The classic Zelda music is roaring and the townspeople are reveling in the scorching mid-day sunlight - Ocarina of Time looks as good as you probably think it did back in its heyday with Yianni Papazi's Unreal Engine 4 remake.

Not only is Castle Town and the Temple of Light completely remade, giving even Breath of the Wild a run for its money in visual fidelity and charm, but the inhabitants have also been remade in modern-day graphics, retaining the charming designs of old and the cartoon aesthetic albeit with up-to-date polish.

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It's a glimpse into what Ocarina of Time could be if Nintendo put some effort into bringing it over to the Switch, but fans aren't holding their breath after the Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy ports which were essentially just that - ports. Still, a remake in the vein of Spyro, Crash, Mafia, Resident Evil, or Demon's Souls would certainly be a hit with players.

The closest thing to the breathtaking rendition of the Temple of Time that's seen in this fan-made cinematic is in Breath of the Wild but that's run-down and in ruins. Naturally, with Nintendo's history of takedowns, there's not much likelihood of this project going anywhere beyond the cinematic, so it too may end up run-down and in ruins. Still, a glimpse into what could be is awe-inspiring.

That being said, Yianni stated that the project was a "little cinematic" that he "put together over the past two days" for his portfolio, so it likely isn't intended to be a full remake of the game, anyway, just a fun project to show off his talent. Yianna stated, "[There are a] few areas with missing geometry. [It's] not designed to be viewed from... crazy angles. I will be sharing a build of the project hopefully this week. I will also be sending the project files to anyone that's interested in continuing. Contact me if that's you!"

One commenter, Krotiz, said, "This is how [Ocarina of Time] looked like to me when I played it [when I was] ten years old for the first time. God, how I wish to play the whole game and Majora's Mask in this quality/graphics style." Fingers crossed that they and many others get their wish come Zelda's 35th birthday.

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