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One of the premier auto battlers, Teamfight Tactics offers players a competitive, strategy-focused game that relies on managing your gold income, synergising your champions and items, and careful positioning to counter your opponents. With various modes on offer, TFT is a great alternative to more mechanically focused games and provides an in-depth strategical experience that is not locked behind a steep learning curve.

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This beginner's guide will break down what exactly Teamfight Tactics is, the different game modes, general concepts and strategy, and how to start improving your gameplay.

How do you win in Teamfight Tactics?

Teamfight Tactics Victory Screen

In essence, the goal of TFT is to keep your Player Health above zero. This is achieved by defeating your opponents, thereby reducing their Health instead of yours. To win a round, you must buy champions from your shop using Gold and position them on your board.

  • You may only have a certain number (depending on Player Level and Items) of champions on your board at any one time.

Every round lost will reduce your Player Health by two, plus extra depending on how many enemy champions are still alive, and the Tier and Level of those champions.

A player can level up by earning a specific amount of experience, either passively after a round, or by purchasing with Gold. Although, you will earn extra Gold interest for every ten Gold you possess, so be careful not to spend too much on levelling up.

To ensure you win as many rounds as possible, you will want to buy champions that have certain synergies and traits. These will greatly empower your team depending on how many traits are currently active. There are a great many options when it comes to possible traits, and they are best saved for individual breakdowns, however, the key to a strong team is trying to build a composition around one or two strong traits.

When you possess three of a champion, they will automatically combine into a Level Two version, and owning three Level Twos will automatically create a Level Three. These champion levels are extremely important, as they significantly increase a champion's stats, so try to level up key units for whichever build you have decided to play.

Available Game Modes

Teamfight Tactics Available Gamemodes

TFT currently has four available game modes:


Max Player Queue



  • 8
  • The best mode for learning the game, there are no ranks or LP to earn
  • Games will generally be played at a lower level than in Ranked


  • 3 at Diamond or below
  • Solo if Master or above
  • The core Game Mode, ranks work similarly to League of Legends, minus promotion series
  • Iron < Bronze < Silver < Gold < Platinum < Diamond < Master < Grandmaster < Challenger
  • You will play 5 placement matches to determine your starting rank
  • You cannot demote ranks (Gold to Silver) but you can still demote tiers (Gold 1 to Gold 2)
  • At the end of each season, you will earn rewards depending on what rank you achieved
  • You will earn LP for finishing 4th or above, and lose LP for finishing 5th or below
  • In Master and above, your LP will decay if you are inactive for some time

Hyper Roll

  • 8 until 4,200 LP
  • 2 above 4,200 LP
  • A sped-up version of regular TFT, good for quick games but not for learning proper strategies
  • Double Gold earned per victory and extra experience earned to level up faster
  • No interest Gold earned which encourages fast spending
  • Players start the game with 20 Health

Double Up

  • 2
  • Instead of solo, you will play as a pair, queuing solo will match you with another solo player
  • You and your partner will share Health, and not fight each other in PvP rounds
  • Upon victory, your champions will enter a portal to help your teammate complete their round
  • Using the Rune of Allegiance, you may send your teammate champions, items, and gold
  • Before fully depleting, your cumulative health will always go down to 1, giving you a final round to try and claim victory
Teamfight tactics In Game Carousel

Upon entering the game and every six subsequent rounds, all players will enter the Carousel. This is a special round where you will get to choose a champion and accompanying item without fighting your opponents.

Players begin the Carousel locked into their platforms, and will be released in pairs, according to their current Player Health. Players with less Health will be released faster, allowing them a better selection of champions and items.

  • In the first Carousel, all players are released at the same time

The Carousel will rotate around, and to claim a champion a player must first run their avatar through it. This can be hard to time especially if the Carousel is moving away from you, and many players will often compete over the same champions, so be prepared to have a back up option!

How do Items work?

Teamfight Tactics Item In Game

Items are an extremely important aspect of TFT and aside from levelling, are the primary to increase the power of your champions. They work by combining two item components into a full item. Once combined, only certain niche methods can disassemble an item, so be sure to build exactly what items you want, rather than randomly combining for power. Items can only be combined by placing them onto a champion, and can only be removed via a Magnetic Remover, a Reforger, or if that champion is sold.

There are many items in TFT, but the vast majority will be built from these components:

  • Giant's Belt (+ Health)
  • Chain Vest (+ Armour)
  • Negatron Cloak (+ Magic Resistance)
  • B.F.Sword (+ Attack Damage)
  • Needlessly Large Rod (+ Ability Power)
  • Recurve Bow (+ Attack Speed)
  • Tear of the Goddess (+ Mana)
  • Sparring Gloves (+ Crit Chance, + Dodge Chance)
  • Spatula (No stats by itself)

The typical strategy is to focus your items on two specific champions, one focused on being your damage carry, and the other your primary tank. Your items will not always be conducive to this, but you should try to focus on this strategy regardless. Each champion can hold a maximum of three items.

Items can be obtained from various sources, including Tahm Kench, the Carousel, and certain Augments, but the primary method is via PvE rounds.

What are PvE Rounds?

Teamfight Tactics PvE Round Minions

PvE rounds occur for the first three rounds of the game, and at the end of the next six-round sections throughout the game. Instead of fighting another player, your units will contest against a variety of monsters.

These monsters will drop loot, in the form of gold, items, and champions, and are the key source for obtaining item components. PvE rounds act as a break between the PvP action and are vital times for deciding on strategy, depending on what items you receive.

The PvE rounds are as follows:





  • 2 melee minions
  • Impossible to lose, any champion with any item will win


  • 2 melee minions
  • 1 ranged minion
  • 2 Champions will always win


  • 2 melee minions
  • 2 ranged minions
  • 3 Champions will always win


  • 3 Krugs
  • All Krugs heal to full upon one's death, so position your team to focus them down one by one


  • 1 Greater Murk Wolf
  • 4 Murk Wolves
  • Wolves act as Assassins, jumping to your back row, so make sure not to leave your squishy carries unprotected


  • 1 Crimson Raptor
  • 4 Raptors
  • When one Raptor dies, all others become Crimson, gaining increased damage


  • 1 Drake variant
  • Will deal damage to targets in a cone, so make sure to spread your units


  • 1 Rift Herald/ Elder Dragon
  • Rift Herald will charge to the center of the first line before attacking


  • 1 Elder Dragon
  • Functions the same as a regular Drake but with more Health
  • The Drake onwards will always drop a fully completed item, so be sure to finish off any item combing before these rounds.

What are Augments?

Teamfight Tactics Augments

Augments are permanent bonuses that will be offered to players three times a game, on Rounds:

  • 1-4
  • 3-3
  • 4-6

There are a large variety of available Augments, ranging from increasing your units' combat abilities to increasing the size and speed of your own avatar. They can significantly impact your team composition, as a strong early Augment can favour a specific build you may not have been intending to run. For example, being offered So Small (Dodge Change for Yordles) early on can completely transition your build into playing Yordles, purely on the strength of that Augment alone.

Augments come in different rarities, Silver, Gold, and Prismatic. Prismatic Augments are the most powerful, but also the rarest.

When it comes to choosing your second and third Augments, try to synergise them with whichever build you are currently playing. Whether it be to obtain an extra emblem, or to power up your late-game damage carry, Augments are crucial in maximising certain team comps, and games can be won or lost depending on your choices.

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