronic device in the middle and Raymond stood in front of neon signs and passing trams on the right
8 Things Everyone Completely Missed In FIST: Forged In Shadow Torch

What makes FIST so great are the tiny hidden details that add a huge amount to the game. Did you spot all of these?

FIST Forged In Shadow Torch Things That Make No Sense Raymond standing in an elevator on the left, Raymond in a grey trench coat in the middle and Raymond stood next to a shield enemy on the right
5 Things That Make No Sense In FIST: Forged In Shadow Torch

And no, we don't just mean the rabbit with the massive fist.

FIST Forged In Shadow Torch Things We Wished We Knew Lady Q holding an Iron Dog on the left, a menu of upgrades in the middle and a boss charging up an attack on the right
8 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting FIST: Forged In Shadow Torch

If you're new to F.I.S.T. then these tips will help you grasp the basics of the Metroidvania.

FIST Forged In Shadow Torch Weapons three seperate images of Raymond wielding weapons with the shock batons on the left, the homing missile in the middle and the fist on the right
FIST: Forged In Shadow Torch - Every Weapon, Ranked

F.I.S.T: Forged In Shadow Torch is an engaging Metroidvania with cool weapons to use - but which is the best in the game?

Game art from FIST Forged In Shadow Torch.
How Long Does It Take To Beat FIST: Forged In Shadow Torch?

Here's how long you can expect to spend in order to complete F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch.
