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Your primary goal in The Mortuary Assistant is to identify which of the three bodies is harboring a secret demon waiting to possess you. To do so, you'll need to pick up on multiple little hints throughout the night. These include sound cues, haunting events, and even marks on the specific body — if you're lucky.

The Mortuary Assistant: Every Ending, Ranked
One shift as the mortuary assistant is harrowing enough. But to discover the full truth, you'll need to go back and do it again and again.

Before you start it's helpful to learn just how many marks there are for identifying a demon, and how to look out for each one. As they have many ways to appear, you'll always need to be on the lookout. This also means you're always susceptible to whatever scares the game has in store for you.

Updated November 24, 2023, by Sean Murray: Trying to tell which body houses a demon in Mortuary Assistant is a matter of life or death. That's why we found it important enough to update this guide with improved formatting and more breakout tips to make finding that pesky demon easier than ever.

Hauntings To Look Out For

The Mortuary Assistant Face Inspection

One of the easiest ways to tell if a body is possessed by a demon is to keep inspecting it. A possessed body will sometimes change position or make slight movements, and this is a good sign that it's the correct body.

However, this isn't necessarily an accurate way to find a demon, as it may move the wrong body to throw you off its scent.

There are other hints you can find to help you narrow down the exact body you need to cremate. The next biggest clue is the presence of marks on the body left by the demon. Although all bodies will have a number of marks on them, a possessed body will gain new marks as you work on it.

Even after you've put a body back into cold storage, double-check before cremating it in order to check for any new marks.

Learning The Demons Name

the mortuary assistant demon sigils

While you always need to be looking out for signs of which body is possessed, that won't strictly help you unless you know the demon's name. Luckily, you should have found all four markings of the name by the time you've finished working on the third body.

To get the symbols to appear, you'll need to use a letting strip. These are used to determine when a marking is nearby. The letting strips can be found in the cabinet next to the computer.

Press Q to pull out the strip, then walk around the mortuary. The strip will begin to burn, and eventually cast a flame. Once it has fully burned, the marking will be somewhere close. Check in the cupboards, on the ceiling, and behind doors to find what you're looking for.

Creating The Mark And Burning The Body

Demon Mark On Body The Mortuary Assistant

Once you have found all four of the demon's markings, you're ready to work out its name and create its mark. Head over to the computer.

In order to determine the correct order for the marks, you'll need to enter the night shift system on the computer. From here you can see all the potential demon names, which all have a unique collection of markings.

Only one name will have all four marks you've collected, so you can now put them into the correct order. Take the mark and place it on the body you're confident is housing a demon.

You only get one chance to burn the correct body, so make sure you're certain of your choice.

Once you've placed the mark, wheel the body back to the cold storage room. This time, place it in front of the furnace, then press the red button to burn the body.

The cutscene that follows will tell you whether you are correct. If not... well, you're now doomed to eternal demon possession. Congrats!

10 Scariest Haunts In The Mortuary Assistant
We still haven't recovered from some of these.