When Obsidian made The Outer Worlds, they created a game that uniquely combines elements from RPG and science-fiction games, offering an unprecedented adventure. The Outer Worlds occur in a solar system ruled by corporate bosses, and the story is told through a darkly funny lens that often falls in the category of satire. Workers in The Outer Worlds are viewed as disposable and oppressive corporations run the world.

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One of the best ways to learn about the game's tone are the memorable quotes throughout — they're also what sticks in your mind the longest after finishing the story. Sometimes funny, other times thought-provoking, always entertaining, The Outer Worlds is filled with some great dialogue, which includes the following.

10 “I’ll Take Your Confession Now!” - Vicar Max

Vicar Max Firing A Gun in The Outer Worlds

Maximilian DeSoto (or Vicar Max as you’ll come to know him) is a vicar of the Order of Scientific Inquiry. While he tries to maintain the dignity of a vicar, Max has a bad temper and a disdain for those he views as immortal. Before he guns down strangers, Max sometimes blurts out “I’ll take your confession now!”

Like most things in The Outer Worlds, religion is turned into satire in the game and this quote is an excellent reminder of that. Not only is this quote a great insight into how contradicted Vicar Max is as a character, it’s absolutely a hilarious thing to say before you start blasting.

9 “It's Like An Unbreakable Elastic Band - It Will Only Stretch So Far Before It Snaps Back. The Further It Is Stretched, The More Violent the Eventual Correction.” - Vicar Max

Vicar Max Aboard Ship in Outer Worlds

After you recruit him, Vicar Max can be found in his room on the Unreliable ship’s second floor. Vicar Max describes his religious viewpoint in a way that suggests it's an elastic band that will only stretch so far before a violent correction. Max reveals that his life is a quest to test his perspective.

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This quote is a powerful one because it summarizes one of the primary themes in The Outer Worlds. In the colony of The Outer Worlds, the Order of Scientific Inquiry and Scientism are the only corporate-approved beliefs. These beliefs strengthen the social quo, and create difficulty for anyone who wants to buck the system.

8 “I Like Long Walks On The Promenade And The Smell Of Spacer’s Corona. I Make A Mean Zero Gee Cocktail And I’ve Got A Meaner Right Hook.” - Ellie

Meeting Ellie in The Outer Worlds

A self-described “sawbones” and mercenary, Marilyn Fenhill (or Ellie) is a companion in the Outer Worlds. Ellie does not believe in helping others and always wants to avoid introspection, as you can judge by this quote.

The intrigue to this quote is its best part. The quote gives you a taste of the fights, journeys, and bars in The Outer Worlds, and it's almost an invitation to take off on the fun and excitement you can explore in the game. It also gives you a clue to how adventurous the game’s storyline can be.

7 “Spent My Whole Life Up There, Watching The Ships Roll In And Take Off. Always Wondered When My Ship Would Come.” - Felix

Felix in The Outer Worlds

You can select young rebel Felix Millstone as a companion, and though Millstone has a reputation for starting trouble, he’s charming, persuasive, and a talented locksmith too.

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One of the best parts of The Outer Worlds is how fleshed out the characters in the game are. In less than 50 words, this sentence gives you a detailed idea of Millstone’s personality and how he grew up. This quote summarizes Felix’s puppy and Luke Skywalker-ish personality well in few words. The power in this quote is how well it sums up Felix's story.

6 “The Board Also Believes It’s Impossible To Live On Monarch, Yet Here I Stand. They Believe Gainful Employment Necessary To One’s Survival. I Believe The Board Can Kiss My Ass.” - Nyoka

Meeting Nyoka in The Outer Worlds

Though she's one of the least popular companions in the Outer Worlds, Nyoka Ramnarim-Wentworth III is a down-to-earth, lovable character who offers perhaps the best development in the game.

This quote shows a hint of Nyoka’s fearsomeness and her constant preparedness to fight. This quote raises the tension between the rebel characters and the corporation in the game perfectly. This is a short but powerful quote in the game.

5 "I Have No Concept Of Self Whatsoever. [...] I Never Get Bored And Contemplate Hijacking The Ship, I Swear." - ADA

Conversation with ADA in Outer Worlds

Autonomous Digital Astrogator (ADA) is an advanced AI in the game and lives aboard the Unreliable. ADA’s state of sentience remains uncertain. Even though ADA rejects the possibility of being sentient, she shows many emotions that suggest sentience.

One factor that makes this quote such a good one is that it’s a perfect encapsulation of ADA, who can end up becoming a major player in the game. The last sentence is also a shining example of the playfulness, humor, and rebellious nature of the game. This quote leaves you wishing that ADA has a more fleshed out story.

4 “Monarch Ain’t Safe Even With Me Around. I’ve Just Got Intimate Knowledge And An Abundance Of Fortitude." - Nyoka

Nyoka in The Outer Worlds During Claire Sequence

After clearing out a hunting hub, you can obtain Nyoka as a companion. Nyoka works well for non-combat approaches and can help out a ton during big creature battles.

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While some companions do not have storylines that are as fleshed out, this quote sticks with you as you proceed through the map sticks with players. In addition to its lastingness being a sign of its power, this quote is also one of the most exciting and prepares you to fight and go up against anything you encounter in the game.

3 “If I Have To Eat One More Weird Science Project Passed Off As Food In This Sprat-****** Colony, I Am Going To Stab Someone.” - Sanjar

Meeting Sanjar in The Outer Worlds

Sanjar Nandi is the head of Monarch Stellar Industries. While corporations are often made to be made evil in the game, Sanjar is a reminder that not everything in the corporate world is corrupted. Instead, Sanjar is good-natured and strong-hearted.

You can express your displeasure to Sanjar when debating eating saltuna. If you choose this statement, Sanjar compliments you for being honest and suggests that you harness your feelings. Making things even funnier, later while exploring Monarch, you discover that Monarch is placing a secret ingredient of fish into its saltuna. Not only is this one of the funniest quotes in the game, it also expresses the game’s rebellious, energetic nature.

2 “It's Delicious.” - Felix

Hiring Felix in The Outer Worlds

This quote comes from an exchange during the interview of Felix. When asked the value of Pi, Felix responds “It’s delicious.” This leads to the decision to hire Felix because he is not a man of science, but rather one of persuasiveness and action.

This quote stands out from others in the game due to its use of humor. This cleverly written dialogue manages to perfectly invoke how fun, rebellious, and street-raised Felix is as a character. It's of good enough quality that it would fit into a Hollywood film.

1 “I See A Nail.” - Parvait Holcomb

Parvati in The Outer Worlds

The compassionate mechanic, Parvati Holcomb is another companion. The cute and sweet Parvati’s special attack involves a two-handed ground pound with a huge hammer. One of the statements that Parvati utters is, “I see a nail!”

While some Outer Worlds characters are best evoked with long or vivid passages, this short and sweet sums up the adorable Parvati well. Parvati is not just sweet — she’s also clever. This interesting take on how she uses the hammer quickly becomes one of your favorite repeating lines if you plan on playing with Parvati as a companion.

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