We’ve yet again collected all the biggest news stories of the day, and this time, many of them are focused on the industry. Today, we saw a ruling on the Apple V Epic court case, and we also got to see some of the bizarre discussions that took place during the case. Furthermore, Twitch has decided to take legal action against some users, in light of the continued hate raids. Lastly, we take a look at the next Halo Infinite flight and the new topic gamers decided to complain about: Thor’s appearance in God of War: Ragnarok.

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Apple Ordered To Allow Third-Party Payment Options Following

Epic Games Case

The ongoing battle between Apple and Epic Games has finally come to a close, as the judge has issued a ruling on the court case. The ruling states that “Epic Games failed in its burden to demonstrate Apple is an illegal monopolist,” but “the trial did show that Apple is engaging in anticompetitive conduct under California's competition laws.” Thus, it was decided that Apple’s App Store can keep operating and taking 30 percent of every app sold, but after the app is installed, it can have users pay for in-app purchases through its own payment platform.


Apple V Epic Ruling Proves No One Knows What A Video Game Is

Within the official documents for the Apple V Epic court case, we can see the court debating about what a video game actually is. Ultimately, they decided that there wasn’t a definition that everyone could agree on, so they’d have to go with a "bare minimum" definition. In their words, "no one agrees, and neither side introduced evidence of any commonly accepted industry definition." Based on the bare minimum definition they came to, the court officially decided that Fortnite is, in fact, a video game, answering a question that no one was asking before moving onto other details of the case.


Twitch Sues Users Over Hate Raids Against Streamers

On September 1, streamers came together for #ADayOffTwitch, in which they boycotted the platform and did not stream for the whole day. This was done because hate raids have been running rampant on Twitch. The hate raids are basically bots that would spam streamers with abusive language, racial slurs, personal information, and even Nazi imagery. Though Twitch said it was working on doing something about this, streamers felt it was not enough. Now, Twitch seems to be taking this more seriously, as it is suing two anonymous users for “targeting black and LGBTQIA+ streamers with racist, homophobic, sexist and other harassing content.” Perhaps this legal action will be enough to dissuade more people from participating in hate raids.


Next Halo Infinite Flight Scheduled For September 24, Open To All Insiders

As long as you are a Halo Insider and are registered by September 13, you will be guaranteed an invite to take part in Halo Infinite’s next flight on September 24. We know that a training post will be added to the academy, and the second preview will include Big Team Battle and 4x4 Arena as playable modes. Regarding the next preview, the Halo Community Director said, “let's see how hard we can push our services and infrastructure so things will fall down during the preview instead of in December.” He also added that a new map and some objective modes will be included.


God Of War: Ragnarok’s Thor Ignites Online Debate About Abs

Surprising no one, many people took issue with the appearance of Thor in the upcoming God of War: Ragnarok game. Since everyone is used to Chris Hemsworth’s model-like portrayal of Thor, a beefy red-headed man appearing as Thor in God of War: Ragnorak has shaken people to their core, for entirely unknown and unjustified reasons. Though numerous people are complaining, there are other people praising how accurate this portrayal of Thor is to Norse mythology.

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