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There are tons of different skills in The Sims 4 and since new expansion, game and stuff packs keep coming out the list will keep growing as well. The Cottage Living expansion pack added quite a good amount of new content to the game, including a fun new skill to explore - cross-stitching!

Related:The Sims 4: Things You Need To Know Before You Buy Cottage Living

This skill is sort of like a mix between the knitting skill and the painting skill. In fact, if your Sim has a high knitting skill they’ll learn to cross-stitch faster than usual.

How To Get Into Cross-Stitching In The Sims 4

sim cross-stitching cottage living the sims

To really dig deep into this skill you need to start with the basics. This means buying yourself a Cross-stitching kit and your first hoops.

  • First, you need to enter Build Mode and then go into the Hobbies and Skills category.
  • Get the Make It Sew Cross-stitch Kit and you're good to go.
  • You can now buy as many Cross-stitch hoops as you please.
  • You can also visit the Gardening Shop in Finchwick and get the hoops directly from there.

Concerning hoop size available, there are a total of three hoop sizes: small ($30), medium ($40), and large ($50). Keep in mind that patterns will also require you to own Llama Wool, which you can either purchase from the Garden Shop or gather from your own Llamas at home. Owning Llama wool will reduce the amount of money your Sims has to spend on a pattern.

Once you've really gotten the hang of things you can decorate your home with your beautiful creations, give them to friends, or sell them for profit on Plopsy - which comes with Nifty Knitting - or, if you own Get To Work, you can even open up a store where you sell your work. The world is your oyster, master this fun skill and get creative with all the possibilities it gives you.

Who Can Learn To Cross-Stitch In The Sims 4?

Sims 4 cottage living child cross stitch

Any Sim from a child upward can learn to cross-stitch in The Sims 4. This means it is a rare hobby than spans age-groups, much like knitting. As long as you have a the right equipment any Sim old enough to be trusted with a needle can learn to cross-stitch.

Cross-Stitch Patterns In The Sims 4

SIms 4 cottage grocery and cross stitch

There are a total of 64 different patterns that you can learn when it comes to cross-stitching. On top of that, there’s the option to stitch from reference, similar to paint from reference in the painting skill. This opens up an entirely new world of cross-stitching possibilities.

There are five different categories:

  • Simple
  • Phrases & Mascots
  • Nature
  • Sims & Animals
  • Food

You will unlock Simple and Phrases & Mascots patterns as you level up. However, most of the patterns in the other three categories are unlocked either via errands or animal gifts.

Skill Levels For Cross-Stitching

Sims 4 cottage living family time inside

In The Sims 4 there are different types of skills. Most of the skills available in the game you will only be able to improve until you reach level ten, however, there is a group of skills that you can only increase until you’ve reached level five, these are called minor skills. Cross-stitching is a minor skill, therefore its maximum level is level five.

Each level will unlock the ability to create more complex and different types of patterns. Reach level five to unlock the 'Stitch by Reference' option.

NEXT: The Sims 4 Cottage Living: How To Level The New Canning Skill