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The Mageseeker: A League Of Legends Story stars Sylas, a man chained by Demacia for having magical powers. After his escape, he plans to take out the Mageseekers who imprisoned him, and help mages in the area rise up in rebellion.

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He plans to reach more people, defeat enemies, and overcome challenges, but the game may have some problems for those starting. Fortunately, these tips will help you get better at the game, get a sense of the gameplay, and help Sylas in his quest.

Explore Every Inch Of The Map

Sylas opens a treasure chest in a forest in The Mageseeker: A League Of Legends Story.

The Mageseeker rewards you more for exploration than combat. The main missions have you down clear paths, but you can go to the other routes for some excellent benefits:

  • Come across various notes to uncover Sylas' backstory.
  • Find the hidden Silverwing collectibles.
  • Collect more resources to upgrade Sylas.
  • Find more allies to unlock more combos and passive effects.

Some might be on smaller paths, while others require you to go out of the way. For example, you may go across a smaller path and find a chest, letting you know that you must take a separate path later to reach it.

Other locations may have you go off the map in your pause menu, so don't rely on it to reach areas. Try to go through places with gaps, and you'll go off the map, but you can reach hidden locations and potentially come across notes or Silverwings.

Experiment With And Utilize Dashes

Sylas stands at some gaps and prepares to dash over them in The Mageseeker: A League Of Legends Story.

Speaking of finding new paths, ensure you use your dash regularly to reach new areas and see what you can get. You don't have a jump button, but your dash functions as one, allowing you to get across ledges and reach new locations.

The game won't let you dash off ledges unless you can reach a location, so if you blink and stay at the ledge, you know you can't access that area. This, combined with the relatively small HP loss for falling, means you can experiment and explore different potential routes.

You also have unlimited dashes with a short cooldown between them, so you won't waste resources as you try to reach new areas. Dashes have other benefits that make them essential to use while you play.

  • Dodge enemy attacks before they hit you.
  • Travel through the missions faster.
  • Quickly hide behind pillars or walls to give yourself some space.

You can always check the map to see if any locations aren't connected to the main map. That lets you know you can dash to those locations, so check the surrounding areas to see how you can get there.

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Don't Be Afraid To Use Potions

Sylas stands against a knight who wields a sword and shield in The Mageseeker: A League Of Legends Story.

During the second mission, you'll gain access to potions. You get three charges for these potions, allowing you to quickly heal before you die. Since you have a finite number of heals, you may hesitate to use the potions during or after fights.

You should use potions whenever you drop below 50 percent health. You'll come across checkpoints in each mission which will both fully heal you, and also restore your potions, so you can use your potions more often than you initially realize.

However, you should avoid going up to a checkpoint if you have plenty of health and potions, to maximize the use of your potions and avoid wasting the checkpoints.

Hijack Every New Enemy You See

Sylas hijacked a fire spell from an enemy in The Mageseeker: A League Of Legends Story.

One of The Mageseeker's key mechanics is hijacking. Hijacking means you temporarily steal their magic to use it against them. You can unlock those spells permanently by seizing them, and spending resources to unlock them.

Each enemy with magic you can steal will have one of the six elemental colors: red, blue, green, gray, purple, and yellow, letting you know you can hijack a spell. If the enemy has nothing you can steal, they will lack a color.

You only need to hijack a spell once to unlock it in your magic skill tree, but hijacking also doesn't use up your own mana, giving you a reason to keep doing it. The circles around enemies let you know the cooldown on your hijacking ability, so you can't steal the magic again unless the circle fills back up.

If you can't remember which enemies you seized spells from, you should hijack every enemy you see. Doing so will ensure you never miss a spell, and you can use their magic to make fights easier.

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Explore The Camp After Every Mission

Sylas exploring the game and standing near Yops in The Mageseeker: A League Of Legends Story.

Whenever you complete a mission, you'll return to the base camp, so explore it every time you return. Going through the base camp, you can perform different activities to prepare for the upcoming mission and look through your options:

  • Use spell crafting to unlock new spells and upgrade your stats. If you hijack a new enemy during a mission, you should check to see if you can unlock the spell for permanent use.
  • You can talk with characters to learn more about the lore. Also, some NPCs have dialogue options for a limited time, so it's easier to talk with every character who has an exclamation point over their head.
  • Assign more spells to your character. Since you can unlock four spell slots, you can choose whichever works best based on the upcoming mission.

As you play through the game, you'll unlock more facilities, such as gaining access to recruits and seeing what bonuses they offer. Always explore and look for new opportunities to maximize your time between missions.

Don't put all your points into spells early on. You'll soon unlock an area that lets you spend resources to upgrade your stats, so you'll want to save some to boost your damage and survivability.

Treat Boss Fights Like Puzzles

Sylas fighting against the Polar Lizard while hijacking its spell in The Mageseeker: A League Of Legends Story.

Boss fights in this game function more like puzzles rather than actual fights. Since enemies have specific weaknesses, you want to use different spells and hijack them to damage them significantly. Most bosses resist physical attacks, so the battles will take forever if you try to power your way through them.

First, you should watch for its attacks. If you watch for their tells, you can predict their attacks and avoid the damage. You don't want to rush in and attack, since some moves may take you by surprise. Instead, wait for the boss to use a powerful attack, go in for a quick combo, or stay back and use your magic to attack from a safe distance.

You should also watch to see if any enemies appear, or for other changes. Hijack their magic, since it'll most likely be effective against the boss; the same applies to bosses that change their magic, since you can see if they have the opposite elemental types to deal additional damage.

The same can apply to new enemies you face, especially if they introduce a new mechanic. For example, one enemy will bring up a magic shield, so you must perform physical attacks before you can deal damage with your magic.

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